Saturday, December 19, 2015

Come. Sit. Stay.

Love ...  is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love ... (Matthew 22: 37-39)

A friend of mine challenged me to write a blog on the three words: Come. Sit. Stay. So here we go!

We recognize these words as commands that dogs learn at obedience school. It takes repetition, practice and consistency - at school, at home, at the doggie park - wherever the dog goes, lives and has its being. Without repetition, practice and consistency, the commands Come, Sit, and Stay - no matter how loudly or how sternly they are said - still fall on deaf ears that aren't really deaf to the sound, or to the knowledge of their meaning, but rather to the willingness to "obey". The obedience of the command is generally followed by a treat, a reward ... a "blessing". Do we ever think of that when we are considering whether to obey a command of God or not? A positive reinforcement like the promise in Deuteronomy 12:28: Be careful to obey all these regulations I am giving you, so that it may always go well with you and your children after you, because you will be doing what is good and right in the eyes of the Lord your God.
Come. Sit. Stay. Comforting, calling to you, not be alone kind of words. Similar to Jesus' own words, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” (Mark 6:31) Not: run yourself ragged, or work yourself to death. 
And the greatest command: LOVE. Like Come, Sit and Stay, this command of love is easy on the senses. Its a warm, fuzzy command. Rooted and grown from the repetition, practice and consistency of the heart - for obedience. 
I encourage you all - to practice the command of love this day. And may all go well with you.
(how's that, PR?)

Friday, December 18, 2015

Like Mary

Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered … (Luke 1:29)

O dear God, the beginnings of such a major event. It was foretold. Probably foretold so much that people believed but just couldn’t imagine it coming. As it is now, with Christ’s second coming, I believe but probably not happening in my lifetime here on earth. But someday, that day, actually comes. As it finally did for God’s people way back then. That long-expected Jesus. God does not change His plans. For Mary. For Jesus – all your days written in His Book before one of them came to be (Psalm 139:16). Christ has come and will come again. Thanks be to God, it will happen!

I’m okay with the confusing, un-understandable stuff if it is of God. God is so big!  Nice to know Mary was greatly troubled and wondered about stuff too. I know later she surrenders to the unknown details. Living that surrender out was probably a constant battle, don’t you think? Even if the spiritual side is willing, the human nature side would continually question. With God stuff, you need to stop all the questioning and just go with the God-flow. Stick with the truths God has given you. Write them on your forehead (Deuteronomy 6:8). One thing I know is that there are two or three core lessons from God that would stabilize my life in the difficult questioning times. A couple things I should probably write down. Phrases from God that anchor me. Make me counter the questions with, “Yes, there is that …”  What comes to my mind – right now:

The Lord said, “I have indeed seen the misery of My people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them … (Exodus 3:7-8)

All the days ordained for me were written in Your Book before one of them came to be. (Psalm 139:16)

But the Lord said to her, “Martha, dear friend, you are so upset over all these details! There is really only one thing worth being concerned about. (Luke 10:41 – 42)

For Mary. For Jesus. For me.

Monday, December 14, 2015

The next big thing

… she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit … (Matthew 1:18)

How much do we really believe this passage? Makes me think not very much. It’s pretty “out there” if you know what I mean. The Bible is full of miraculous accounts of God’s doings. I am reminded that Jesus could not do much in His own hometown because of their unbelief (Mark 6:5-6). Am I like that? Do I feebly, weakly (and with some doubt) ask for some small healing when the God of everything is my loving Father? Doesn’t the Bible say He does not treat us as our sins deserve (Psalm 103:10)? And - what great love the Father has lavished on us (I John 3:1).

Can God still create whole universes? Can He still stop of the flow of the sea? Healings with just a touch? So many more … is it our unbelief, our doubt, or our unseeing eyes? Will He do these kinds of huge miracles again? What would the Bible say about God if it were written in today’s world, instead of “bible times”? Would we even notice His presence? Would the miracles be as grandiose? Do we have people bravely obeying the Lord and His angel messengers – as Joseph was faced with to do? Just how glorious would the Lord appear to others through our testimonies?

 … she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit … Do you really think people back then were better believers? Do you think God was somehow more powerful then than now? Was it somehow easier to believe in God’s miraculous ways?

God is unchanging. So, does God still do big things? Could it be that people of all generations are just like the people of bible times? Belief. Obedience. Despite some questioning thoughts.

Are we truly celebrating this miracle from a loving Father God? The Savior of the world is coming! Hallelujah He is coming! Hallelujah He is here!  I don’t want to feel guilty about disbelief or unseeing eyes. I want to be changed. Come, Holy Spirit, come … as in the days of old.

Friday, December 11, 2015

In humbled awe

You know when I rise ... You are familiar with all my ways ... You have laid Your hand upon me ... Your hand will guide me ... Your right hand will hold me fast ... Your eyes saw my unformed body ... all the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be ... when I awake I am still with You ... lead me in the way everlasting ... (excerpts from Psalm 139)

Thank You, dear God, for drawing me into Your Word. That there is no right or wrong way, but various ways to dive in. Just do it. There is a time and season for every way. Just do it. So much in this psalm to take in. All about me, me, me. I guess we have to take care of ourselves to a certain extent. Take care of our spiritual selves. Take care of our relationship with You. You, O God, formed me, knitted me, saw my unformed body. Ordained all my days. Wrote them in Your book way back when. Knew all the fits and starts this Christian walker would have. You have always known me from the very beginning. You have been with me. You laid Your hand upon me. When I wake up, Your hand is still there. Your right hand will hold me fast, even on the days when things seem so harried, haphazard and spontaneous, You are not surprised but use everything for good. A Master Weaver of black threads and gold. A brilliant coat of colors. The contrasts are breathtakingly beautiful. When I step back and perceive the expertise that was required ... But we're not talking about a masterful piece of art of a coat. But of a life, lived. I only remember bits and pieces. You, Lord, see it all. Thanks be to Jesus, and to Your Spirit for all they have done in and through me. Your hand guiding me, leading me in the way everlasting. Unformed still in many ways yet You are with me. Wherever life takes me - physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, financially ... You are with me still. You have laid Your hand upon me, leading me in the way everlasting. Constantly leading. Constantly right there.

