Monday, November 12, 2012

Change ?

Well… I’m trying to eat healthy… again. Not that I need to lose a bunch of weight, but because I know that the right nutrients in my body make me more alert and energetic and able to enjoy life more.  But in this world of go, go, go… it sure is hard to make a change in my daily pattern – because change calls me to slow down and consider, think – and then make a wise choice… changing my daily routine from a more comfortable, well established pattern to something more purposeful, at a more conscious level. Eek!


After the initial hoop-la of buckling down and being all gun-ho about this positive step to a new and healthier way, then comes the need to really settle down and be serious about a long term change. Raise your hand if you’ve been there and done that. We start off so energized and determined… and then drift… and then slide back into our old comfortable, yet not-so-good-for-us ways.


And this starting something new is not limited to just a change in diet. Oh, no… people are making changes in all kinds of ways. And like dieting, they can be all optimistic and gun-go in the beginning, only to realize change can be hard work. Change is about step – by – step little victories. Is there someone you know trying something new? Anyone you know who is:


Making a change in their diet * Trying to exercise more * A new baby in the house * Newly married (talk about a lifestyle change!) * Empty nesters * Loss of a spouse, child or yes, even a pet * Adult children move back home * Parents in need of daily attention and care * A move to a new house, school, or job * Heading up a big project * Has become a committee member at work, church, school * Starting a new job or career * Fundraiser * Going through physical or occupational therapy * Retirement *


… and as you can see, the list can go on and on.


Hooray! For my supporters! Because even the smallest of gestures – a kind word can keep me trying. Encourage others to make one good choice after another. Step-by-step. Will you be that someone for a loved one you know?


… With my God, I can scale a wall. – Ps. 18:29


  • Proud of you for taking this on… God bless you with endurance, energy, wisdom and strength
  • You have my full support… praying for your success.
  • May you enjoy steady progress (and peace) with each passing day.






  1. Life is change. Change requires learning. Learning is a process. A process requires steps, small and large. Change requires facing the unknown, something new, unfamiliar. This creates a chemical change in our bodies, heightened awareness, ready for action. This can be misconstrued as a negative-anxiety. Rather than back away with fear, plunge in with all your senses and enjoy. Grow.

  2. Thanks for sharing! (and encouraging!) I like the comment you made about misconstrued as negative anxiety. I recently read something about that. There is such a thing as positive anxiety which is an energy that moves us forward and produces growth.
