Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Looking for Peace and Good Days

Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days, keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies. Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. –Psalm 34:12-14

I can think of lots of things that make me crabby. Stiff, sore muscles every morning. A to-do list that should be called the never-ending list. Its getting cold outside. Stresses. Pressures. Money. Traffic. Relationships. I could work myself up into quite a sour mood … (turn from evil)

But for every complaint I can dream up, there is a blessing from God that I am overlooking when I do. Juicy peaches. Crisp apples. Colorful leaves. Clean, fresh air. Savory soups and stews. Favorite sweaters. Football games. One more campfire. Snuggly quilts. Seasonal teas and coffees. A pumpkin or two on the front step. Brand new episodes of your favorite shows. A good book to read. Chatting leisurely on the phone. Flannel pajamas.  There is beauty and times to relish no matter what else is going on in your life.

Are you willing to have your eyes opened to the glory of the Lord all around you? You seek God and you will find it – peace and good days.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

More Than I Can Handle

Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me," even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you. - Psalm 139:7-12

 I make lists for myself. Some can be pretty detailed … and extensive. When I’m planning a gathering or an event, I think and imagine every possible scenario and outcome and how to best handle them all – you know, so I’m prepared. I call it being organized.

But I got to thinking about God’s Word written above, and I realized I was pouring all my humanness into what should be a God-gift of Himself. His warm welcome. His love and acceptance; His kind of hospitality. And His solutions to all that I would find as unexpected.  God doesn’t ever give us more than we can handle, but we sometimes take on more than what He gives. In all my extensive planning, I am giving totally of myself and leaving little room for Him to work; to give. We are called to join Him in the work; not takeover as if He were not alive and well and everpresent.

Dare we believe that God will show up and fill in the gaps? Will God show up every time? Time after time?

Can we approach tomorrow (the future) without every detail worked out in our minds?

Go ahead a make a list. Think things through. Forge ahead with what you’ve been called to do. But then leave room for the Holy Spirit to also do what He’s been called to do.

I commit myself to remembering I work alongside Him. Not for Him. Not in place of Him. We are a Body. United in Spirit. United in purpose.  He equips. He stands in the gap. He is ever before me and behind me. He’s got my back. 

For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. - Matthew 6:32-33

Friday, September 19, 2014

My Prayer for You

There a spiritual retreat weekends being held all over the country. I regularly sign-up to pray for a half hour - for all involved during those weekends. For they are seriously seeking God. But aren’t we all on a spiritual journey? Aren’t we getting up every morning hoping God will see us through; hoping we will see God?

So today, I pray for all of you:
·        For heart, soul, mind and strength to pursue time with God
·        For health and energy and perseverance
·        That the WORD you read would speak to you in a personal way
·        That you would reap blessings from being with God and benefit from taking the time to be alone with Him
·        That something you do today will serve another and bring a smile to God's face
·        May the Christian music you hear soothe and calm and draw you near to God
·        May the food before you be seen as a true gift from the hand of God through His faithful servants
·        For satisfying work, lighthearted play and restorative rest
·        For safe travels wherever you may need to go
·        And that all things at home would be kept under His protective wings while you are away
·        For greater awareness of God’s presence
·        Greater sense of His love and tender care of you
·        That you would know that He calls you by name and that you belong to the King
·        Grow in trust and confidence of Him - enough to lay all your burdens down at His feet
·        God bless your journey today

My brothers and sisters in Christ, God loves you and so do I!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

For sure!

I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.  – Psalm 27:13-14

“Lord, I lift up this quiet time to You. I seek You in all areas of my life. Forgive me those things I still hold so tightly. I trust in Your orderly, growing process. I do want You to be Lord, Master, Ruler, King of my life and I want that to feel safe and not fearful of domination in an ugly way. You are a good, loving and caring Father God. I can rest in You. Thank You for Your Word that reminds me it is better to walk with You. Life will be more steadfast, no matter what happens, because I know You are a stabilizing force. You are an Anchor. You a re a Rock. You are the stronghold of my life. I will not be tossed about on the angry sea of circumstances as long as I keep my heart, soul, mind and strength focused on You. I know You can do anything. I know You can handle anything. I know You turn everything into good. I trust in Your Word. I trust You as Ruler of both heaven and this present earth. I believe You to be faithful. I believe You to be Almighty. Of whom shall I fear? Again and again You direct my steps, whether daytime or night, whether in the midst of the good or the unpleasant, Lord, I believe in Your loving, concerned, steadfast character to preserve my life through it all. It is possible to know and experience Your great love in the here and now. Praise God! Praise God! We can taste and see that You are good! In the awesome privilege of our Savior’s Name. Amen”

Thursday, September 11, 2014

It's not about you ...

Ever read a daily devotional and nothing jumps out at you? Yeah. Or when you read the bible – this “come up dry” and “thirsting for a special message – just right for me” feeling. Just right for my own special need or situation. Hmmm… sitting there. Wondering. Praying for meaning. A thought about a friend comes to mind. I push it aside. This is my quiet time with God. My time to be fed and directed by Him. So I know how He wants me to follow Him today. Friend comes to mind again. And yet again. I look down at what I was reading. A phrase. A verse. The friend again.