Monday, December 7, 2015

From "Dear God' to "Amen"

Be still and know, that I am God …” (Psalm 46:10)

Life has its hard times, no matter what stage of life you are in. That’s why it’s so important to stick with God; to seek Him; be with Him. Revel in all that God is. It’s important to firmly establish this relationship with God. So you are comfortable in turning to Him when the storms hit.

How do you get to know God? You keep looking into His Word for one thing. Every time, a snippet of God’s character is revealed. So you begin to know the kind of Person He is. It becomes ingrained because the same qualities are repeated throughout history. Second is prayer. Prayer is a little harder to address because my first thought is about asking and receiving. For that is surely a natural first step. And some thanks as well. But prayer has to be more. Prayer beyond asking is like floating on the salty sea. Buoyant. You are there … and the sea is there. You may think you are alone, aware only of yourself. But the salty sea is holding you up, the sun is warm and the breeze is cool and refreshing. The sounds on land are muffled. So there is this Presence, this being held up, supported, and a sense of not going forward or back, but just being. You are there … and He is there. And it’s enough. I wonder how all my worries and cares seem to drift away when I am here in this gently rocking of waves, blue skies, puffy white clouds, bright sunshiny “place”. They seem to recede into the horizon. Muffled. I think that’s what prayer beyond asking is like. Being held up. Being warm. Being refreshed. Being.

I invite you to enter into His peace where the only pressure you feel is His arms around you … and His Word … Be still and know that I am GOD.

Friday, November 27, 2015

More, more, more

He must become greater; I must become less. (John 3:30)

O Lord, let me be influenced by Your Word. Convict me where You must, but then change me, inspire me to be what You want. Protect me from discouragement and hopelessness and excuses. Show me today and every day – ways to reveal Your greatness and wonderfulness. Not to be down in the mouth but to rise up and “sing” life anyway. Be determined to show that God is good; inspite of life’s challenges. God is still so, so good. Realign my thoughts, O God. May I have nothing but awe and respect and highest honor for You. May I be emptied. May You come in. May my actions be Yours and not me trying to be You. May Your tender mercies flow. May I not be concerned with how bright but just draw attention to Your light in the world. Purpose: Draw attention to God and His love. Draw attention to what God is already doing. Move by the grace of God. He feeds at the proper times. He brings rains in their season. The sun rises and sets. Birds fly south. Nature obeys. We too, can be caught up in the rhythm of God and obey. It happens all the time. Why do you worry so? What has happened in the past that God did not carry you through to bring you to this moment of peaceful, contemplative prayer?

Trusting You, Lord, with the world. Trusting in Your great, unfailing faithfulness, mercy, love and yes, justness too. Trusting in Your almighty power and sovereignty as You have established proper, Godly limits and boundaries. Under Your wing we are safe, despite what we see and hear around us. The heavenly life we thirst for will come. Thanks be to God.

Prayers for all the angry people who want to lash out and hurt. Prayer You would calm and soothe their weary souls. Replace fear with hope in You. Protection. Okayness. Prayer for deep cleansing breath for everyone. I take time now, to lift these people up to you …

Time for it, Lord. Help us to realize there is time to invest in relationships. Prayers for their life and their souls. Proect them, keep them, I pray, until they turn to You. Through me, a continuous chain of kindess, mercy and love towards others. May love dominate my moments and my days. Hug more. Like more. Prayer more. Reach out more. More littles instead of once a year bigs.

How do I let You flow? How and where can You use me to Your advantage? How can I be of help instead of a hindrance or a setback to Your kingdom plans of love? Lord, I pray for Your heart, insight, attitude. Trusting in You always for strength and wisdom to obey You. Peace, peace about it all. I seek You. You hear me. You are glad I am coming to You. I trust and believe in Your answer. You will go with me. You will lead me down the right path.







Monday, November 23, 2015

To: and From:

Look, the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world! This is the One … (John 1:29-30a)


Thank You, dear God, for Your Word; for a desire to look at it; and for some level of understanding. And thank You for Jesus paying the price for our sins. Thank You for opening the curtain to a relationship with You, even though we don’t hold it as precious as we ought. Thank You for being steadfast and true … unchanging, despite our response. Thank You for the revelation of Yourself day after day. Forgive us for not acknowledging You as much as we may the blessing You send in love. Forgive us for asking for different blessings than what in Your perfect foresight has sent.

Forgive me for all the selfish whining, the laziness, and the excuses. Forgive me for somehow denying any passion in me and running away in heart from loving service. Forgive me for not loving neighbor – both the familiar and the stranger - as I ought. Forgive me for not going beyond just duty in life to loving, relishing, and delighting in the life of love and service You have planned out for me. I lift this brokenness up to You, trusting in Your guidance and power now that I have brought it to You, ... Lord of me.

I have not loved You with my whole heart. I have been waiting for health and life, comfort and balance to be perfectly aligned. Yet I know, by trusting in Your holy Word that I can love and serve in any condition because it is Christ that lives in me and not myself alone. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me. (Galatians 2:20)

Greater than any blessing is the love from the God Who sent us the greatest of all blessings. His only Son, our Lord; that sacrificial Lamb … that was needed to wash all sin away. TO save the world and all its generations. Rejoice in the Gift of Jesus. Rejoice more in the love FROM the Father Who gave Him up for us all.








