Monday, May 29, 2023

Rock and a hard place


Sometimes you need a comforter. Something warm and cushy. Down time. Sometimes you need a rock. A firm support and some “git’er done” energy. Then there are those times when you feel you need both. Strength to endure AND a place to rest. God can and will - provide the perfect balance, if we will only listen. How often do we shut down, overwhelmed, when wisdom and strength are at the door knocking? Or how often do we push ourselves to an ungodly extent - only to find ourselves totally drained and unable to think clearly? When a little food and a little rest would clear things right up.

It was evening. It was morning. God saw that it was good. These are familiar lines from the creation story. God is a God of order and of balance. You are not meant for unending sleep or unending activity. Yes, there are things that need to be done. But Martha, Martha only one thing is needed. And that’s connecting with God. It’s listening to God. 

I will be still and I will know that You are God.

God provides opportunities to love and help others - in the wisdom and strength He alone provides for the greatest success and satisfaction. He is also the Gifter of flannel jammies, an afghan and a cup of hot tea. In His great love for you, He has thought of everything.

Stop struggling with what to do next. Stop overwhelming yourself with all you think you have to do right this minute. If you would just be still and listen, you would hear Him calling you, leading you, laying out for you - what should come next. 

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) 

Who wrote that? Our Almighty, all-wise, all-powerful God wrote that!

Be still and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10)

One definition of to know is: have developed a relationship with someone through meeting and spending time with them.

May you come to know God as both Comforter and Rock. That He always provides what is needed - in the right amount - at the right time. He has been in the balancing business since the beginning of time. When you know this about Him, you can trust Him. You can rest in Him. And you can complete tasks in His wisdom and strength.

So, what’s next for you?

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Knock. Knock. Who’s there?

I certainly felt all alone. I mean, no one else was around. Just me in the house. There are times when all alone can feel lonely. I recently visited some dear friends and the camaraderie of our time together filled me with such joy! Goodness, how wonderful to be with loved ones! Laughing and loving life…

Then there are those other times. Those nothing to do, sitting around in the house times. All alone. But that’s not entirely true. Because as I sat on the porch…

A gentle breeze blew across my face (could it be… a kiss from God?)

The sun warmed a spot on my arm (God’s hand resting on mine?)

A bird’s tweet, tweet, tweet (He will rejoice over you with singing.  - Zephaniah 3:17)

A cool, refreshing glass within arm’s reach (you will thirst no more. - John 4:14)

A freshly made tuna sandwich (and all ate and were satisfied.  - Matthew 14:20)

If you seek Me you will find Me… (Jeremiah 29:13)

Yes, it can certainly feel like I’m all alone. But it can also feel like I’m in His presence. And that sure is a comforting feeling. Not alone at all. Nope. And to think I might have missed it, had I not been - alone.

So wherever you find yourself, the next time you feel all alone and lonely… look around. Use all your senses. You will find God right there with you. You will…

Taste and see. His promise is true. I am with you always… and all ways. (Matthew 28:20)

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with Me. (Revelation 3:20)

That warmth you feel from the sun… could it be…?


A little note popped in the mail can make someone you know feel less lonely. Check out my card shop and make a plan to keep some on hand - for when the Spirit moves you! (New designs added!)

Sunday, May 21, 2023

It’s Me!

 We’ve all experienced it. You are home all alone. The rest of the household is at work or school. No one expected back for hours. You’re in the back of the house busy with something. And then - you hear the door open. Your heart leaps. Your stomach does a flip. You turn your head to listen more carefully.

“It’s me!” someone calls out. And your heart and breath revert back to normal. Because you recognize the voice. You know instantly who it is. Everything is okay. You don’t need to be afraid.

In Matthew 14 there is a passage where it is a dark and stormy night. The disciples are out on their boat. Jesus comes walking on the water. They think they see something scary, like a ghost. But Jesus calls out: “It’s me. It’s all right. Don’t be afraid.” And I’m sure He was hoping for the same calming effect that comes when you recognize a loved ones voice.

My sheep recognize My voice… - John 10:27

God’s Word says we can recognize His voice. We can hear Him and immediately be put at ease.

If you’re in a dark place, a place that feels scary… if your heart is leaping, your stomach flipping and you’re holding your breath - turn your head and listen carefully. You have a Savior calling out to you. You will hear His voice. You will recognize His voice. And the peace that passes understanding will wash over you.