 Could it be that the message I am seeking… is not for me at all? But for a dear friend. God is directing me – to be a conduit; a messenger. He’s wanting me to pass something on.

Coming up empty after reading a devotional or scripture? Ask God if He has someone else in mind. And pass it on!

  • God brought you to mind today – so I said a little prayer.
  • I read this and it made me think of you (include phrase or verse)
  • (write down phrase or verse) and just add: thinking of you today

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Going the wrong way

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. – Proverbs 3:5-6

I can’t begin to tell you how many times I get lost driving myself somewhere. It is to the point of being embarrassingly ridiculous. There have been times I’ve had to pull over because I was crying so hard – lost and scared. I’m late. People are waiting for me.

So after suffering through this dilemma numerous times, it was no surprise to me that I got lost going to a friend’s house yesterday. She was supposed to be only an hour away! I had the directions clearly written out on a piece of paper. But an accident on the highway sent me off on a different exit than the one I needed and off I surely was! A quick phone call to my friend and it sounded like a couple turns here and there and I’d be right back on track. I don’t know how it happens. It certainly seemed clear to me at first. But like the other times, I’m going down the road looking for a certain landmark and it never shows! So I make a couple turns that I think make sense.  But I was sadly mistaken. There I am. On the corner of Clueless and Hopeless.

I tried hard not to focus on the potential calamity. Instead I just kept saying, “Lord, I am trusting You. Lord, I am trusting You.” I’ll admit – there was a moment or two beyond just “oh, good grief!” when I really started wondering how long it would take me to find a way back to something familiar. But I kept thinking about the faithfulness of the Lord. And then quite suddenly I found myself on a corner of a main road and there was a mail truck nearby. I’ll just ask for some direction! Then I looked up at the road sign and it had the name of the street I was looking for all along! True story. I was just a few miles too far south of my destination.

Where are you headed? Do you have clear direction? Do you stop and ask for help along the way? Or do you think you know what to do on your own? Ever find your self on the corner of Clueless and Hopeless? Are you a little south of where you’re supposed to be? Do you panic or do you trust in God?

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Taking the Leap

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. – Isaiah 41:10

I recently saw a picture of a little girl jumping into the big pool for the first time – right into her daddy’s arms. I remember a similar situation where a little girl jumped from her swing into her daddy’s arms. “Stand back, daddy! Farther! Farther!” Kind of scary. But kind of fun too. Safe risk you might say. There are lots of firsts in life. First interview for a job. First big purchase. First time on a plane. Scary, but not unique. Fear of the unknown. Fear of the what-if. But you’ll never know if you don’t “go there”.

Isn’t that true of taking any risk? It’s about facing your fear of the unknown. But it should also be about moving forward with the “known” – the “known” being the truth about God. Do not be afraid, I am with you. I am good and mighty and all-wise and all-powerful and all-everything you need. Isn’t that a good description of believing? Facing the fear of the unknown with confidence. Like a daddy catching you when you jump into his arms. A child is certain the daddy can do it, even if they’ve never leaped like this before. They are sure of the character and the love of the father. You can be to.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Honor Your God

You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for You, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water. – Psalm 63:1

My number one top priority is to be right with God at all times and in all places. So that means that dieting should not be my number one hope, dream and daily concern as much as honoring God with my body. Not abusing my body or my mind with unhealthy food choices. But to take good care of this body He gave me and to be healthy in order to love and serve Him to the fullest extent possible. It’s about honoring and pleasing God. That should be my focus when it comes to daily health and lifestyle. Not that I will look better. I want to be healthy and strong that I might be able to do whatever He calls me to do. I will be ready and able. My thoughts should be about honoring God and bringing glory to God. It’s about God.

God is seeking worshippers.  People who love and praise and can’t get enough of Him. He is not something to have on a to-do list and then scratched off or put on a shelf like you would a bible or devotional book. He needs to go beyond that for you. Everything you do – does it bring glory to God? By that I mean will it cause anyone to say, “Wow, thank God!” Is what you are about to do – will it cause God to smile? Sitting with a devotional book or bible and praying does. Eating a healthy breakfast does. Taking a walk and truly enjoying nature does. Helping anyone who asks does. Making small gifts, sharing, phonecalling, writing words of encouragement ... there are a zillion things you can do that please God. Many good, God-pleasing options as you consider what and how to do the next thing. You probably do many God-pleasing things already and just don’t realize that you are bringing a smile to God’s face. Maybe you need to stop and think about that. And not in a negative way as to list where you are falling short. But really think about what you are getting right. Bringing glory to God isn’t about big impressive thoughts and actions. But it’s your daily doings and attitude that say to God He is important to you. Pleasing and honoring God as holy God and acting like it. People notice when God is your Lord. And that’s a true gift to Him. You go to church. You study the bible. You are generous and kind a step beyond others. You take care of the things God places in your life. You honor Him by taking care of what’s important to Him. The health and well-being of all creation. Does hugging and feeding your dog or cat fit? You bet it does. Add that to your honoring God list.

People who love God with all the heart, mind, soul and strength and want His character to be seen and known and felt are indeed His saints. Because it brings Him great pleasure to have us act in deep love, respect and gratitude. Honor God this day. I bet you can.