Saturday, December 27, 2014

Honeymoon: Revisited

… when I found the one my heart loves. I held him and would not let him go … (Song of Songs 3:4)

I am getting ready to celebrate a wedding anniversary. I think back to the beginning. When a simple call from him during his lunch hour made my day. The promise of an easy-going, Sunday afternoon stroll down a wooded trail was something to look forward to. When sitting on the couch with his arm around my shoulders while we watched a sitcom rerun felt awesome. Some of you may remember “back in the day” when cars had bench seats and you could sit in the middle, right up close to him, as you traveled somewhere together. Holding hands. Simply going to the store – brought delight in the early days. (I encourage you to hold hands the next time you two go away in the car together. Look at each other and smile. It will feel wonderful!)

A passage in the book of Proverbs caught my attention this morning which ties in with this remembering of mine (Proverbs 8:22-30). Look it up and see what you think. I visualize Wisdom following God around while He creates one thing after another “in the beginning”. Then it says: I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in His presence (v. 30).

It made me think about my beginnings in my relationship with Jesus. Maybe not the first moment I gave my life to Him, but those breathtaking spiritual moments that followed. Like a sunrise where it appears to have a beam or pillar running straight down from the sun to the horizon. Or the first time I read: I have called you by name, you are Mine (Isaiah 43:1). Scribbling sermon notes as fast as I can because something really clicked. Scripture leaping off the page – pertaining exactly to a current situation. A moving candlelight service. Belting out a favorite Christian song along with the radio and feeling it deeply. Do you remember those days? Do you remember the thirst and how every little thing was truly wonderful in a personal way? Those honeymoon days …

A good friend has reminded me time and time again to keep “date night” alive and with good reason.

Be warned from Revelation 2:4: You have forsaken the love you had at first.

Go back. Rekindle. Remember the words found in Song of Songs. Good words for your spousal relationship; good words for your relationship with Jesus as well. Hold tight and do not let Him go.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Pondering Time

You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and laying in a manger (Luke 2:12).

When I first arrive to work at the childcare center in the afternoon, it is still naptime. The lights are out, the window shades are drawn. A CD is playing ocean sounds, or a gentle rain. Sometimes a Native American drum and flute instrumental. Little ones are curled up on cots with their blankies. I gently take a baby from the worker I am replacing and settle into the rocker ... and just sit and listen in the semi-darkness to the rhythmic breathing around the room - and let the "music" gently wash over my soul. These few moments are mine to relish. No outside world. No outside noise, light, busyness, to-do list. I am where I belong, doing what I am supposed to be doing. Soon enough there will be glaring overhead lights, boisterous chatter, wooden puzzle pieces clattering onto the table ... but for this moment in time - a quiet, pondering time.

I imagine the blessed Mary after traveling hurriedly; not only to get to town for the census but because the baby was coming soon! Mary, finally being able to rest after giving birth. Away from the crowds. Away from the flurry of activity. From family gatherings, lines, pushing and shoving, noise. Set apart on the outskirts of it all with cattle lowing, herself softly humming to the newborn cradled to her chest. A few precious moments alone with Jesus. Starry night overhead. All calm and bright. Sleeping in heavenly peace. I can see how she would treasure these things and ponder them in her heart.

My breathing changed as I write this. For a few moments, the world stilled and I just sat in solitary thought with the Baby and His mother. Nothing else had to be done this very minute. No worries pressed in. I am where I belong. Doing what I am supposed to be doing. Relishing the awesome miracle of the birth of Christ.

Whether by Christmas tree light, or candle light, may you separate yourself from the rest of the world and "hold this Baby" close to your heart this day - and accept a little precious, pondering time.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