Peace I leave with you; My perfect peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge. - John 14:27 AMP

Listen? Do you hear Him?

“It’s Me. It’s all right. You don’t need to be afraid.”

Saturday, May 13, 2023

What mom taught me about Jesus


I don't know how she stretched one dollar into ten. I don't know how she turned scraps of meat into a hearty meal. How she kept eight kids in clothes and shoes. Or how she found time to crochet wedding afghans and baby blankets beyond number. And something for every single grandchild under the Christmas tree. Making a way where there seems to be no way...

But I also see her on the ground planting petunias. Waltzing behind the ironing board to Ray Price. And pans of yeasty cinnamon rolls on Saturday mornings.

Despite any challenges, she also knew how to find joy in the life she was given.

Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, He gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then He gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied... (Matthew 14:18-20)

I want to be like my mom. Because she was so much like Jesus.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Doing it afraid

 I know the Bible says numerous times, “Do not be afraid”. But sometimes my brain just doesn’t listen! Every time I sit down to draw and look at that blank piece of paper, I am afraid. Afraid to start. Afraid it won’t be as good as things in the past. Afraid maybe I’ve lost that creative skill all together - because I’ve neglected it, haven’t practiced on a regular basis as I ought. But somehow, from somewhere, an image comes to mind. And I force myself to try. It can be quite agonizing - this starting business. I’m full of doubts and fears. I tell myself it’s okay if it doesn’t turn out good enough. Not everything you attempt in life turns out perfectly every single time. Think new recipes. New songs. New habits. There are all kinds of things we put off for fear of failure. It is so tempting not to try at all. What difference will it really make? No one will even miss it…

It may sound quite strange to you when I say that I sometimes have to force myself to draw a circle. Then keep adding on. And do a lot of erasing. But then I get lost in the activity. And I keep tweaking and actually PLAYING around with it. Oh, how I enjoy a playful spirit! I love the smile that it brings me. I love the satisfaction it brings me. Me and my tropical bears are sitting here on the porch. Just smiling. And to think it almost didn’t happen… I might have stayed in my misery of “I probably can’t do it. It probably won’t turn out.”  I would have missed this afternoon’s smiles. Missed the opportunity to make you smile… to make a difference. “Probably” - just doesn’t know my God of possibilities!

Perhaps you have times of not wanting to try. The fear of - it’s not going to be good enough - consumes all other thoughts. “Start” is hard. But let me encourage you to do so. My goodness, what if something beautiful comes from it? Sometimes things DO turn out. Amazingly well. Don’t miss out. Don’t miss the joy and satisfaction of conquering your fear and savoring a great result.

Be amazed at what God can do through you when you show up. Afraid and all. Be hopeful, expectant and eager to see what the Lord will do.

Yes. Show up for God. He’s got ideas and plans for you. His word for you today: Start.

Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it… for if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has… (2 Cor. 8:11-12)

Thursday, May 4, 2023

I can do all things…

#288 Happy Balloons
Birthday card? Got ya covered. Engagement? Congratulations! Graduating? Couldn’t be happier for you! Landed that job? I’m so excited for you! Whatever the occasion! These blank note cards can do anything! 

How about you? Are you like a blank card inside? Open to any suggestion? Or have you already decided how you are going to be used (by God)?

Blank note cards are so - versatile. They can meet a variety of needs. They can bless here and there and everywhere. Bringing cheer. Carrying just the right message.

How about you? Are you flexible like a blank note card? Or have you already determined, on your own, your weaknesses and strengths, not daring to test God’s ability to come through on His promise to supply?

How many times have you gone through stacks of pre-written cards only to find the front design is right, but the inside message is wrong. Living life like that, in pre-determined willingness, you could miss an opportunity to extend God’s love. You  could be the one in the right place at the right time, but… you have limited His reach through you because you are relying on your own sense of ability and strength. If only…

Maybe it’s time to make yourself available to God and whatever He wants to write upon your heart… what He desires your message to the world around you should be. There are so many occasions where God’s love can be shared. And you can be empowered by Christ to meet all kinds of needs. In the strength He provides.

Stay blank. Remain open. What will God write next?

I can do all things through Christ Who gives me strength. (Phil. 4:13)

Card shop link: