Monday, December 24, 2012

Calm and Bright time

Kudos to the morning program Live! With Kelly and Michael for touting their preference to greeting cards over e-cards (last Friday’s episode). No matter how amazingly animated the e-card is, in most cases, it is only momentarily appreciated before being quickly deleted.


But a greeting card in your hand! … can be displayed and read again and again. I have mine in a decorative basket. Some of you put yours on the mantle. Growing up, I remember them being taped all around the edge of a big mirror in the living room.


And this year, like so many years before, in the midst of all the hustle and bustle, there will come an “all  is calm, all in bright” moment, when I can sit in my rocker with a cup of hot cocoa – and enjoy all the good news, warm wishes again.



  • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  • May God’s richest blessings be yours – now and in the new year!
  • May the presence of the living Lord bring strength, hope and love to you in the coming year

Friday, December 14, 2012

There are still roses to smell...

 God has seen us all through some really challenging times, hasn't He? Our parents had some real challenges too. And our grandparents. And theirs. For all kinds of people. You. Me. Our loved ones. Strangers. God has been faithful in taking care for generations.
Sometimes, life is hard - and not just momentarily hard. Pain and fears can set up shop and linger for days and weeks and…   But we must choose not to give in to all-day-long, whole life long suffering. Certainly don’t deny your feelings. Pray over them. Write down every angry, fearful, frustrated thought – say it all – then throw it away. Talk with a trusted friend. Face it. Release it. And then stop to take notice of:


The red cardinal on a black branch with white snowflakes swirling around

The aroma of freshly baked cinnamon rolls with frosting running down the sides

The mesmerizing dance of a warm fire

Roses, to stop and smell

Because everyone of us, in every generation, at work and school and church, and in every type of neighborhood – no matter how rich or poor, has a lifestory filled with both joys and sorrows. And God, faithful and true since the beginning of time and through the end of time, will do as He has promised:

To care for the needs of all who mourn in Zion,
give them bouquets of roses instead of ashes,
Messages of joy instead of news of doom,
a praising heart instead of a languid spirit.
– Is. 61:3 (The Message)

Rest in God’s faithfulness. Rest in His promises… to you.

  • God has helped you before. God will help you again.
  • I’m praying and believing you will make it through this.
  • With God, nothing is impossible.






Monday, December 10, 2012

Are you ready?

Often, in past years, I’ve gotten up on Christmas morning caught a little off guard. Oh, I had all the gifts bought and wrapped. Food cooked and cookies baked. Cards sent out. But I have found myself in the stillness of that morning saying. “Christmas. It’s here. Christmas is here. Already?” I had meant to read the Advent devotional… and really listen to the words of the familiar Christmas hymns. And pray with God a little longer than usual – in the days leading up to … Christmas.


It reminds me of a bride and groom writing their marriage vows for their wedding. In that time of contemplating, and digging deep about what it all means; it’s not the flowers or the cake or bridesmaid dresses that come to mind. It’s about love. Great, big love. And how it came to be. And what it means to them now. What is means for their future together.


Shouldn’t we be having the same kind of thoughts about Christmas? God’s great, big love and what it means to us… having God in heaven come down – to be ever so close to humankind. He came to save the world.


I won’t miss Advent this year. I’m letting my heart prepare Him room.


  • Take time to “Be still and know that I am your God…”
  • For God so loved (insert someone’s name), that He gave His one and only Son…
  • Take a break from all the busyness to remember how (and why) it all started…


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Y'all come!

 Well, like many of you, I pulled the ol’ nativity set down from the attic. Nestled in the broken down box of shredded newspaper, I picked out first one character and then another. Mary. Jesus. Little shepherd boy. Angel. Lambs. Donkey… missing an ear. Cow… missing a horn. Camel… chip in the leg. Three kings with “goth” painted eyes – and I almost hesitated to set this broken down bunch out on display…

Then I realized – that scene is so much like us. What a mish-mosh of characters we are – gathered around Jesus. Young. Old. Rich. Poor. Broken. Chipped. Dusty. Standing. Kneeling. Layed low…

So, my nativity set IS out for all for see. What a beautiful, wonderful, glorious reminder:

I bring you good news of great joy
That will be for all the people.
-          Luke 2:10


All people. So come. Y’all come. Come, let us adore Him.