The never-ending story

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! ( 2 Corinthians 5:17) 
I would have to say that marriage is a life-changing experience. You have to learn a lot about compromise and being more open to other ways of doing things. It is a process, a shift in some of your beliefs of what you thought were absolutes. Its also been a real teaching tool in learning how to accept and work with others in other areas of life. Marriage could be seen as a death to single life, but it also opened the way to a beautiful marriage life. And that began with a celebration! 
I think about this life-changing / life-ending event as I sit here and pray over those around me who are remembering loved ones who have passed on, or maybe those loved ones suffering the effects of aging or serious illness. It is a process, a shift of life changing, not life ending. 
Just as marriage shifts daily life forever; just as having children, a major job change, or cross-country moves - name any milestone event - they were life-changing, not life-ending. And the same can be said for when we are called from this life to the next. It’s a passage. It’s a new chapter. Do not be afraid. As beloved children of God, you can rest in peace as you trust in Him. There is Someone Who has the wisdom and strength to power us through - one life chapter after another. The old going, the new coming! God's glorious, perfect plan.  
Open your bible. Open your hands. Welcome God's power and love to strengthen you for this new day. Come what may, cling to His promises and remain a faithful believer. Let nothing change that about you. Faithful believer.  

Friday, December 19, 2014

The last resort

You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13)
I imagine when Joseph and Mary traveled back to Bethlehem, they planned on staying with family. I mean, that would be the logical thing to do, considering her delicate condition. But maybe they got there later than the rest because they had to travel more slowly. In any case, they didn't stay with relatives. Or nearby neighbors. And I think the hotels were reserved for Roman soldiers and their dignitaries. So we find our baby-King at the last resort - a stable. Now if you went looking for this baby-King, you'd probably check in with the family first, wouldn't you? Wouldn't you look for a King right away and in the most obvious place? Certainly if not with relatives or neighbors, a hotel of finest quality would be the place to find the newborn promised Messiah. But no, the Hope of the world is found in a lowly stable manger - the last resort. 
Many people comment that prayer is used as a last resort. Imagine that! When hope can not be found in other places - earthly, secular offerings - our last resort, prayer, is where we find Jesus. There all along. Hope of the world. Right there in prayer all the time. Your Prince of Peace. 
Be wise and keep you eye on that star. You will find Him in the lowliest, darkest, most insignificant places - places you never imagined yourself to be. Look for your Hope in the most obvious place and don't wait to try everything else first. Jesus. You will find Him when you seek Him with all your heart.  

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

How about you? Did you know ...

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you … (Jeremiah 29:11) 
That familiar Christmas song about Mary realizing just Who she was holding and kissing has really caught my attention since I started working at a childcare center. How wonderful to nuzzle and rock a sleepy little one. And I have wondered what will become of them. Do their parents dream of doctors, lawyers and teachers, perhaps? Or are they just hoping their children will be happy, and givers, a help to mankind and make the world a better place? 
I look back to when I held my son, kissed his little forehead. Did I know then that he would some day go to war to fight for a justice and a freedom for a nation of people we do not know or understand? No. 
What about my own mom. Did she know when she was combing my unruly locks that I would someday marry a pastor, love the Lord with all my heart, and repeatedly write about Him that the world might know Him better; be constantly reminded about Him? Probably not. 
Mommas (and daddies too), did you know … your child would have such amazing strength as to face cancer in the eye and defeat it? Or have a gift of capturing God's beauty through the lens of a camera at a level and skill others only dream of? Lead a program that teaches children how to learn and grow. Or someone who goes above and behind what most others would take the time for …  
Did you know - when you held your little baby - that this child would grow up to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothes to the poor, visit the sick and imprisoned … would live as the hands and feet of Jesus … 
When you kissed your little baby, did you know you - kissed the hands of feet of Jesus? 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

The lasting memory

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever 9Hebrews 13:8).

I'm trying to get into the Christmas spirit, really I am. But isn't Christmas just so full of memories... But I'm older now. And there are no little ones around the house. And it's been a long time since my family shared a meal around the table because we all live so far apart. The Christmases I have now are more quiet. Sedate.

I remember big feasts around two long tables that extended from dining room into the living room. Most of my siblings and their children were there unless they were in the service and stationed somewhere distant. Wonderful mom-made food. I remember getting presents; I remember mom making sure everyone had a present. And when I got older and became a mom, the giving of presents. There have been work-related Christmas parties and Christmas programs at church and school. Parades and seeing Santa. A lot of that has changed since getting older and living far from family. Yeah, a lot of things have changed. Except one: Jesus.

