Sunday, July 23, 2023

50% off summer sale! (SALE HAS ENDED 8/19/2023)

 That’s right! Get 12 cards for $7.50 (includes shipping!) Get 12 cards for $5.00 if you can arrange for pickup. Choose from these summer designs. Send me a text or an email, pop your check in the mail, or use PayPal, and they can be in your hand in a matter of days! Still plenty of time to lift up and encourage someone with one of these happy little notes! As always, a list of suggested messages is included with every order. While supplies last! Create your own pack of 12 - one of those, 3 of that one, etc. Any combination adding up to 12. It couldn’t be easier to join me in the ministry of encouragement!

#250 Shoreline Rocks
#296 Camping
#280 Watered Garden
#293 Sailboat
#300 Quiet Confidence
#273 I will Carry You
#254 He Restores

##292 Tropical Bears
#286 Tubing Bear
#235 Straw hat Bunny
#282 Popsicle Fun
#295 Berry Baskets
#262 Two Blue Cats
#281 Flamingo Golf

#283 Beach Bunny
#284 Springtime Jesus
#210 Be Still Cross
#272 May the Grace
#259 New Mercies
#289 Flip Flops

Text: 5174887892
Mailing address: Julie Crane 121 Popular Circle McCormick SC 29835

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

A note of encouragement. Pass it on!

 May these notes help to brighten your day! And might you also consider doing the same for someone you know? Pick a message. Send a card. Let them know you still think of them, that you still care…

Don’t have any cards on hand? Hmmm…
My card shop link:

Monday, July 17, 2023

You did it

 Perhaps you have a prayer ministry at your church, or some other parish care group that sends cards to those in your church family. (If not, please consider it. It is a much appreciated ministry! My pastor-husband has often found my cards displayed on a shelf when visiting a shut-in) But did you also know it can be a wonderful outreach ministry to those in your neighborhood? There are so many faithful workers near to you that could certainly use an encouraging word.

Teachers. Drop off enough for every teacher at the school.

Nurses. Drop off at the nurses station at the hospital.

Or how about nursing homes. Assisted living.

Jails and prisons.

Pregnancy service centers.

Police stations. Fire stations.

There are many online sites (including mine!) that offer some short, simple suggestions of what to write

To lift up and encourage. Even strangers.

The other best part of this kind of ministry - you can just drop off a bundle of cards at a front office. No stamps needed!

This is a perfect ministry for those who think they have nothing to offer. You’re not too old or too feeble. It can be done anytime, anywhere. (But so much fun as a group!) No special skills are needed. Just taking the time to write a line or two in a blank notecard. Even if you feel you can only write two cards, added to someone’s else two, and another’s four, well together, I promise you the impact will be massive in changing the course of someone’s day, their very life. You, yes, you - can make an impact. Shine your Christ light! It couldn’t be easier! 

The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly, I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’ (Matthew 25:40 NASB)

My card shop link:

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Come together


Today I am reminded that seven years ago, on this day, I completed all my cancer treatments. What a day to celebrate, indeed! But more than that, what a time to celebrate the gracious giving of so many while I was on that journey. There were unending cards, letters, text messages, social media posts, and phone calls too. Meals for my husband and I. Offers to drive me to appointments and offers to sit with me through them. All during the seven months from diagnosis to treatment completion, many were relentless in their steady, consistent love and support. It just never seemed to stop or even let up. The desire to love, support and encourage me through it all remained steady from beginning to end. God laid it on your hearts to do something, great or small, over and over again - you felt His nudging. And let me tell you, the combined efforts were powerful.

I have to wonder if we have the same obedient desire to repeatedly answer God’s call on our hearts in our churches; in the lives we encounter everyday. Because you knew me, loved me, and had a close relationship with me - perhaps it was just easier to answer God’s call. But what about the others? In your church? In your neighborhood? Are we coming together in great or small ways, over and over again - making our combined efforts powerful in testimony of the great God we profess to love and serve?

… that they may be one as we are one - I in them and you in me - so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. (John 17:22-23 NIV)

We who believe know that God’s love for us is relentless. Continuous. He is never too busy or distracted from sending love our way. In great and small ways. An outpouring, overflowing love from the very heart of our Father God.

The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly, I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’ (Matthew 25:40 NASB)

Remember we are here to love and serve. As you loved and supported me through my cancer journey, are there now others who are in need of some of the same? It takes all of us - to participate in the common good. Our combined efforts - are powerful and effective. 

Let’s come together and make love happen.