Monday, October 19, 2015

A child for all seasons

 And He said, “Truly, I tell you, unless you change and become like little children … (Matthew 18:3)


Oh, the wonderful memories I have of childhood Halloweens. Dressing in costume (the wearing of something totally unlike my real self); and wandering the dark streets of my neighborhood under the watchful eyes and protection of my mom and big sister. And getting candy, candy – CANDY! That’s what Halloween is all about for little children. Don’t ruin it for this new generation by making it out to be about the devil and other horrors. For all our children, don’t we want them to be playful innocents as long as they can? Together we can do just that and overpower any darkness with pure, sweet thoughts of costume and candy. And relive the childlike joy ourselves.


Next month, we are attending a murder mystery dinner. I’ve heard several people groan about the “need” to dress up in formal / cocktail attire. Where is your playfulness and childlikeness? There are so few opportunities, especially as adults, to dress up. I want to wear that sequin dress – I mean, how cool is that? Who told us it had to be in some competition and we always have to behave so very grown up all the time? I found a cute little black sequined number at a local consignment shop - $22.00 - and I plan on having some childlike fun! And kick up my heels!


And I hope, I hope, someone will host an ugly-Christmas sweater party! What a goofy, silly, let your hair down, stop-being-so-uptight affair. So many opportunities to not be so serious all the time. Everything has its time and place. And above all, God calls us to be like little children. Above all, we are children of God. Let’s start acting like it.






Saturday, October 17, 2015

I've come to my senses

Taste and see that the Lord is good … (Psalm 34:8)


Have you been there? A place in life where you rush from one same ol’ thing to the next. Monday through Friday routine of have-to’s, duty and well-established ruts. Or maybe your life has gotten soooo settled, there just doesn’t seem to be much “life” in it at all. Ho-hum existence day after day, with an occasional “high” moment.


Maybe it’s time for you to taste and see … and smell and feel and hear. Time to savor. Bring the ordinary times up a notch. Instead of jumping in and out of the shower: feel the warmth of the water running down your neck and back. Take a full moment to really enjoy that sensation. Watch the droplets fall from the ends of your fingers. Smell the fragrance of your soap - refreshing. Swish a little water around in your mouth - clean. Hear yourself hum a happy tune as you become refreshed and revitalized.


Imagine all the pleasure you could get out of every area of life if you would just apply this simple practice. Taste. See. Smell. Feel. Hear. Your life to its fullest.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Choices and lessons learned

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:2)


So … yeah … I went and got a manicure and pedicure yesterday. So many colors to choose from: from the very mild-mannered tame to the wild and outrageous. Getting a mani / pedi is such a once in a blue moon luxury that the playful side of me jumped right on board with the celebratory spirit and picked out this bold teal color!


And a part of me was giggling like a child inside at such a foolish, crazy, out of character choice. But walking out of the salon, my frivolous choice stood out like flashing neon lights with every step! Good Lord, what was I thinking?


Being a Christian can sometimes be like that. Not conforming to the norm in the way the world responds to situations but being more Christlike: in patience, in forgiveness, in compassion. Yes, we too, probably stick out like neon lights when we extend love instead of giving people “what they deserve”.


But like the colors on the nail polish rack, we have choices. Do we go tame and blend in with the world? Or be bold for Jesus and giggle with childlike delight?


I am enjoying my bold teal nails. They are reminders that I am a child of God and a representative of the joy of Jesus to the world.




Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Special Delivery

But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion’s mouth. (2 Timothy 4:17)


I’m an adoptive mom. So I can’t speak from experience. But I have heard that during labor, the contractions come ... and go. And usually the mother is instructed to rest in between and reserve her strength – for later. In order to rest, she must have to focus on the current moment. Appreciate the respite fully. I suppose that anxious anticipation would drain you, leaving you unprepared for what is ahead. But with the stopping to receive strength, you can make it through the trial, and behold the very glory of God.


And it made me think of life in general. Worrying about the future, negative expectations, and anxious “what ifs” all rob us of power to face life’s big and little trials. Without renewed strength, we may stop short of getting through it at all.


The Lord knows we need constant refilling. That’s why He says, “Come to Me …” (Matthew 11:28) If life is seeming to get more and more overwhelming, maybe you aren’t stopping to rest when He offers it to you. It’s time to give yourself permission to rest. It’s necessary for a balanced life, a strong life. A getting-through life. And bringing out the glory of God.


God offers you a way to have the strength you need for any situation.


“Come to Me … and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)



Sunday, September 6, 2015

Making it simple

Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:37-39)

"Don't stand on the toys!"      "Stop spitting!"
"No climbing!"       "Don't bite!"
"No running!"      "No throwing toys!"
"Don't hit!"

These are just a few of the lines I say repeatedly while working in the toddler room of a child care facility. Repeatedly. So many rules. So many reminders. They are probably thinking, "well, what CAN I do?"

I had to make it more simple, for myself as well as for them.

Don't hurt.

Don't hurt yourself. Running, climbing, etc. could cause injury and pain. Maybe we should take this wise advise too. Don't do things to yourself that causes damage, harm, or unnecessary pain. Take good care of yourself. You, yes, you - are a beloved child of God.

Don't hurt the toys. Standing on, and throwing them. Abuse causes things to break and then we can't have them anymore. Take good, responsible care of all the things you have. Appreciate. Enjoy. Every good and perfect gift is from God above.

Don't hurt others. Hitting, spitting, biting. For them it's physical actions. For us, it could be done in words and attitude. Guard your mouth and your heart. Love your neighbor.

When it comes to yourself, possessions, and others: simply put - don't hurt.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

I gotta move!

I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go ... (Genesis 28:15)

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for  the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)

Where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence? If I go up to the heavens, You are there; if I make my bed in the depths, You are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast. (Psalm 139: 7-10)

This morning I woke up thinking about some little boy who has already had so many changes in his young life, and his mom is looking at a different place to live. This little one is whiny and cries easily; I'm thinking he can't handle one more change ... but he's gotta move.