Jesus has remained a part of the Christmas experience no matter how many changes come and go in my life. In fact, no matter what happens any day of the year - Jesus is present and He never changes.

So may this be a reminder to you today - that whether you are experiencing a quiet Christmas or a hectic Christmas, or if life in general seems to have moved from normal and steady to something unfamiliar and lacking, one thing never changes. Jesus. The Babe. The Son. The Risen Savior.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A normal Christmas gift

They will be so kind and merciful and good, that they will be a light in the dark for others … (Psalm 112:4 CEV)

I remember when a loved one of mine found out she had cancer. After the initial shock of hearing such news, she realized the trauma was just beginning. For now it had to be relived a hundred more times to family, friends, coworkers, church members, club members, etc. over and over again. Can you imagine? You have to put on a brave front and say the words aloud again and again. And as if that isn’t exhausting enough, every time you meet up with this group or that group, they want an update. Meaning no harm of course, just showing genuine concern by inquiring, they all ask individually every time they see you. Now if things are looking up, it’s probably much easier to share. But what if the prognosis is not good? What if things aren’t getting better? Does love demand that you be gracious to every probing question?

I’m just thinking that with all the holiday gatherings now in full swing, we might want to be more mindful of those around us going through serious health issues, divorce or loss of a loved one. Instead of the standard, “How are you, really?” how about just offering support with a “Keeping you in our prayers.” Or putting the ball in their court and giving them some control by saying, “Let me know when you’re up for a cup of coffee. I’m available.” I’m sure they will appreciate that kind of support and encouragement. I’m sure too, that they will share what they can when they can. But I think most of all they want to be treated normal. They face the reality of their affliction day and night. And I just bet they long for the days when everything was normal. Be that dear friend and given them some normal for Christmas. Laugh and joke and talk about weather and current events and grandkids like you do with other friends. And may God bless.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Wrappings, ribbons and bows

… we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore, encourage each other with these words (1 Thes. 4:17-18).

We always joke about toddlers who play more with the box than the gift inside. Don’t they know the best part is the gift and not the packaging?

We see our packages with pretty paper, ribbons, bows, colorful tags. Some gifts too beautiful to tear open. But there is something wonderful inside. Some delightful, memory-making gift.

On a higher, greater level – that beautiful gift – is us (our spirit). Our physical bodies are the pretty wrapped box. God did the wrapping and decorating Himself. But its meant to be a temporary cover. Inside is your spirit and there is no temporary purpose, no death for the spirit. For those in Christ, whether you work or play, live or die (or fall asleep as some bible translations say), it is your physical body that will serve its purpose – much like the wrappings around a gift. Inside is the true gift – your spirit living a forever life, eternal life in Christ.

So do not grieve like those who have no hope (1 Thes. 4:3). The dead in Christ will rise and will be with the Lord forever.

As believers (followers) in Christ, your forever with the Lord has already started. Let that assurance remove the horror of death. Death is not the final word. Life forever with the Lord is.

So enjoy today with the Lord. Know that whatever happens, those who hope in the Lord are with Him. Forever. The birth of Christ is the promise that there will be new birth, a new risen life, for you as well.

Friday, December 5, 2014

The work of joy

These things have I spoken unto you, that My joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full (John 15:11)

I woke up early again this morning. I have a lot of social events coming up. Lots and planning and organizing going on. So when I wake up early, my mind tends to run on overdrive wondering about all the little details. You know, like if you are planning enough food or should you get more. I wouldn’t call it worrying exactly. There can be so much work involved in hosting, right?  But after tumbling through a half hour of what-ifs, I decided I really need to change my focus.

Work. Effort. Time. Thought. I can choose to focus on all the energy involved in making something happen. Or I can choose to think about all the fun and joy that will be brought about because I chose to make something happen.

Think about your shopping in the busy stores, the traffic, the hordes of people, loud music – just to buy a Christmas gift. Ugh. But when I think about landing that perfect gift - that’s going to bring so much happiness and delight to the receiver. The one you can’t wait to give and see the expression on their face. Well, it just seems so worth it, a small price to pay.

The same can be said about preparing for visitors and “company over”. We can think of it as burdensome work. Or we can see it as gifting others with a special time.

