Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever 9Hebrews 13:8).
I'm trying to get into the Christmas spirit, really I am. But isn't Christmas just so full of memories... But I'm older now. And there are no little ones around the house. And it's been a long time since my family shared a meal around the table because we all live so far apart. The Christmases I have now are more quiet. Sedate.
I remember big feasts around two long tables that extended from dining room into the living room. Most of my siblings and their children were there unless they were in the service and stationed somewhere distant. Wonderful mom-made food. I remember getting presents; I remember mom making sure everyone had a present. And when I got older and became a mom, the giving of presents. There have been work-related Christmas parties and Christmas programs at church and school. Parades and seeing Santa. A lot of that has changed since getting older and living far from family. Yeah, a lot of things have changed. Except one: Jesus.
Jesus has remained a part of the Christmas experience no matter how many changes come and go in my life. In fact, no matter what happens any day of the year - Jesus is present and He never changes.
So may this be a reminder to you today - that whether you are experiencing a quiet Christmas or a hectic Christmas, or if life in general seems to have moved from normal and steady to something unfamiliar and lacking, one thing never changes. Jesus. The Babe. The Son. The Risen Savior.
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