And I think about an elderly woman, who has come to the time in life where she can't live alone anymore. The kids have decided she needs more watchful care on a daily basis. She loves the comfort and familiarity of "home" ... but, she too, has gotta move.

And still there are others, young and old, who are standing at death's door. Whether by some debilitating illness or just the body wearing out from old age, suddenly they know their days are numbered. Although they are Christian believers, and know of the wonderful promise of heaven above, their heart longs to remain with the familiar. But, like the others ... they gotta move.

In all three scenarios, the decision to move is pretty much out of their control. They "gotta" ...

I look back over my life. There were changes that I was excited about. And moves that terrified me. But true to His Word, God used everything for good (Romans 8:28). Circumstances I felt trapped in "pushed" me into a major move. Whether in physical moves like joining the Navy and being transferred far from home, or emotional moves like deciding to move forward with a divorce and having to face everything on my own, God has used these moves to mold and shape me - into a better, stronger person. I'm not only able to understand more, but also able to receive more. Trust and experience God more.

Moving up and out does that.

Like the grieving process, no one can tell you how long or when, but there does come a time when - ya gotta move. On. Forward. Higher. Take a look at yourself. Is there any place you are refusing to be moved - relationally, spiritually, emotionally? Have you enjoyed a Sabbath rest and now its time to get moving again? Do you know that God is everywhere, and so there is beauty everywhere? That God can be found in love and power and strength - anywhere? But if you don't move, you don't need strength and power. And so you may not see and experience God. Go. And when you go, you go with God. Remember that the next time you "gotta move". Wherever you go, so does God.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

On this rock

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)

I was recently told by a man how he used to sit with his daughter from time to time, out on this ol' rock on the backside of their property. They would just sit together and "you know, talk about things". My first thought was jealousy, for what dad (surely not mine) takes time to do such a thing? How wonderful it must have been for that daughter to have some one-on-one, unhurried, no agenda time with him. What a Norman Rockwell moment in the purest sense. Did she realize the gift he gave her that many do not ever get?

Because there are many who have grown up without a father present - physically or emotionally. But as Christians, as believers in Christ bridging the gap between us and God, we too, can have a Father Who takes time to "you know, talk about things". It doesn't have to be a hurried reading of scripture to meet Him, or a quickly rushed prayer. This Father has all the time you need.

So find your "rock" and sit with your Father today ... because He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7)

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Just in case

The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. (Matthew 25:4)

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. (Psalm 119:105)

A friend at book club the other day referred to me as a writer. Me? A writer? No, not really. Writers do lots of research and develop characters and story lines. Their writings are in depth and are pages and pages long . A secretary maybe. I'm comfortable being called a good secretary.

You see, my blog postings are not something I sit down and try to write some intelligent insight on a certain topic. My postings are straight from my morning prayer journal. Ramblings between me and God, really. I feel kind of like a secretary. And there are times when I just sense that something should be shared. So I do.

When several days pass by with no postings, I think about it but I don't try to write. I just keep my times with the Lord every morning and keep journaling. I just want to sit there and afford Him an opportunity to speak ... to my soul. For Your servant is listening ... I am ready, Lord. I am ready.

Which all made me stop and think about reading the Bible every morning and occasionally feeling like I'm not getting anything out of it. Sometimes the story is all too familiar and I'm not seeing anything new. Sometimes I really try to ponder and reflect. But still don't sense anything "happening". But ...

But, then an instance comes along, days or weeks later, where that very passage I was bored with, is recalled with vibrancy. Pow! And I wonder how I ever remembered that. There's His Word - guiding me through; lighting my path. His Word that I have been faithfully reading on a regular basis - there it is - helping me. It somehow got instilled in me for future use. I've been carrying it around in me. I was prepared.

Dieters and exercisers often have to work and not see immediate results. Or disciplining children over and over about the same thing. You need to plan and prepare ahead for future events. I am going to eat this and not that. I am going to the gym after work - no excuses. I will be consistent.  I will be stronger. I will be wise about this.  The same is true for your spiritual health and strength. You don't know what's down the road. The best thing to do is to keep returning to the Word.

Days will come when you need to already be - strong, determined, self disciplined, self-controlled. Ready.

So, be wise. Get at it. And be ready.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Do you lack savor?

Taste and see that the Lord is good … (Psalm 34:8)

When you worry about the near or distant future, you are forgetting that God will be there with you. And when you cling to anxious thoughts about what has happened in the near or distant past, you are forgetting that God was there and brought you through to where you are today.

I am with you always … (Matthew 28:20) Forgetting about Me and Who I Am does not change that. I am with you - always. Including right now. This very minute while you are reading this. I am close. I am smiling. I love you. I AM with you in a very real sense.

Think about this for a moment. The Lord is with you. Whether you can sense it or not, it is still a very real, a very true (promised) fact. One of those unseen things you faith believes in. But try to take your thoughts captive for a moment and hear this:

I am with you – right now. Let yourself sigh. Let your shoulders drop down. Close your eyes. Breathe slowly. In and out. Repeat over and over to yourself – I am with you right now. Allow yourself to be held in the protective arms of the Lord Who knows all about it all. Still, He is here with you right now. Lean into Him.  Accept His love and care for you. He is here to handle anything and everything. Turn your hands over – palms up – and just sit there. I am with you always (and in all ways).

There is nothing He can’t handle. There is nothing He doesn’t handle. In an all-wise, all-powerful God way. Rest assured He is involved.

All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be … (Psalm 139:16)

Savor this restful moment with these peaceful promises from God’s holy Word. You are truly under God’s protective care. He is here.