Yes, this season can seem to be hectic, but only if you choose to view it that way. Realize what a giver you are by expending the time and energy. Embrace the joy you are bringing to others lives. Enjoy this season of loving and giving.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

My kind of joy

My kind of joy

… and no one can take your joy from you. – John 16:22

Some people get excited and energized by being in large groups, all busy talking and doing at the same time. They love gatherings and big plans. It fills their hearts with joy to spend time with others. Lots of laughing and catcalls from across the room. Dishes clanking. Busy little ones running underfoot. High energy music in the background. They are really celebrating life to the fullest in the moment!

I guess you can tell by the way I tried to describe that busy group that I am not one of them. No. I enjoy a certain amount of solitude. Quiet. Down time. Gentle sounds. Stillness. Peaked awareness of what I see and hear. No need to be entertaining or engaging. I just sit and I just am.

The first group finds their real joy in being a part of something larger. The second group finds true joy in reflective absorption.

Both are God honoring. So do not let yourself be harassed this Christmas season into one or the other. God’s Spirit is the Author of what brings each one of us joy. So while it is important to get out and celebrate with family and friends, be true to yourself and experience the joy God meant for you. And there will be lots of calls out for you too, busy people, so slow down and be still before the Lord. Make sure you do make time for that. Then get back to all that makes you happy during this holiday season.

And don’t let anyone take your kind of joy away.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

When your best doesn't seem enough

He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. “Truly I tell you,” He said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All those people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.” – Luke 21:2-4

I like candles. They sure have come a long way over the years. All sizes, colors and scents! From the big and wide three wick candle to the small slender one on a birthday cake, they all add warmth and light in their own special way.

I know we are called as Christians to be candles in the darkness. We come in all sorts of sizes too. There are people I know who live so full of energy and life – and light – they warm up any room with their glowing countenance. They know how to inspire!

But there are others, waking up every morning to pain, real pain. Whether physical or emotional, with the approaching holiday season, maybe they’re thinking they have no glow at all. It’s not true. For anyone suffering the blues: it’s not the amount of light you shed, it’s that you shed some light. Remember the single little candle on the birthday cake of a one-year-old, and all the happiness and joy surrounding it. You too, can be that kind of light. Any kind of thankfulness shared aloud brings glory to God. It’s not about how big. Maybe your thanks today is for the pain medication the doctor prescribed. Others around you would understand completely. Or maybe you’re only able to say grace before a meal. Praise God!  The believers around you will be edified and the unbelievers will be given a spark to stir their interest. Giving any thanks and praise honors God and shows you as faithful to Him. Amen?

Amen. It means “it is true” or “so be it”. Amen is the believer’s confession of agreement with the word spoken. So, be as faithful as you can. Do the best you can in whatever circumstance you find yourself in. And know that even the tiniest of thanks is a glowing flame in God’s hands.

Monday, November 24, 2014

It's pie time!

So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you (Romans 12:1-2 THE MSG).

What’s your favorite? Which ones have to a part of your holiday feast?

But there’s another pie I want to talk about. With year-end fast approaching, many are looking at how they finished out this year and what adjustments need to be made for the future. I know the church is. They are all campaigning now with stewardship drives – wondering just how much (or how little) they will have to work with this next year and how they will need to divide up the pie chart. The same may be said for you as well. Looking at your expenses and time involvement in all areas of life; determining what is really important; looking for areas of improvement and correction to the total pie you have to work with.

Certainly paying attention to your finances is important. But there is more to life than money. Your time. Your loves. Your abilities and talents. So I ask you: what does your daily life pie chart look like? How is that getting divided up? Does it really match up with what you believe is most important? Or are you overcommitting to things that are out of guilt and duty? Neglecting other important areas? Maybe a visual would bring you back into balance.

Relationships. Spiritual. Physical health. Emotional well-being. Work. Play. Giving. Sharing.  And yes, money. Just some of the areas we should be concerned about if we are seeking a balanced life. And being true to yourself.

