Friday, August 31, 2018

What can I say ...?

© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved
The words I say to you I do not speak on My own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, Who is doing His work. (John 14:10)

·        With every changing season, in every new chapter of life, God loves you and do so we!

·        Know without a doubt that you are being prayed over ... over and under, behind and before and through ...

·        Time to remind you how special you are!

·        Thinking of you and wishing and hoping and praying and trusting and believing …

·        Life can sure have its ups and downs … but God’s great love for you remains the same

·        With everything that’s going on, just wanted you to know you’re in my thoughts today … same as always

·        Thought of you this morning … and said a little prayer

·        I’ve been thinking of you and thinking of you and thinking of you!

·        You’re in my thoughts today … because I care

·        May peace and joy be yours in the days ahead … as you trust in Him

·        Thinking of you … is one of my favorite things to do!

·        You’ve been on my mind … and in my heart and prayers

·        Thinking of you and hoping things are going well for you today

·        Just wanted to stay in touch and let you know you’re thought of warmly

·        Nothing new to write about, nothing new to say … but I’ve been thinking of you and pray about your day

·        Have a nice day … you deserve it!

·        Hoping this little card will lift your spirits and brighten your day

·        Taking some time to be still before the Lord … and to pray for you

·        Watch and wait for the Lord your God. And know that I am watching and waiting with you

·        Remembering times spent with you … brings warm fuzzy happiness to my day!

·        Just me … thinking of you

·        I am thinking of you today and hope you can gain strength from those that love and care about you

·        Letting you know that you are loved and thought of today

·        No matter where you go and no matter what you do I hope you know that I am here thinking of you

·        I know that things will get better in time. Hang in there and know that I am here for you, dear friend

·        Keeping in touch with you is so important to me. I am blessed to call you friend

·        To my friend, sending a note to brighten your day, as you have brightened so many of mine

Right now I'm betting you're thinking of a dozen people who would be blessed by receiving a note from you right now ...

Monday, August 27, 2018

What's for dinner?

© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved
"My food," said Jesus, "is to do the will of Him Who sent Me and to finish His work." (John 4:34)

I made chili the other day. After getting it all started, I realized I didn't have any tomato sauce in the house. But I forged ahead, not wanting to stop the process. I just wanted to get it done. Throw some dinner together. A chore to be done.

So I substituted.

And let's just say that catsup is not the same as tomato sauce. It sure looks the same. I mean, how far off could it be?

I've made some great chili in the past. Usually by following a recipe though. You know, the ones found in some famous, well-known chefs book.

But I tried to make chili quick and what as easiest for me. I expected the same results. I expected the same end result as when I followed the one "in-the-know".

Needless to say, the efforts I made hastily and on my own did not produce the desired outcome.

And it got me to wondering - if I ever serve the Lord in this same hurry and "get 'er done" manner. Serving because it has to be done. Making substitutions instead of consulting the guide book. Seeing it as a chore that has to be done. Not following Anyone's instructions (recipe) but my own.

And expecting the same results.

Are we not called to be obediently active and fruitful? Listening and then obeying. His calling, His plan for our lives.

So... what's for dinner?
Maybe we should check the "recipe book".
What is It calling for, exactly?

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Can You Hear Me

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (Matthew 28:20)

Every parent knows that newborn's cry in the middle of the night. You can be sound asleep, right? But somehow (probably through several nights of practice!) your ears are keenly aware and attuned to the sounds your little one makes.

The sound of someone's voice can sure warm your heart. I remember calling home from boot camp the first time. When I heard my mom's voice answer the phone, all I did was cry. But, throughout my navy days, we stayed in constant touch - calling each other weekly. And instead of tears, her voice brought warmth and love, encouragement, peace, security ... all kinds of good things. Even though we lived miles and miles apart. A regular dose of love on a regular basis. Talking - comfortably picking up right where we left off.

Sadly, my mom has been gone about 15 years now. Sadly, I can't remember the sound of her voice. Oh, I have lots of good visual memories. And I can still picture her face when she laughed. And I suppose some of her most famous sayings come to mind from time to time (like, "Don't wish your life away") But I sure miss the constant connection we shared... (and its benefits to me).

And it brings to mind - when was the last time you connected with a loved One (Jesus)? Is it happening on a regular basis (bringing love, encouragement, peace and security) or has time been passing by and talking has become - uncomfortable, unsure...

Can you imagine Jesus' face smiling?
Can you recall some of His famous sayings?
Can you still hear His voice?
Are you missing the dear connection you once enjoyed?
... with that Someone you love?

Surely I am with you ...

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Behind the normal

© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved
Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)

They all looked so normal. Holding coffee cups, reading books. Someone on their phone. Others heads together chatting softly. Normal people stuff. Sure looked like regular people having a regular day. Right? Are you picturing a coffee shop perhaps?

The fact is, this is taking place in a hospital waiting room.Waiting for lab work to be done. Waiting for radiology. Which means all these normal, average looking people have some real issues they are contenting with.

It sure is hard to tell just by looks who is dealing with pain.Worries. Strife. Anxious over the possible outcomes. They sure looked okay - just by looking. But this scene could very easily be found in a coffee shop, grocery store line, worship center, at the bank, at work, any group gathering really. 

It made me pause and think - so many of us, carrying burdens, yet carrying on with regular normal routines of daily life.

Looks don't tell the whole story. Stuff is going on the the life of the one with the smile. Stuff they are trying to grin-and-bear through. More people than you realize.

So let's be gentle. And kind. You don't need to know the whole background story. Just like we all have sinned, we all have trials and tribulations too. 

Let us pray for the known - and the unknown - burdens of each other.
Let's just be a little more gracious and forgiving.
Let's draw everybody a little closer to God.
The God Who carries us through it all.

And you know that the Lord has taken care of us the whole time we've been in the desert, just as you might carry one of your children. (Deuteronomy 1:31 CEB)

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Pep Talk

© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved.
The Lord's unfailing love and mercy still continue, fresh as the morning, as sure as the sunrise. (Lamentations 3:22-23 GNT)

Shake off the yesterdays.
Believe in God.
Believe in new mercies for today.
Believe blessings can happen to you.
Yes, you.
Cast off fears, doubts, predictions that things in life today are going to be stressful.
Envision beauty.
Envision success.
Envision awesomeness.
From your Father God.
Envision God's plan for your life being fulfilled today.
Know without a doubt that you are loved.
Know without a doubt that you are okay right where you are today.
God is still loving you.
God is still using you.
Whatever you think you see, God sees a beautiful big picture that includes you.
God sees things in you growing, blossoming, maturing day by day.
Things like: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Yes. It's true.
You are loved and you belong as much as anyone else.
Says God.
You can succeed in life.
With God you will succeed in life.
Thanks be to God.
Who will never fail you.
Never let you go.
Never leave your side.
Yes. Beloved you.
As sure as the sunshine.