Savor – pleasing to the taste or smell

Taste and see that the Lord is good … (Psalm 34:8)




Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Dinner is served

… actually, He already knew what He would do. – John 6:6


Actually: existing in reality

Already: by or before the given or implied time


This little phrase from last Sunday’s gospel reading caught my eye. Actually, He already knew … It’s in reference to feeding 5,000 people and Jesus says this to stretch Philip's faith. Bread for all these people? But how? How indeed. I would certainly be at a loss!


I wonder how many times that phrase could have been used in the bible – either in talking about Jesus, or God the Father, or even the Holy Spirit. How often do you think – in actuality – it was already known what was going to be done? Now before you get all excited with me and say, “a zillion times” with utmost confidence, think about this. If that was true then, and God never changes, is it true still today? In our lives? Does God actually already know what He is going to do? With impossible situations? Do you think our situations are worst / harder now than in biblical times? Well, of course not.


What can we gain from this? Confidence! That in every circumstance, no matter how extreme the challenge, God Almighty already knows what He is going to do. Notice I say what HE is going to do. HE is actively involved in every measure of your life. Be assured. Be confident. Rest in this knowledge about God. He is faithful. He is unchanging. He already knows what to do.




Monday, July 27, 2015

That's far enough!

Then He said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe”. (John 20:27)



Driving around – lost. Until at some point you throw up your hands in resignation and you stop and ask for directions. You’ve come to the point where you are going to stop guessing. You’ve had enough.

 That partying lifestyle that seemed so important in your early 20’s. At some point, you came to the line you would not cross. You’d had enough.

 And I recently saw a dieting poster that basically said the same thing: I woke up this morning and decided I’d had enough with this overweight /overeating business. Starting now, I’m living differently. Better.

 I’ve gone this far … but no farther.

 At some point, a light goes on in your head and you say, “Stop! No more. I really, really need to get on the right track. And it starts now.”

Could it be that the “light” that goes on in your head – could it be the Lord Himself? At that one certain point, you are recognizing His voice calling you to a better way.

We know the winds and the waves of the sea get stirred up but then Jesus speaks and they obey Him (Matthew 8:27). There are also several biblical accounts in the gospels of demons tormenting people’s bodies, then Jesus casts them out and they obey. And in Job’s life, Satan asks of God and again, limits are set.

Who can know the mind of God? Yet we do know His character is good and He uses everything for good.

Sin too, can only go so far. The calamities of this world may seem to be running rampant. But the Lord sees and knows all. There are limits and boundaries sin can not cross. Limits and boundaries we have no knowledge of. Yet God still rules in heaven and earth. Both the seen and the unseen.

The promise of no more sin forever is still the promise we can have certain hope for. It will come in the form of heaven for all who believe. You have to trust and believe – in the Lord God Almighty. Maker / Owner / Controller / Lover of heaven and earth. Stop trusting in your own knowledge. Stop doubting about God and believe.



Friday, July 24, 2015


When she heard about Jesus ... (Mark 5:27)

I've heard and seen from several adults who have trouble staying focused this shout out of, "Squirrel!". Though they fully intend to stay focused, something else catches their eye and they are diverted. Now they are following / tracking that. The "other" completely forgotten. Oh, how that can be true of all of us - focusing on perhaps an uncomfortable life circumstance. We need respite from our troubles. We need a "Squirrel!" moment.

Why this train of thought came to me as I was reading Mark 5:21-43 I don't know. There is a woman who had been suffering for a long time. What can we say about the previous 12 years of her life? She suffered. It must have consumed her. Then it happens. In verse 27: When she heard about Jesus ...

Oh, the hope the name of Jesus brings! The possibilities are endless! Anything can happen. And does! The circumstances may or may not change, but either way, you are empowered by the Holy Spirit to change your outlook, your attitude toward it. Stiff upper lip. Determination. Drive to see a brighter side despite the challenge. Be freed from your suffering He tells her. Squirrel!

And again, in verse 36, Jesus ignores what's being said. Ignores all these outside voices; forces. "don't be afraid." He says. "just believe!" He says. He's telling the synagogue ruler, "Look at Me. Jesus! Immediately be consumed by Me and all that I AM."

This biblical account ends with: they were completely astonished."

Whether your circumstance changes as theirs did, or your focus / attitude / outlook changes, may you be freed in the power of Jesus' name.


Monday, July 20, 2015

He's still there

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed. (Mark 1:35)

I've been a little unsettled lately. The simplest little things have bothered me. And I can't seem to work things out in my head. There's been a nagging, gnawing, upsetness just below the surface of my every day. I know I should "calm down". As a Christian woman, I know what I am supposed to do. But my normal routine has suddenly become foreign to me ...

You see, I've been sleeping in lately. And normally I am up before the dawn, with coffee and bible in hand. Journaling my prayers, releasing all my worries and cares. Taking the  time to be filled with God's love - to the point where I am able to extend love - because of His overflowing abundance of love to me. Anything that could cause upsetness seems to wash away in those early morning moments. But for over a week now, I have pushed them aside. Thinking I will get to it later in the day. And although I did call out to God from time to time throughout the day (in short, brief spurts), it was never quite the same, never quite as fulfilling, as that early morning time with Him that I experienced before.

Then today, I did get up early. And I read my bible. Drank my coffee. And immediately, immediately - a sense of calmess and peace filled me. The day that lies before me does not look overwhelming. I am not fearful or suspicious. I am fully secure in the knowledge that He is still with me.

Now I'm not here to tell all of you to get up early. That is His calling for me. It may be that He calls you in the evening, when the day is done. He wants you to reflect on all the circumstances He led you through. And to surrender all your cares over to Him so that you can get your proper rest.