In the busyness of the season, I pray you find time to sit by yourself and discover anew your priorities – what is truly important and necessary. And imagine, even draw out, a pie chart and consider how many hours will you invest in these priorities of yours. And above all, place it all before the Lord. He will be your faithful Counsel and Guide.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

A happy ending

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him … (Romans 8:28).

I’ll be teaching about being thankful this morning in Sunday School. Thankful for the good and the not so good. The lesson I found on the internet says to share about when a bad time in my life turned into a blessing. Hmm. My first thought is something nice and light, like: I paid the price for trying to finish off a whole bag of chocolate candies. I didn’t feel so good after that. But God offers good choices, like fruit, and I can be thankful for that. Thankful that He has made me aware of good and bad choices and thankful He will be with me next time.

That’s sounds all well and good. But then I thought of another instance in my life where bad news turned into the joy of my life. Maybe one more memorable and impactful.

Many years ago, I found out I couldn’t bear children. Such sadness and disappointment for a young married couple. But after of time of grieving, it wasn’t long after that when we went through the process of adoption and my son, Brent, was brought into my life. Oh, the joy he has brought me over the years! I would not ever change a thing about my life. God surely blessed me with a fine young boy, whose smiles still melt my heart.

Going through a rough time yourself? I’ll be telling my class about sadness in this world. And then about how God can turn anything into something good. Just you wait and see!

Do you have memories of when God turned a bad situation into something good after some time? Take some time this Thanksgiving to celebrate those as well.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Beyond all that food

For instance, take the matter of eating. God has given us an appetite for food and stomachs to digest it. But that doesn’t mean we should eat more than we need. Don’t think of eating as important because someday God will do away with both stomachs and food (1 Corinthians 6:13).

I know … poor timing for this message as we close in on Thanksgiving. But hear me out.

After all my time spent studying various dieting plans, and trying everything from fasting to calorie counting to expensive online counseling programs, I’m here to tell you that none of these work – if you don’t have a mental grasp on the goal.

I thought I had the right goal. At one time I wanted to just look good in a pair of jeans with the shirt tucked in. Later on I just wanted to get physically healthy and not have to worry about cholesterol or other potential problems. Sound reasonable. But can you believe I still can’t stick to a diet? It’s a mind game, but why aren’t these motivations working?

I am now convinced that my mind and my attitude are absolutely in control of how a diet is going to play out. And I am learning that what goes in affects how my mind functions. I believe that too much candy, cookie, chips, ice cream affects my mood and my spirit. Too much junk food and I somehow start believing that I am weak and I become doubtful. Insecure. I believe “I can’t.” And that attitude stretches beyond just dieting to actual participating in life. It can border depression.

But if I fill my day with fruits and vegetables and whole healthy grains, with an occasional sweet, my brain functions quite differently. I tend to be more positive and hopeful and able. Believe it or not, it comes more natural to be joyful and have thoughts of goodness. And that is the stepping stone I need to stick to a healthy diet. More good food, God-originated food empowers me to live more happily. Who doesn’t want that?

Maybe you’re not looking to be on a diet. But if you or someone you know is prone to wintertime blues, this might be something you will want to check into.

(I’m not a doctor or nutritionist. I’m sharing my own experience. You know you should consult your doctor …)

Enjoy the goodness of the holiday feasting. But keep in mind how miserable you will feel after overindulging. Do you really want to go there? Food is only one aspect of the celebration. Make memories in other ways as well.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Your turn for free stuff

They share freely and give generously to those in need. Their good deeds will be remembered forever. They will have influence and honor (Psalm 112:9).

Influence. That’s what I’ve been thinking about lately. We Christians need to start behaving in such a way that all the negativity in the news and in our neighborhoods, even though it may seem like a majority, is taken down in power a notch – because of our commitment to influence in a more positive way. If I make a real effort to be more kind, more gentle, compassionate and understanding – and you do the same … the good will rise up and out and the love of God will be magnified (amplified, more easily seen). Isn’t that why we are all here? To magnify the Lord? To bear witness and living testimony to the kind of love we have already received?

When it is in your power to act (Proverbs 3:27)

We all know that Jesus lives within us, so let’s not be stingy with that Jesus. Let’s not hoard reserves of love for ourselves when there are many around us in need of some very simple, minor acts of kindness and generosity. He promises to keep us continually filled no matter how much love we give away (Luke 6:38).

