Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sing... sing a song

Today I want to talk about music. Songs. And words in a song. Because we all relate to music…the right song can soothe us, right? Don’t you have a favorite song? One that comes to mind when you’re feeling blue? Or do you hum or whistle a little tune when you’re having a good day?


Or maybe, like a dear loved one of mine, who went through the trauma of having cancer and its treatments, heard a song on the radio and the words spoke exactly to what she was feeling. And it became her mantra. Her strength.


It doesn’t have to be religious / Christian music, although those can certainly bring about words of hope and love. Encouragement and power. But awhile back, I was listening to a classic rock station, and an old James Taylor song came on. And the words just washed over me. Not only was I comforted, but a couple of friends came to mind. They have been living busy, harried lives – and this song, I knew, would settle them down for a good night’s sleep as well. So I simply wrote to them, and said I heard this on the radio and it made me think of them. And I jotted a couple lines of the song down and mailed it out.


I have also used choruses of songs to lift up someone’s spirits. The old hymn “Great is Thy Faithfulness” is one I have used in sending notes to shut-ins. Just a few lines… brings hope, reassurance and promise to these dear souls.


And how about an old camp song – shared among friends. Revive a good, ol’ memory by sending those familiar lines to someone you know.


For those of you who have trouble thinking of something clever or appropriate to write in a card, consider the words written by professional songwriters.
Today, slow down… and become aware of the music around you. Listen to the words. Jot some of those phrases down. And then, later, take a card and simply write them down and send a meaningful message to someone on your heart. Try it. I’ve done it. And people are blessed by your thoughtfulness.


  • Heard this song on the radio and it lifted my spirits. May it do the same for you.
  • Remembering this old favorite brought warm thoughts of you to mind.
  • May you be encouraged and strengthened by the words of this song…

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