Share this greatest of news! Invite someone to Christmas eve service. Send someone a Christian greeting card. Say “Merry Christmas” and “God bless!” Find a tiny nativity scene at the dollar store – put Christ in the stockings this year and in the gift collections found here and there at church, work, grocery store, your bank. Let’s add some Christ to my Christmas, your Christmas, their Christmas. Because He came for us all.


          God loves you and so do I!
          Immanuel – means “God with us”
          Oh, how He loves you and me…




Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Twinkle! Little star!

The other night, my husband and I were traveling along the interstate through mid-Michigan. Past farms and fields and open spaces. And way off in the distance, I see sparkling lights along a roofline. Farther down the road, more twinkling lights. Pretty. Beautiful. Happy. I even saw a house set way back from the road – with one little light in every window. Charming. Lovely. Peace and joy – come to mind. Even from those one little lights in each window – my, how they shined in the darkness!... even from a great distance, they had an effect on me.

 Can we, also, be a tiny light in someone’s life – can we bring a little loveliness and joy into someone’s darkness? Even if they are distant? Even if it’s only a little thing we do? ‘Tis the season of giving – and not just to familiar loved ones here in town. ‘Tis the season when Christ’s light in us shines most brightly… and can reach the most darkest, most unimaginable places. Think of those distant: geographically, relationally, financially, spiritually … distant / in different situations than ourselves.

John 1: 8 says:
He (John) himself was not the light;
he came only as a witness to the light.
The true light that gives light to every man
was coming into the world.

Make the most of this season, this opportunity – to share the light – no matter how small the effort… make the effort – to touch someone with the light of His love.


  • It is so much fun spending time with you!
  • If you’re having a good day, my prayers have been answered!
  • When I count my blessings, you quickly come to mind.







Friday, November 30, 2012

Give me rest

Our daily lives can get pushed and shoved into busyness most any day; but holidays seem to ramp it up a notch or two. So many expectations on what has to be done – what others expect of us, what we expect of us. Do you get the feeling you won’t get it all done – no matter how much time you spend on the hamster wheel? Do you fall exhausted into bed at night thinking “ I should have gotten more done” and start mentally writing a pressured to-do list for the next day? The truth is: there’s always more to do. It’s called living. Nobody, nobody – ever gets it all perfectly all done. And we need to make our peace with that.

 I’m reminded of some poem that talks about dust and cobwebs having to stay, for I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t wait.

 Yes. I’m talking about priorities. (physical, emotional, financial, relational, spiritual) Let’s settle down real quiet-like, and make up a list of three things that are of utmost importance to you when it comes to the celebration of Christmas. Be still. Be quiet – like taking the time to rock a baby… what does your resting heart say? Three things – and only three. And then, when you start feeling harried – check your list. Are you investing in your priorities?

 Is it purchasing the most perfect gifts? Is it about managing finances wisely? Is it spending quality time with family and friends? Cooking and baking favorite treats? Is it about sticking to a diet? Decorating the house to the nines like we always have? Is it giving and helping more than usual? Is it more meditation time on Jesus the Christ – child?

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me,
for I am gentle and lowly in heart
and you will find rest for your souls.
 – Matthew 11:28-29

  • You, dear friend, are an important part of my life.
  • It is such a blessing to call you (sister, friend, aunt…)
  • Thank you for your wonderful hospitality. We truly enjoyed ourselves.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I want something new

I want something new!

 Isn’t that what we’re all saying upon this season of mega-advertising? I want something new! Apparently, I need the newer, bigger, brighter – and didn’t realize it. We are flooded with ads on the internet, flyers in our postal mail, all over the television. And I agree. I want something new – for me!

 I want to be the one who slows down so somebody can merge onto the highway without fear. I’ve done it on occasion, but I want it to be a part of a new me. And I want to be the one who lets someone “cut” ahead of me in the grocery check-out line because they have fewer items. I want to be the one who bakes and decorates sugar cookies for the one who’s been too ill or too busy to do themselves. I want to be the one who sends a card to the shut-ins or the vets or the soldiers overseas. I want to be the one who brushes the snow off the car next to mine in the parking lot. I want to slip a note to the postal carrier and let them know I’m praying for them as they walk and drive on the winter roads. I want to take someone out for one of those seasonal fancy coffees.

Yeah. I want something new… I want a kinder, gentler world. Lord, let it begin with me.