Realize the importance of blessing others. Consider how others have blessed you and your life. Slow down and really think about that … beyond just three or four quick mentions. Think about every season of your life: friends, teachers, authors, musicians, God Himself. All givers for your benefit. Do you have memories of good deeds (that are being remembered forever?) Can you not do likewise?

This is written to motivate and inspire you into action. More godly action is needed around here. Our loving actions, His love through us, needs to become center stage. Start today. Make a difference, especially in areas where you see great need. It’s your turn to give freely. In this season of Thanksgiving, with so much focus on giving thanks, let's be become more determined in our Giving. And let the Lord be your guide.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Respite from the pain

Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and He will dwell with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes (Revelations 21:3-4).

I know several people who are really suffering right now. Pain above and beyond what we think we can bear. Maybe you know some too. Maybe you are one.

Lord, have mercy. We don’t understand such pain and deep suffering. For people of faith, even though we are told to expect it in this world, we seek rescue from it. But there are times when there seems to be none. We run out of words to pray; to describe this unending trauma. There seems to be no comfort that works except to fall into Your arms Jesus, and cry gallons of tears.

I remember my mom rocking me in her favorite chair when I was a child with a toothache. The wordless lull-a-bye tunes, the forward and back rhythm of the rocker, her arms around me holding me in her lap, my head on her chest nuzzled into her neck, listening to her heartbeat. Truly a place of comfort and rest for a child. I remember too, her sitting on the edge of the couch and rubbing my back for seemingly hours while I was down with the flu or some other bug. She rubbed my back while I watched TV. Another place of comfort and respite in the midst of pain

So I say to all of you suffering great pain: curl up on the couch (God’s lap), wrap yourself up in a cozy quilt (God’s arms), let your thoughts drift to the gentle sound of waves lapping on the lakeshore (Gods lull-a-bye), and rest in the rhythm of His heartbeat. May your cries turn to whimpers, turn to sighs, turn to steady breathing. Experience the living Father … granting you respite in your time of need.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

You move me

I lift up my eyes to the hills – from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth (Psalm 12:1-2).

I have been on the internet lately, researching motivational pieces. Any quotes, posters, slogans, blogs that would aid me in sticking to changes I want to make in my life. And I have to tell you that so far, they are working. I do it every morning and it truly gives me the boost I need to choose rightly.

Motivation is different than inspiration.
Motivation – gives you a reason to act; a force that directs behavior
Inspiration – stimulates you to being more open, more accepting to abstract, creative thoughts

Now isn’t that interesting? When I think of motivation, my first thoughts are about doing something physical, for a good cause. Inspirational, on the hand, makes me think of artwork, music,  holy scripture or devotional pieces that lead me to deeper thinking.

I need motivational reminders to keep me on track with the changes I want. I need inspirational pieces to keep my focus on the One Who is my all in all. With inspiration, my mind is opened up to the awesomeness of God. My true Help.

Friday, November 7, 2014

God is not magic

 Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown You and say, ‘Who is the Lord?’ Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God (Proverbs 30:8-9).

I confess. I’ve been thinking God is magic through prayer. Because I have wanted to eat right and exercise in a healthy way for a long time now. And I have prayed earnestly. But God has not waved His magic wand and made it “presto, change-o” instantaneously true.

We would all like to think that living the Christian life should somehow be easier. Where everything is beautiful and problems disappear like – well, like magic.

The true Christian walk is a daily, constant walk with God. It goes through trials and fears and challenges as well as the good times - staying together forever. Come what may. It is the world that seeks comfort and ease all the day long. And as much as I too love comfort and ease, I don’t want it at the expense of forgetting my Lord. I don’t want to be the kind of “child” who only calls out when I want something. I want to stand my ground about my relationship with Him and love Him with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. And if I have to do it like Paul says at the end of 1 Corinthians 9, I will beat my body to do what I should do. For everyone who runs the race, receives an (eternal) prize. Bottom line: I must choose.