Did you once have a regular time of meeting with the Lord? Have you drifted? Or maybe you have yet to establish a routine of prayer time and meditation on His Word ... May I encourage you now to make it a part of your day. Seek to know Him. Seek to receive Him. This Prince of Peace. He's still there.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Class in now in session

God’s servant must not be argumentative, but a gentle listener and a teacher who keeps cool, working firmly but patiently with those who refuse to obey. You never know how or when God might sober them up with a change of heart ... (2 Timothy 2:25 The Message)

God bless me - for I work at a childcare facility - with two-year olds! Precious when being rocked to sleep and a joy when they are playing well together. Highlights include practicing sign language and they remember from the day before; mimicking words as I read a book for the umpteenth time; screams of delight when I blow bubbles; and running through the grass with their hand in mine. Oh, if only my work day could be filled with just these kinds of moments!

But there is fighting over a toy - followed by crying. Hitting and shoving (and more crying). Running where there should be walking; climbing up on shelves and trying to open the gate to get beyond the designated play area. All disobedience (sins) of a two-year old. And my job is to keep them safe. To rescue them a thousand times from the potential dangers of their poor choices. And kindly offer other options (redirect). And some days it does feel like a thousand times! But I must not get sick of it and give up. I can't demand they learn something they aren't ready to learn. Gently, but firmly. "No, not safe." and "No, - owie!" as I scoop them up and away is my mantra.

"Go play!" only works on occasion. They do much better when I stop to interact with them. Spend time with them. The joys I listed earlier? - the books, the bubbles, the sign language - included me and we all shared in the joy.

I could just write them off as being naughty. (Don't we want to do that with some of the grown-ups in our life?) "Go, play (somewhere else and not by me)". Leaves us both more vulnerable to temptation. But together we can do and be so much more. Learning different things at a different pace perhaps - but learning and growing - being kind and gentle and accepting as you watch God work in the lives involved.

God is at work in them. Our little ones but also in the adults around us. God is still working. So be patient with where God has them now. Watch and pray as God continues His transforming work. In them and oh! In you too!

Friday, July 3, 2015

To You, God ... from me

Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)

Thank You, dear Lord, that I can talk to You about anything. Thank You for Your sovereignty - perfect knowledge, perfect wisdom, perfect power over all things. That I can have hope in You. Thank You for never changing. Thank You for this growing, deepening relationship. Dear God, here is something that is really bothering me ...

I will trust You, Lord. I will trust in Your involvement. Thank You again. Thank You I can turn these things over to You. Thank You I can count on You. Thank You I can rest in You. You will do something. You will act. You have seen me through many things. Today is no different and I am grateful. Grateful I can fall into Your arms and not have to deal with "it" right now -  but know You will guide my steps and my words at the proper time. I am Yours (sigh). Thank You, Jesus. Thank You for this very real sense that a burden has been lifted. That my head feels clearer for other things now. The circumstance hasn't changed at all. Yet. But I know the One Who calms the storms, commands demons out and makes the lame leap like frolicking calves. The same Lord Who never changes ... is the same then and now. Wise. Powerful. Magnificent. Lord. Of all.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Awesome God - is here

I'm an open book to You; even from a distance, You know what I'm thinking. You know when I leave and when I get back; I'm never out of Your sight. You know everything I'm going to say before I start the first sentence. I look behind me and You're there, then up ahead and You're there, too - Your reassuring presence, coming and going. This is too much, too wonderful - I can't take it all in! (Psalm 139: 2-6, The Message)

Thank You, dear God, for having everything under Your supreme, divine, and sovereign control. You are well aware of what's dying, what's lingering, what's struggling and what's starting up. The church. The cities. The small groups. Their life and breath are all in Your hands. This morning I have life and breath and Your fresh air. Birds singing. The rest of the family still blissfully sleeping. A new day dawning. Coffee and comfort. Books to read and yarns to be knitted. Still cards to create And still a porch to clean and paint. Dinner out. Another day. Thank You. Thank You for being in our midst. Thank You for being involved. Thank You contentment can mean being sure of You, God. Of Your wisdom, power, and faithfulness. Nothing can trouble. Nothing can frighten. Things may not be going perfectly smooth, but with God, its still okay. Things are moving along and God is overseeing it all. I can put all hope and trust in Him. Breathe. Zone out on God's beauty. Let it overtake me. Grass, flowers, trees, sky, sunshine, breezes. Gently sigh. Breathe.

Trust and believe that all the rest is in God's capable hands. Believe He is at work this very moment to make things aright. You are safely nestled into His holy plans. Do not be afraid. Step out in faith. Step out with a smile. He is before you, He is behind you. He is your Guard on the left and right. Look around. All around you are absolute signs of God's presence. It surrounds you no matter where you stand. Let the glory of the earth, of nature, be reminders of His infinite, everlasting presence in your life.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Which way do I go?

And when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left, your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." (Isaiah 30:21)

We sure enjoyed our vacation time away. Woods and streams, fresh air and no agenda. Just whiling the days away in pure and simple pleasure. We love walking along paths like you see here. How many of us think of retirement when we go on a vacation like this? Wanting to do it every day. And why do we wait so long to take a vacation like this? How refreshed we feel after a break from the norm!

Two thoughts come to mind as I think about this. One, I remember watching the path for animal scat. And holes and roots to trip on. And mud. All important stuff. But I also had to look up once in a while, to watch for trees marked in blue indicating I was still on the right path. And looking up to enjoy all the beauty around me, completely surrounded by nature and nature sounds like the babbling brook and the birds calling out and the leaves rustling in the breeze. Such beauty ... all around me. But I had to keep my mind in balance - focusing on the road before me, the beauty of God all around me and keeping sight of the "blue trail" markings - keeping me safe and on track. I didn't want to go too long focused on one without the other. Too much focus on the road could lead me off track of the intended trail. I had to keep referring back to the blue markings, the guidelines, on the path. I couldn't stay focused on possible dangers on the road without sacrificing the sight of God's creation.