  • It’s a real treat to know you!
  • God will take care of you!
  • You come to mind often and I say a prayer for you.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It's that time...

This is one of those times in the year when we stop and think about other people. People near and far. People we know well and see often, some who are distant in miles but not heart. And even strangers capture our attention. Take time for a couple deep-cleansing breaths as you consider… giving. Give with joy and love from your heart. Be giddy as you find that perfect gift for someone. Take a deep-cleansing breath, stand up straight and tall and relish the conversations as you mingle at one gathering, then the next. Take a deep-cleansing breath as you jot a note to someone “it’s been too-long” since seeing. Slow down and breathe so as to give from your heart and not the rampant pressure of the world. Remember those who have drifted from your daily radar but still have a place in your heart. We have close, day-to-day friends. We have friends we connect with once in awhile. And still others, when, despite all technology, this is the season we remember with a special message. This is it. This is that time of year when loving and giving abounds. We put money in red kettles. We hang mittens on trees in banks and churches. Purchase unwrapped toys to put in big collection boxes. We cook and bake and come together – to decorate, sing, laugh, celebrate. More than other days of the year.  Yes, this is it. Loving. Giving. Sharing. Rejoicing. Helping. Remembering. One another.  Time to remember and to love one another.

  • Remembering you is one of my favorite things to do!
  • Thoughts of you always brighten my day! Hope all is well.
  • Thank you – just for being you! Always a pleasure to connect with you.


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Intentional Focusing

Intentional focus. I’m talking about that time (yes, time) when we choose to shut out the world and all other distractions, turning ourselves to one thing – whether for a moment or a minute… or more. You might have recently done that very thing around the family dinner table before you began eating. Purposefully thinking about thankfulness, or a praise, or a plea – and nothing else. Prayer. Turning our thoughts toward God.

 When I had little ones in the house (I was a foster mom and an adoptive mom), I had children’s mealtime prayers written out on index cards. Every day at dinnertime, I would shuffle them up, fan them out, and say, “Pick a card! Any card at all!” And it wasn’t long before we all had them memorized. I wonder if any of them still remember: “Thank You, God, for daily bread. For apples and cherries red…” It was probably nice for them to have a reminder or a prompt from a card.

At another point in my life, those of you who knew me back when – when I was very shy and introverted – I was called upon at church to participate in healing prayer. That required being hooked up with a microphone, getting up in front of the whole church at the appointed time in the Sunday morning service, and leading the congregation in intercessory prayer as the requests came forward. Yeah, I know. Eek! No cue cards here! How I was ever brave enough to be in this spontaneous-oh-my prayer situation, only God knows. But, wow, what a wonderful thing happened to me. I relied on God more than ever. Not knowing what prayer request would come up front, there was no way to prepare. God had to show up in the here and now. And show up He always did. With just the right words. Many times “I” would reference a scripture verse I had recently read. It just seemed to pop right into my head.

(The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue,
to know the word that sustains the weary. – Is. 50:4)
I don’t think this verse from the Holy Bible was meant exclusively for Isaiah. Because I think they sometimes apply to me. And if they sometimes apply to me, might they not also sometimes apply to you?

(My intercessor is my friend as my eyes pour out tears to God;
on behalf of a man he pleads with God as a man pleads for his friend.
- Job 16:20


God has mercy and compassion on all His people; faithful to all generations. Unchanging. The same God that spoke and helped and healed and gave strength to those in the Bible, is the same living God we have today.

So, as I’ve mentioned in previous blog posts: verses from a recent scripture reading, or a line from a song, or from a daily devotional – one sentence or phrase that stands out – can be turned into a prayer for someone. And it can be written down in a notecard. Try this. Instead of saying “I am praying for you” – actually write out a two or three sentence prayer. For a more powerful effect, insert the person’s name into it. Prayers of thanks. Prayers for strength. Prayers for help.

Prayer is powerful and effective. Here are some sample verses I have used:

  •  Though you have made (_______) see troubles, many and bitter, You will restore (______’s) life again; from the depths of the earth You will again bring (______) up. You will increase (______’s) honor and comfort (______) once again. – Ps. 71:20-21
  • When the Lord saw (_______), His heart went out to (______) and He said, “Don’t cry.” – Luke 7:13
  • I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake (______). – is. 42:16





Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Holiday Sensitivity

It wasn’t that long ago really… when I wanted to bail out of celebrating the holidays. It is true. I was newly divorced, my mom had recently died of cancer, and my son was on his way to Iraq. Thanks, but no thanks to all this “cheerfulness”. I wanted to stay in my apartment and wait for the season to pass.

