Monday, September 26, 2022

God keeps working things out


I have to look back over the past few weeks, even months, to remember this. 

Forever God is faithful.

Forever God is strong.

Forever God is with us. Forever. Forever.

Looking back over the past year, all the worries and concerns I've had - and in that moment, they seemed so stressful and unmanageable. But here I am today with a cup of coffee and sunshine streaming through the window. And able to thank God for those miraculous fixes. Thanking God He got things resolved. Many things that have been long forgotten. And so today as I look at my prayer list and my concerns for this day, it is with blessed assurance in knowing that God keeps working things out. I know He knows the way - God always knows the way. And tomorrow, when I have new and different worries (or picking up the old ones), God will be there again.

So that's my mantra: God keeps working things out.

"My Father is always at His work to this very day, and I too am working." (John 5:17)

God never tires, slumbers or sleeps. God doesn't give up. He doesn't turn His back. He doesn't get anxious because He knows the perfect solution. He is always steadily moving forward. To this very day. For our good. It seems for however many problems I can dream up, God has an answer. Eventually. But even in the waiting, God sends little bright spots and shimmering sparkles along the way. Catch them if you can. Troubles come. But with God, troubles go. There is resolution in His heart and hands. He will make the rough path smooth. He will. Ya just gotta let Him do it.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Happy Fall Card Designs!


Happy Fall Y'all! You'll want to grab of dozen of these "refreshing as fall air" card designs to keep on hand. And there are a few other new ones you won't be able to resist as well. You never know when you'll be called upon to send a note of encouragement. Don't miss an opportunity to lift another person up.

You'll find all these and more at the Card Shop. Scroll down and click on the Catalog. Use the order form from the Card Shop link... or sending me an email works too.

A reminder for those who are local, there is a price cut if you can arrange for pick up. 12 cards for $10.00

Here's the link:

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Peek-a-boo God

 Like many people, I have a prayer list next to my chair. And in the morning, I lift those folks up in prayer to an almighty God. I pray in confidence and trust that this almighty God is already fully engaged in each person's life. I pray, watching and waiting, to see what almighty God will reveal to us.

Songs, phrases, and circumstances can all trigger additional thoughts (and prayers!) about a person throughout the day. Another reminder to trust and believe in our Lord and Savior, Healer, Helper, Comforter, and Friend.

I do send a card once in a while, to let someone know they are remembered and prayed over. But not every time - can you imagine? There seems to be a constant flow of what many call a "popcorn" prayer - a one-sentence prayer that just pops up - with that person's life in mind. But no one ever really knows how many prayers are said over them because God called them to mind.

The same is true for God's involvement in our lives. There are times when we feel an answered prayer. But innumerable times when God blesses, protects, intervenes... without our realizing it. But we know, we can trust that God is forever faithful. There is a constant flow of His caring, loving attentiveness over each one of us. 

Whatever circumstance you find yourself in, know that God has called someone to pray.

Jesus, Himself intercedes.

I pray for them. (John 17:9)

God, Whom I serve... is my witness how constantly I remember you. (Romans 1:9)

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. (Romans 8:26)

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. (Ephesians 6:18)

In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy. (Philippians 1:4)

For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. (Colossians 1:9)

So watch. Wait. Trust. Believe. With a certain hope - what goodness God will reveal in His time.

If you need some notecards to let someone know you care, visit my card shop:

Saturday, September 3, 2022

A Call to Joy

 It's another hot day and I'm trying to design Christmas cards! 

Art can be hard to do if you let it. One of the first mistakes is to try to do like everybody else. Another is to try to force yourself to do something (like draw a dog) when your heart just isn't in it right now. It seems good and right (to balance out all the cat designs!). But the harder I try, the more I struggle and the more dissatisfied I become with my artwork. I come to the conclusion that I'm not an artist at all. And that's simply not true. What I let happen was allowing predetermined demands and expectations to suck all the joy out of it.

A third is reading, studying, watching, and following all others - compiling all kinds of rules on how to do art.

Art flows from the heart. Art oozes. Art starts with a playful spirit. It splashes. Then layers. Then adds some more. It smiles. It is a joy. Forget what others are doing. Forget what you think you should be doing just because it would be good and right. And forget all those rules, rules, rules. Follow your heart.

The same could be said of our Christian walk. Yes, there are others doing really wonderful, good and right, things. But if it's not a joy for you... realize you just have a different joy-calling. Don't see their calling as better. You have a calling in your heart from God. One that is a joy to do. There are all kinds of callings. Something for everyone. You don't have to labor away, struggling and grudgingly, just because you see it as good and right. As with the artist, you might just start thinking you're not a very good Christian after all. And that's simply not true! Don't let demands and expectations suck all the joy out of your walk with the Lord.

But in fact, God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as He wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? (1 Corinthians 12: 18-19)

What do you love to do?

What if money were no object?

What would you do even if you didn't get paid?

What do you do that you get lost in; lose track of time doing?

What causes you to smile to yourself?

There's the hint to your joy-calling.

Serve the Lord with gladness! Get rid of all those rules and preconceived notions. Just sit for a minute. Close your eyes and lay your palms up and open. Ask God for your joy-calling. What's the first thing that pops into your mind? Don't be too quick to dismiss it. Ponder. Seek. Ask. Let it flow. Ooze. Splash. Smile.

Living out your God-given joy-calling IS the good and right thing to do!

... so that they may have the full measure of My joy within them. (John 17:13)

Don't forget to check out the offerings in my CARD SHOP! The link is below: (and then the download button)