And two. You know where I'm going with this. The road of life is full of puddles, roots and yes, scat. But there is still God's beauty all around too. And how important it is for us to look up and seek direction, to insure we are on the right path.  How important it is that we don't wait too long before we stop and get our bearings. Are we still on the right path? Looking up and seeking God is vital for a good walk. Vacations may come only once a year. And Sabbaths once a week. But don't wait too long to reconnect with God, our Creator. He is in our midst - all around. Any time. Any place. Look up. Continue on your life walk. Be refreshed by His constant presence.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Zoom lens or panarama?

One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His temple. (Psalm 27:4)

I have friends who are really into photography. They are able to "see" much more through their lens than we do looking through just the human eye.

What appears to be just a tree branch covered with leaves, reveals a nest with little chirping beaks.

A forest of trees? That same zooming lens uncovers a doe and fawn hidden beneath branches.

Imagine the rainbow effects in the morning dew on a spider web ...

One friend even dared to draw closer than close to a bumblebee (!) on a flower - oh! The detail! The intricacies discovered there! God did that? God's very hand?

What breath-taking discoveries, right? Right there, if we but stop and take a closer look.

And its not just for the professional or experienced. With today's cell phone features, anyone can zoom in, enlarge - beauty that escapes the naked, "human" eye.

So it is with all of life. If you but look, really look - reframe - choose - you can find a treasure, a gem, a diamond in the "rough" of life.

Today ... gaze upon the beauties of the Lord.

Friday, June 19, 2015

I'm sticking with God!

By standing firm, you will gain life. (Luke 21:19)

There sure are a lot of zigs and zags in life. Yings and yangs. Twists and turns. There's always something - and something else as well. In contrast. Opposite.

While the evening news brings me images too painful to bear; at work I find two-year-old boys playing ring around the rosies and laughing hysterically when they "all fall down".

Dark, grey skies start the day instead of a morning sunrise; yet my kitty climbs in my lap, kneads my belly, and purrs contentment into both of us.

A pile of dirty dishes, a bigger pile of laundry; thank God for the provision that started these "messes".

Long, hard days at work; followed by time off, weekends and vacations. Hope for easy-going days to look forward to.

Challenges and trials of life - draining; and times of rest and repose with the Lord in prayer - refueling. Hearing from His Word. Renewing our remembering of promises of hope for today and tomorrow.

You can focus on the doom and gloom that creeps into every day. But I'm sticking with God. The God of all hope. The God Who can turn anything into something useful up ahead. With God, there's always a bright spot in the future. Eternity, of course. But also a few months from now ... and later today. And in the next breath you take. Stand firm in the Lord. Stomp your foot. Chin up. I'm sticking with God! As for me, I'm living in hope.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Things I need to know

... there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over  flocks ... (Luke 2:8)

Many of you know I work part-time at a childcare center. Oh, the lessons I've learned!

I've learned that they say, "No!" (I'm not gonna listen to you!) as often as I say, "No!" (Don't do that! Not safe!) and we are both adamant and standing firm. (I wonder if  bump heads with God the same way ...)

And that as much as I would love to sit and play and enjoy our time together, there are times when their poor choices "ruin it" and I must more firmly say, "No!" and separate them from myself with a time-out. (I wonder if God does the same with us ...)

And as fun as playing and being active is, lying down with a blankie (after putting up a good fight first, of course) - is alright. (I wonder if we too, put up a fight when God calls us to rest ...)

There are safe and secure cuddle times when a child will just sit in my lap, lean back, thumb firmly planted in the mouth - and just watch the world go by. What a pleasure to provide those few precious moments to their busy little lives. (I wonder if God longs to provide that for us as well ...)

And at day's end, father (or mother) will come, and all will be perfectly right with the world. There will be ear-to-ear smiles, outstretched arms and shouts of joy. As wonderful as the day has been: "I'm going home!" (I wonder if we think about Father coming to take us home - with such joy ...)

In the meantime, there are others put into place to journey through this day with them, providing food and drink at the proper time, keeping them safe, clean, protected, loved. (I wonder if we see our journey together like that. Meeting each other's needs until Father comes ...)

Are you a shepherd?
Living nearby?
Keeping watch over a flock?

Monday, June 15, 2015

Christian Leadership: In Christ Alone

I recently gave this talk on Christian leadership at a spiritual retreat. It was requested that I post it on my blog. Although it's longer than my usual posts, I hope you will take the time to read, learn, and grow in your walk with Christ because of it.


My name is Julie Crane. I was born in the spring of 1957, the youngest of eight, in small town USA to parents of meager means. I squeaked through school with a C- average. Quiet. Shy. Lacked vision, purpose, goals. Was in and out of jobs, relationships and places to live. Not a real stellar resume …


But I am here to talk to you about leaders – not people like me.


We all know what leaders look like. They take charge – that’s a spirit of initiative. They are able to imagine what might be and do whatever has to be done to get things done – that’s the ability to take risks.  They may seem to be more knowledgeable, more advanced, more successful, even more superior  – which causes them to have a sense of responsibility over others with less knowledge and experience. These qualities seem to come naturally.


But there are also some desired qualities we would like to see in our leaders. People who are real, genuine. True whether others are watching or not. And generous with their time and talents. Who understand the value and importance and impact of their actions upon others.


I’ll bet you’re thinking leaders need to be extroverts. Real go-getters. Confident. Determined. Focused. Charismatic. Plus knowledgeable and experienced.


Show of hands, how many of us have all the qualities I’ve listed so far? How many of us feel able to fill the shoes of … (gulp) LEADER?


So, let’s take a look at some biblical leaders:

Like Moses – Exodus 4:10


 But Moses said to the Lord, “O my Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor even now that you have spoken to your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.” Exodus 4:10


Maybe we better look at a KING.