I will tell you what happened to me… then maybe someone will come to mind to you – where you can step in somehow – and maybe not fix how they’re feeling – but at least be more sensitive to how they’re feeling. Because these upcoming holidays seem to demand family connections and memories. Consider that when you meet someone at a gathering who has never been able to bear a child; or an adult who is not married. A single dad. Think about people suffocating from the news of a cancer. Or the loss of a loved one and this is one of the many “firsts”… And there are people far from home who can’t afford to go visit or who have no family to visit, or buy gifts for… for many people, life in these times are increasingly distant from the Norman Rockwell paintings of long ago.

When the “wounds” are fresh, it’s hard to know what to say and do:

  • Be patient with yourself and the world.
  • Thankfulness will return in time.
  • It’s okay to grieve and be sad and miss and mourn and cry. I support you in this for as long as you need. (and mean it)

But please don’t disconnect from this person. You can bring some light into their life. A little light does amazing things – certainly more than no light. “Flying solo” through a trauma can seem like the best idea – you’re focused on this sad thing…Not getting out with others seems like the easiest, but it is also a hard, lonely way to live. Even in sad times, you need an intermission, a respite. I’ve read that one of the biggest overcomers to loneliness and depression is to get out and do something for someone else. Giving can heal your heart.

 And maybe, just maybe… they’ve gotten to the point where they are sick of thinking about sickness or absence or missing… and just don’t know how to move from the numbness to something new and fun and happier.

 So, let’s brainstorm and share some ideas to consider. Because we all know people like the ones I’ve described above. I would welcome your comments below on what we can do for those needing the love from a different kind of Christmas.

Oh, yes! My story. My rescuers were a couple of gals who decided we should have a Christmas tree decorating progressive party. That’s right… I thought the same thing. But we went to each other’s houses (in between stops for coffee and chocolates and other treats, oh MY!) and we  decorated trees all day long and checked out all the ornaments and tree skirts and different styles. At the time, I didn’t have a tree, lights or ornaments – but bless her soul! – somebody had everything I needed in her basement and lovingly, willingly, gave to me. And I still have those ornaments. And although, I’ll admit, it didn’t really change my state of mind immediately, looking back I see that it did get me over the hump… and I now have fond memories of a time when what I had planned would have been sadly short of the new memories God wanted me to have for Christmas.

That’s my story. It won’t work for everyone. So let’s hear from some others! What do you think we should try this season to love and include all peoples? Together we can make a difference!


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Note to self:

A neighbor recently had some surgery done on her heart. Definitely, send her a card. A happy, funny card.

Someone at church has two family members in the hospital / recovery process. God bless her. Send her a card (knowing the “sick”ones always get cards – but what about the mom standing by, right?)

Reading a really interesting book, a friend that lives one hour away recommended it. I think I’ll drop a note off to her and let her know how much I am enjoying it and thanks for thinking of me. (and let's get together soon to discuss it!)

Was at a meeting the other night, and a friend handed me a copy of a devotion he had read that day… said it reminded him of me. And it does. Another note of thanks for thinking of me and sharing.

A woman I recently met sent me information about her connecting returning soldiers with dogs that need homes (because my son just returned). I have the perfect dog card to send her a note of appreciation.

And I have my regular list of shut-ins that I send cards to every month. Got those Thanksgiving cards out just in time. They love getting mail!

Birthdays! Birthdays! There’s always one or two on my calendar.

And I do write to my sponsored child in Uganda every month as well.  I like little note cards so I don’t have to write very much. J

Which reminds me of a pen pal ministry for incarcerated teens that I used to be involved with. I have more time on my hands now, maybe I should get back into that…


  • You’ve been on my mind lately…
  • I cherish our friendship and appreciate your thoughtfulness.
  • You mean a lot to me!


Monday, November 12, 2012

Change ?

Well… I’m trying to eat healthy… again. Not that I need to lose a bunch of weight, but because I know that the right nutrients in my body make me more alert and energetic and able to enjoy life more.  But in this world of go, go, go… it sure is hard to make a change in my daily pattern – because change calls me to slow down and consider, think – and then make a wise choice… changing my daily routine from a more comfortable, well established pattern to something more purposeful, at a more conscious level. Eek!


