This is one of those times in the year when we stop and
think about other people. People near and far. People we know well and see
often, some who are distant in miles but not heart. And even strangers capture
our attention. Take time for a couple deep-cleansing breaths as you consider… giving. Give with joy and love from your
heart. Be giddy as you find that perfect gift for someone. Take a
deep-cleansing breath, stand up straight and tall and relish the conversations
as you mingle at one gathering, then the next. Take a deep-cleansing breath as you
jot a note to someone “it’s been too-long” since seeing. Slow down and breathe
so as to give from your heart and not the rampant pressure of the world. Remember
those who have drifted from your daily radar but still have a place in your
heart. We have close, day-to-day friends. We have friends we connect with once
in awhile. And still others, when, despite all technology, this is the season we remember with a special message. This
is it. This is that time of year when loving and giving abounds. We put money
in red kettles. We hang mittens on trees in banks and churches. Purchase
unwrapped toys to put in big collection boxes. We cook and bake and come
together – to decorate, sing, laugh, celebrate. More than other days of the
year. Yes, this is it. Loving. Giving. Sharing.
Rejoicing. Helping. Remembering. One another. Time to remember and to love one another.
- Remembering you is one of my favorite things to do!
- Thoughts of you always brighten my day! Hope all is well.
- Thank you – just for being you! Always a pleasure to connect with you.
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