Friday, December 19, 2014

The last resort

You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13)
I imagine when Joseph and Mary traveled back to Bethlehem, they planned on staying with family. I mean, that would be the logical thing to do, considering her delicate condition. But maybe they got there later than the rest because they had to travel more slowly. In any case, they didn't stay with relatives. Or nearby neighbors. And I think the hotels were reserved for Roman soldiers and their dignitaries. So we find our baby-King at the last resort - a stable. Now if you went looking for this baby-King, you'd probably check in with the family first, wouldn't you? Wouldn't you look for a King right away and in the most obvious place? Certainly if not with relatives or neighbors, a hotel of finest quality would be the place to find the newborn promised Messiah. But no, the Hope of the world is found in a lowly stable manger - the last resort. 
Many people comment that prayer is used as a last resort. Imagine that! When hope can not be found in other places - earthly, secular offerings - our last resort, prayer, is where we find Jesus. There all along. Hope of the world. Right there in prayer all the time. Your Prince of Peace. 
Be wise and keep you eye on that star. You will find Him in the lowliest, darkest, most insignificant places - places you never imagined yourself to be. Look for your Hope in the most obvious place and don't wait to try everything else first. Jesus. You will find Him when you seek Him with all your heart.  

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