After the initial hoop-la of buckling down and being all gun-ho about this positive step to a new and healthier way, then comes the need to really settle down and be serious about a long term change. Raise your hand if you’ve been there and done that. We start off so energized and determined… and then drift… and then slide back into our old comfortable, yet not-so-good-for-us ways.


And this starting something new is not limited to just a change in diet. Oh, no… people are making changes in all kinds of ways. And like dieting, they can be all optimistic and gun-go in the beginning, only to realize change can be hard work. Change is about step – by – step little victories. Is there someone you know trying something new? Anyone you know who is:


Making a change in their diet * Trying to exercise more * A new baby in the house * Newly married (talk about a lifestyle change!) * Empty nesters * Loss of a spouse, child or yes, even a pet * Adult children move back home * Parents in need of daily attention and care * A move to a new house, school, or job * Heading up a big project * Has become a committee member at work, church, school * Starting a new job or career * Fundraiser * Going through physical or occupational therapy * Retirement *


… and as you can see, the list can go on and on.


Hooray! For my supporters! Because even the smallest of gestures – a kind word can keep me trying. Encourage others to make one good choice after another. Step-by-step. Will you be that someone for a loved one you know?


… With my God, I can scale a wall. – Ps. 18:29


  • Proud of you for taking this on… God bless you with endurance, energy, wisdom and strength
  • You have my full support… praying for your success.
  • May you enjoy steady progress (and peace) with each passing day.





Friday, November 9, 2012


It certainly isn’t hard these days to find bad news; heart-breaking news. It seems all too easy to make a list of things to worry about, lose hope about. Do you have a list of circumstances in your life where getting things turned around seems impossible?  Waiting and waiting and things aren’t appearing to get all better…

I believe bad news and good news run alongside each other – like railroad tracks.

For some reason, bad news seems to jump out at us, screaming for attention, and attention it gets. Good news on the other hand, is just as present, but you have to “force yourself” to acknowledge its presence. Because good news IS present. So let’s practice – refocusing.


I want you to stop and think for a minute – of how many cancer survivors you can name. Make a list.

And how about those who have survived serious surgeries – add them to your list.

Do you know some who made it through a life-threatening accident?

How many people do you know who were unemployed and finally got a job?

A soldier home from the war…

A complicated pregnancy - had a healthy baby…

Someone returning to the faith…

A couple who has celebrated many years of marriage…

Someone lost a bunch of weight…


In all these scenarios, the outcome could go either way, right? But, right now, acknowledge the fact that all these people that you know, survived what at first seemed mighty impossible. Celebrate! Rejoice! Smile! Embrace it!

So, add your numbers up… and I’ll add mine. And together we have a nice little group of – miracles! Now, if we go really conservative and say that 100,000 people in each state can come up with the same number of miracles – well, that’s a lot of good news action going on!

My sole point in all this is – do not give up hope. Ever. Nothing is impossible for God. Miracles happen every day. They do! God is busy every day. And they seem to happen to all kinds of people – rich, poor, etc. regardless of race, age, sex, religion. And it can happen to you. Have hope.


  • With God all things are possible. Have hope.
  • Miracles are happening every day. Praying and believing with you.
  • So, do not fear, for I AM with you; do not be dismayed, for I AM your God; I will strengthen you and help you…. – Is. 41:10

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sing... sing a song

Today I want to talk about music. Songs. And words in a song. Because we all relate to music…the right song can soothe us, right? Don’t you have a favorite song? One that comes to mind when you’re feeling blue? Or do you hum or whistle a little tune when you’re having a good day?


Or maybe, like a dear loved one of mine, who went through the trauma of having cancer and its treatments, heard a song on the radio and the words spoke exactly to what she was feeling. And it became her mantra. Her strength.


It doesn’t have to be religious / Christian music, although those can certainly bring about words of hope and love. Encouragement and power. But awhile back, I was listening to a classic rock station, and an old James Taylor song came on. And the words just washed over me. Not only was I comforted, but a couple of friends came to mind. They have been living busy, harried lives – and this song, I knew, would settle them down for a good night’s sleep as well. So I simply wrote to them, and said I heard this on the radio and it made me think of them. And I jotted a couple lines of the song down and mailed it out.


