Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Is there any good mail?

Stepped outside into the sunshine this morning, took a deep breath ( you can actually smell FALL in the air!) and guess what it brought memories of? My mom doing her housecleaning and keeping an ear open for the morning mail. Back in those days, it came through a slot in the front door. Back in those days, the chances were greater that it was a letter (good mail) and not a handful of advertisements. Even now, don’t we run to the computer and check our emails… looking for something more personal than another solicitation? And how do you react when you find a handwritten envelope amongst all the sales flyers in your postal mailbox? Someone mailed you a card. A gift to be sure. A real treasure find. What a delightful thing to hold in your hand. You check the return address first. Then rip the envelope open. And there it is – someone slowed down in their own busy life – and thought about you. And bothered to take the time to tell you. Are you like me and set it out on the counter (or the mantle or the whatever) for a few days?  Pick it up again and again and savor the warm, fuzzy feeling … of love and friendship. Take time today to gift someone like that. Send a note. And be the answer to their question: “Is there any good mail?”

  • You came to mind today – I sent a smile and a prayer of thanks up to God.
  • Thinking of you is one of my favorite things to do!
  • Remembering times spent with you – brings warm fuzzy happiness to my day!



  1. That's where I picked up my love of mail! :o)

  2. Julie, I love getting mail from you. Always encouraging, and yes I put it on my kitchen window sill and read it repeatedly. I have sent cards of encouragement, but not for some time. I ordered some of your cards to begin again.

  3. God bless you both for your encouraging comments!