The true Christian walk is a lot of confession and a lot of repentance. But it keeps us aware and in tune with God. What breaks God’s heart more than a sin and a confession? Not coming to Him at all. Maybe this struggle with diet and exercise keeps me running to Him. Maybe the trials you are facing keep you running to Him. Yes, there are victories - on the other side of the trial. The glories of a wonderful life are being reserved in heaven for those who walk with Him while here – and they far exceed anything the world has to offer. "Run” (live) in such a way as to win His prize for you …

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

God's preferences vs. my preferences

Most of all, let love guide your life, for then the whole church will stay together in perfect harmony. Let the peace of heart that comes from Christ be always present in your hearts and lives, for this is your responsibility and privilege as members of His body. And always be thankful (Colossians 3:14-15).

I’m up way too early this morning. I don’t think it was worries this time. But I’ve been thinking about all the judgment and anger inside of people (myself included). And how so many of us want to tell others what to do and how to do it. And sometimes we aren’t very friendly or gentle in our speech about it either. It just saddens me that we can’t take the time to consider our words and the impact they might have on another. Why such urgency to be right? Why are we so convinced there is only one way – and it is my way? Why do we set the bar “just so” that it leaves others feeling “out” and not willing to participate for fear of not living up to someone’s standards? I ask you – what is really important and really necessary? And what is just your own personal preference? Dare we ask ourselves these questions before we demand “perfection” from someone else? It doesn’t mean we are lowering our standards; it’s about accepting more than one right way. How many molehills do you turn into mountains? Isn’t that an exhausting way to live? Isn’t it the motive and the heart attitude of the other most important? And who knows another’s true intentions? How can we demand certain behaviors of others if we don’t practice them, or if we do, we appear to be crabby, demanding, arrogant people in the process. Who needs that? We need to live with the peace of Christ within us. We need to practice kind and gentle ways. We need to believe God is growing us all up into Christlikeness. And God doesn’t need your help in “straightening” people out. God has His own ideas on what is acceptable. Might surprise you what He would allow. Remember he ate with sinners and tax collectors, touched lepers, and “worked” on Sundays.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Confident Prayer

But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind (James 1:6).

I’ve talked before about praying for others. My prayers sometimes go like this: Lord, please be with so and so. Please give them strength. Please give them comfort. Please help them through this. I am so worried about them. Please help them make good choices. Please keep them safe. I don’t know what to do. Please be with everyone involved.

Hmmm …I don’t feel much comfort from that except for the fact that I let God know what was going on. I know I should surrender it all to Him and trust. But I am still unsettled about the whole situation. Pleading and begging for mercy.

But what if I pray like this: Holy God, I know You are with so and so. I know You will be their Strength in time of need. I know too, that You are the Father of all comfort. You are their Help and their Salvation. We do not need to worry, for You never desert us or take Your eye off of us for one second. You have promised and have been faithful to the promise of being their Guide. And Protector. Under the shelter of Your wings, they are safe. Heaven and earth and beneath the earth all bow down at Your command. You are an awesome God. I know that full well. You are good.

Now I feel more reassurance. I feel more at peace by praying. I urge you to change up your prayer life to include all the wonderful truths we know about God’s character. And may peace come to your heart as you truly trust in the great I AM.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A groovy kind of love

 A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense (Proverbs 19:11).

I titled this post as such, because love has its ups and downs, pits and valleys and mountaintop highs. Our feelings run here and there and everywhere. This dawned on me this morning as my cats were crying (begging, whining) for food (again! Didn’t I just feed them a half hour ago?). Sometimes I love them to death! Like early in the morning Mandy climbs into my lap, then up onto my chest – and purrs. Max sits on a table (a no-no) by the half-wall and peeks his head over the top, then ducks down when I shoot the squirt bottle. Then looks up and over again. They do bring laughter and joy to my life. I love them so! But they can be irritating as well.

My cats are named Max and Mandy, good people names and maybe with good reason. Because it reminds me that I both love dearly and “dislike” certain things about them. I admit I feel the same about people. But no matter what naughtiness they get into, love, tolerance, acceptance wins with them. Shouldn’t all our relationships be like that?

Relationships can be groovy. May they be a groovy kind of LOVE.