I have also used choruses of songs to lift up someone’s spirits. The old hymn “Great is Thy Faithfulness” is one I have used in sending notes to shut-ins. Just a few lines… brings hope, reassurance and promise to these dear souls.


And how about an old camp song – shared among friends. Revive a good, ol’ memory by sending those familiar lines to someone you know.


For those of you who have trouble thinking of something clever or appropriate to write in a card, consider the words written by professional songwriters.
Today, slow down… and become aware of the music around you. Listen to the words. Jot some of those phrases down. And then, later, take a card and simply write them down and send a meaningful message to someone on your heart. Try it. I’ve done it. And people are blessed by your thoughtfulness.


  • Heard this song on the radio and it lifted my spirits. May it do the same for you.
  • Remembering this old favorite brought warm thoughts of you to mind.
  • May you be encouraged and strengthened by the words of this song…

Thursday, November 1, 2012

... and what NOT to say

Had a conversation with a dear friend recently. She happens to have suffered a loss of a loved one – and also works with others who have. So I feel pretty confident to share some of the things she told me.


Grieving is a terrible business. Grieving is a personal business. Everyone handles it differently. It’s mind-numbing. It is life stopping. And it always takes longer than you think.


A few things that just don’t help in the time of fresh grief:


Your loved one isn’t in pain anymore. (I don’t care! I want my loved one with ME)

Your loved one is in a better place. (I don’t care! I want my loved one with ME)

May you have peace that passes understanding (I don’t want peace. I want my loved one with ME)

I know exactly how you feel (No, you don’t. You don’t)


And this next one, used my many of us, innocently and not meaning harm:

It’s been a year now… it’s time for you to move on.


Call it selfish. But the feelings are honest and raw and real. They come in waves – tidal waves. Sometimes they ebb and flow. Eventually, there are days that are better than others. But that empty ache never really goes away. In some ways, you don’t get over it in a year or two or…


So, what can we say in these instances? Because we do love and care for this person.


  • I am so sorry this has happened to you.
  • I am here for you. I’ll call you next week. I’ll bring dinner.
  • I will share your joys and sorrows, til we’ve seen this journey through.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Putting it down

The cooler weather brings out the “knitting bug” in me. In the past, I have entertained myself by working on mittens – of every size and color! I had found a pattern that was easy enough… but this year I decided to stretch myself and try a whole sweater. After scouring the stores to find just the right yarn, I was ready… and excited!... to dive in and get started.


Knitting can be both relaxing and exhilarating. The more you get done, the cooler it is! Which makes it really hard to put your project down.Such was the case the other day. I was happily knitting along, rocking in my chair and humming… when a big clump of yarn bumped my hand. I tried pushing it father down the line, but it quickly came up against my hand again. I tried pulling more yarn out of the clump. Only a few inches were gained. Grrr! And the clump seemed to be getting both bigger and tighter. A mess! Things were going along just fine and now this horrible knot is the only thing I can see. I finally set both my needles down, and with my other hand pulled the string of yarn from the opposite end. With some slow and easy pulling and a gentle shake or two from this other hand, the knotty mess loosened and broke apart so I could continue on my way.


Ever have days like that? Frustrating problems at home or work? Struggling on your own only seemed to make things worse. Then a friend comes along and opens your eyes to a different angle … and viola! What a friend! The situation had been diffused… crisis diverted. And you’re moving again.


Now, can you be that kind of helpful friend? And how? Sometimes, people just need to be reminded to put their work down… remind them to stop or slow down or take a deep breath or walk away and come back later. A few soothing words can go a long way. They may need a diversion. A respite from the trial. An intermission for hope.


  • Sit and close your eyes for five minutes – its going to be okay. I am praying for you.
  • Step outside and breathe in some fresh air – and remember I am praying for you.
  • God is still your Help in times of trouble – and I am here for you too.

Friday, October 26, 2012

A Smile Break

I know you’re busy. I know you could use a real break. And it’s not just our hands that are busy. Our minds are busy with thoughts of planning and preparing and making lists and wondering and… well, we all could use a break, couldn’t we?


People don’t need to be in a crisis situation to appreciate a thinking of you note. Everyone you know is busy in some way. And everyone likes to be appreciated for the efforts they have made.