Uh, let’s try: King Saul – 1 Samuel 9:21

 Saul answered, “I am only a Benjaminite, from the least of the tribes of Israel, and my family is the humblest of all the families of the tribe of Benjamin. Why then have you spoken to me in this way?” 1 Samuel 9:21




Hmmm … let us look at King DAVID – 1 Samuel 16:10-13

10 Jesse made seven of his sons pass before Samuel, and Samuel said to Jesse, “The Lord has not chosen any of these.” 11 Samuel said to Jesse, “Are all your sons here?” And he said, “There remains yet the youngest, but he is keeping the sheep.” And Samuel said to Jesse, “Send and bring him; for we will not sit down until he comes here.” 12 He sent and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, and had beautiful eyes, and was handsome. The Lord said, “Rise and anoint him; for this is the one.” 13 Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the presence of his brothers; and the spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward. 1 Samuel 16:10-13


Hmmm … the youngest of eight; (pause) the least of all clans might mean from a family of meager means … and slow in speech may have caused him to carry a C- average.


What does this tell us about what Christian leaders are made of?


Christian leaders are equipped by God - regardless of human characteristics. Were you thinking you don’t have the right stuff for a leadership position? Guess what. Doesn’t matter.


Peter steps out of a boat and walks on water. 2000 years later, we remember that, knowing the same Jesus calls us out of the safe and familiar. God equips those who respond to God’s call.


We’ve all heard the saying: God doesn’t call the equipped, but equips the called. Really? Where is that in the bible? Well, I found it ...


make you complete in everything good so that you may do his will, working among us[a] that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen. Hebrews 13:21


so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:17




Christian leaders are ones called to lead others to the knowledge of Christ through the words and actions given them by God’s Holy Spirit residing within them (given them … by God). By the power of Christ within, any one can LEAD others to the knowledge of Christ and His love.  (pause through this paragraph)


Hebrews 11 lists numerous faith heroes of the bible: Abraham in faith, obeyed God and went even though he did not know where he was going. And there are others. Verse 13 says “All these people were still living by faith when they died.” Wow! I want to live like that. Faith in God no matter what comes my way. Until the day I die.


The verse goes on to say: Considered Him (meaning God) –  faithful Who made the promise. What promise? How about, I WILL BE WITH YOU ALWAYS. And I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU.


A living faith of Hope. Love. Humility. It’s what Abraham’s story is showing us. That’s putting all your eggs in one basket – God’s basket. Counting on God for all that is needed.


Christian leaders keep walking with the Lord. They don’t stop in the midst of fear, doubt, or temptation. “Get behind me, Satan!” I’m moving on. I’m sticking with God! I will worship with all my heart. I will continue to learn about God through study. I will go and do as God calls me into action.


Christian leadership is about setting the example. Talking the talk. Walking the walk. AND falling the fall. And getting back up. Everyone falls from time to time. Leaders get back up. Again and again. Micah 7:8 Though I have fallen, I will rise … Living in such a way truly shapes the lives in the world around them.


And it’s also about stay and be still when God says to do so – even when all around you says, “Go! Go! Go! and “Do! Do! Do!”


Leaders show how to be a servant. (Won’t you let me be your servant? Let me be as Christ to you.)… Again, set the example. Live life in such a way that others see you: 1) seeking God, 2) hearing God, 3) listening to God, 4) obeying God. Show that you know the difference between Godly callings and worldly callings. And speaking of callings …


Earlier in my talk I referenced a few Old Testament leaders.


Here is something I found in the New Testament. More leaders. Of the first century church. Peter and John were out spreading the gospel story of Christ risen from the dead. They ended up in jail several times over that. And they even healed a man.


When questioned by the chief priests and rulers about this healing, they responded,


It is by the power of Jesus’ name that you see this man today – completely healed. (pause)


Then listen to what it says next, in Acts 4:13 –

 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and realized that they were uneducated and ordinary men, they were amazed and recognized them as companions of Jesus. Acts 4:13



… they had been with Jesus … it was obvious.


Christ is counting on you to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. To become an instrument of His peace and redeeming love for all the world. An instrument is defined as something used to make something happen; to achieve a result. God has a plan and purpose for your everyday life.

So, this now middle aged woman who began life the youngest of eight (like David), in meager means (like King Saul), and with a pitiful educational background (like Moses, Peter and John)) … whatever became of her and her story?


Well, today she is happily married to her pastor-husband Scott, serving in a quaint little village church. By God’s grace and God’s equipping, she designs, sends, and sells notecards for those who need love and support. By God’s inspiration, she writes a blog of Christian encouragement and has recently published a devotional book. By God’s empowerment she is able to stand before all of you to do this talk.  She worships God every morning with devotions and prayer . She both attends and teaches Sunday School classes. And as the Lord leads and equips, she lives a life of love. She is a leader. More importantly, (don’t miss this …) she is a follower… of Christ.


One last point I want to make.


     You’ll notice in this picture that the sheep are not lined up one behind the other, like a row of ducks on a pond; they are not following the sheep that is directly ahead of them. No, they are all gathered close around the Shepherd. Their eyes are on the One they know and trust.



… the sheep follow him because they know his voice. They will not follow a stranger…


 (says John 10)


You are not called to be like the person ahead of you. Or next to you. Some do morning devotions. Some are called to evening prayers. Some are writers, some photograph God’s beauty in nature; others cook up enjoyable meals; others knit hats and mittens; still others work in a food pantry or sing in a choir – ALL to the glory of God. This isn’t about “I wanna be just like her.” Or “I can’t possibly be like that”. For we are, each one of us, called to follow – the voice of Christ alone.


Be the example God calls you to be for the world around you. By the power of Christ within, in the power of His Name, anyone can LEAD others to the knowledge of Christ and His love.


My brothers and sister in Christ, God loves you and so do I!