Went to a friend’s house the other night to meet with our knitting group: Thanks for hosting! Your home is warm and welcoming and the treats you made – delish! (Who wouldn’t want to hear that?)


Another friend has a heavy workload plus has tended to unending family commitments: Thinking of you and praying your schedule will settle down some now – so you can stop and smell the roses (or coffee!... or wine!)


What about an adult child out on their own: I love you lots! Or do you think a grandchild would get a kick out of a snail mail card?  (you might even get brought in for show-n-tell!)


What about the friend overloaded with month-end reports. And the friend doing the pick-up and drop-off driving: You are appreciated!


When was the last time you put a love note in a lunchbox? Or on a pillow? What if you sent a note right to someone’s workplace? Can you imagine the smile break from that?


It makes me smile to think of all the smiles we could generate. Go on! In the same amount of time that it takes to watch three political ads on TV, you can grab a card, write a sentence, address and stamp an envelope. Send a much deserved smile break to ____________ (who comes to mind first?).


  • You did a great job! Appreciate your efforts!
  • Feeling mighty grateful… to call you friend!
  • Counting my blessings – and of course you came to mind!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Being a friend

I met someone new the other day. We got into a conversation and she shared about her mother recently passing away. And my heart went out to her. Because we always think of death as the end. But for those remaining behind, handling all the details, life goes on… and on. I am reminded of another friend who recently lost her husband. All the legal stuff has come and gone. Its been several weeks since the funeral. All the sympathy cards have stopped coming. Everyone has gone back to their normal routines. But the grieving process will continue for a long time for her and her family. There is no back to normal for them. And I am prompted to send a little note… saying, my heart is close to your heart during this time. When you weep, you do not weep alone. I am your friend in this….


You know there will be the many first–time “withouts” in the coming year. Time will pass. And they’ll find a new normal – in some ways. And once in awhile…. still…. a memory.


Does this sound like someone you know? Would a little note from you help? You bet it would.



  • I often think of you and wonder how you’re getting by
  • Let me bring dinner over one day next week. I’ll call to set a date.
  • Write about a funny, happy time you remember involving the deceased.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Pass it on!

Ever read a daily devotional and nothing jumps out at you? Yeah. Or when you read the bible – this “come up dry” and “thirsting for a special message – just right for me” feeling. Just right for my own special need or situation. Hmmm… sitting there. Wondering. Praying for meaning. A thought about a friend comes to mind. I push it aside. This is my quiet time with God. My time to be fed and directed by Him. So I know how He wants me to follow Him today. Friend comes to mind again. And yet again. I look down at what I was reading. A phrase. A verse. The friend again.


Could it be that the message I am seeking… is not for me at all? But for a dear friend. God is directing me – to be a conduit; a messenger. He’s wanting me to pass something on.


Coming up empty after reading a devotional or scripture? Ask God if He has someone else in mind. And pass it on!


  • God brought you to mind today – so I said a little prayer.
  • I read this and it made me think of you (include phrase or verse)
  • (write down phrase or verse) and just add: thinking of you today

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Choosing to remember and believe

 I woke up this morning worrying about my boys. The trials they are each facing. One, finally! – on his way home from Afghanistan, but re-entering our world and “starting a new life”; and another beginning his high school years. And as I prayed, I couldn’t help but include the millions of other parents worrying about their boys and girls… and it got pretty overwhelming. So many children – maybe not on the right track. Making dangerous choices. And I thought about how many generations this has been going on – this worrying over children. I had to stop and remember what I’ve been telling my friends all the while my son has been overseas, “Either God is everywhere, or He’s not.” Either God really loves us like He says he does, or….not. Either God really does take care like He promises, or… not. The bible is filled with His promises of provision and strength and wisdom and power, control and love. Bigger and better than we can. Remind someone today of God’s faithfulness… remember and believe. It is safe to trust in Him.


Who do you know that needs this reminder  

  • He’s got the whole world in His hands. For generations, He has.
  • Jesus accepts you and cares for you, you and your children too.
  • Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His Word

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Who do you see?

I remember writing notes to my brothers who were in the service. Viet Nam. I was pretty young then. Later, I regularly wrote notes to mom, family and friends while I was in the Navy and stationed far from home. And in recent years, my notewriting has expanded to shut-ins, friends unemployed, those preparing for surgery, others suffering through the treatments of cancer. The list goes on. You know them too. People who are being drained of all the fight left in them. They need a moment of respite. Like a tiny candle in a big, black darkness, a little note from a familiar someone can brighten their day – their journey.


It matters. It makes a difference. With very little effort, you can change the tone of someone’s day. Stop and listen to those around you. Pay attention. Every kind and every size of struggle could use some support and understanding. Is there someone facing a big decision? Someone sick and hurting? Facing upcoming surgery?  Is there someone trying to stick to a diet? A caregiver being pulled in several directions? A single parent? A loss of a relationship? I have sent cards out in all these cases and I can personally assure you the effort has not been wasted. And I myself have felt the better for doing it. It’s not about fixing… it’s about “I see you and I hear you. You are not alone.”


Open your eyes and ears today. Who do you see? And what will you do?


  • Taking some time to be still before the Lord… and am praying for you
  • I am so sorry this has happened to you… you are in my heart and on my mind
  • Someone over here in (name your city) - or on (name your street) is thinking about you and caring about you…

Friday, October 12, 2012

Where is He, indeed?

I moved recently. I won’t bore you with all the agonizing details of packing, sorting, unpacking, finding places for…. But there is something I want you to think about and pass on.


I have a ceramic Jesus statue made many years ago by a favorite aunt. Jesus knocking at the door. It’s a beautiful piece. A one of a kind piece ( my dear aunt is well into her 90’s now – there will be no replacing this treasure).  Anyway, during the unpacking and “finding a place for” phase of the move, I looked and looked for the box marked “Jesus”.

And I said to myself, “Hmmm… I know He’s here somewhere!” And, you know, a little light clicked on inside my head – I KNOW He’s here somewhere!


How often we get so focused on the doing or so focused on our current situation, and we do wonder where Jesus is. Your head faith tells you He’s here somewhere. May your heart be just as convinced even if you can’t see Him, touch Him, feel Him at the moment.  Remind someone today… just write it down like this:


  • Jesus is ever present, even when you can’t feel Him. He is at work in your life.
  • Good is coming.  Trust in the Lord and wait for it. Don’t give up.
  • Watch and wait for the Lord your God. And know that I am watching and waiting with you.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Is there any good mail?

Stepped outside into the sunshine this morning, took a deep breath ( you can actually smell FALL in the air!) and guess what it brought memories of? My mom doing her housecleaning and keeping an ear open for the morning mail. Back in those days, it came through a slot in the front door. Back in those days, the chances were greater that it was a letter (good mail) and not a handful of advertisements. Even now, don’t we run to the computer and check our emails… looking for something more personal than another solicitation? And how do you react when you find a handwritten envelope amongst all the sales flyers in your postal mailbox? Someone mailed you a card. A gift to be sure. A real treasure find. What a delightful thing to hold in your hand. You check the return address first. Then rip the envelope open. And there it is – someone slowed down in their own busy life – and thought about you. And bothered to take the time to tell you. Are you like me and set it out on the counter (or the mantle or the whatever) for a few days?  Pick it up again and again and savor the warm, fuzzy feeling … of love and friendship. Take time today to gift someone like that. Send a note. And be the answer to their question: “Is there any good mail?”

  • You came to mind today – I sent a smile and a prayer of thanks up to God.
  • Thinking of you is one of my favorite things to do!
  • Remembering times spent with you – brings warm fuzzy happiness to my day!


Sunday, September 23, 2012


INTERMISSIONS  (a temporary discontinuation)


HOPE  (a chance that something desirable will happen or be possible)


Hours spent at the store searching for the right card for the right occasion and the right message. My solution is to offer the opportunity to hand select your own designs, creating your own boxed set. It offers that unique and “different than what everybody else is sending” hand-crafted greeting, plus handwriting your own 1,2, or 3 sentence message is perceived as more personal, meaningful and intentional - and becomes a "cut above" the rest without much effort. Yes, these cards are blank inside – but! - Each shipment will include a list of message suggestions to write. A printable list of suggested messages will also be available for your “blank inside” card.
The true mission of this website is to encourage you and others to send a thoughtful note to someone in need. My blog will stimulate the reader into desiring to reach out to others on more frequent and for more varied occasions – to steadily encourage those in need of support.
To receive an email when the website is open; send your email address to:
Looking forward to our joining together in the effort to love, support and encourage others!
Julie Crane
Intermissions for Hope