Monday, July 27, 2015

That's far enough!

Then He said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe”. (John 20:27)



Driving around – lost. Until at some point you throw up your hands in resignation and you stop and ask for directions. You’ve come to the point where you are going to stop guessing. You’ve had enough.

 That partying lifestyle that seemed so important in your early 20’s. At some point, you came to the line you would not cross. You’d had enough.

 And I recently saw a dieting poster that basically said the same thing: I woke up this morning and decided I’d had enough with this overweight /overeating business. Starting now, I’m living differently. Better.

 I’ve gone this far … but no farther.

 At some point, a light goes on in your head and you say, “Stop! No more. I really, really need to get on the right track. And it starts now.”

Could it be that the “light” that goes on in your head – could it be the Lord Himself? At that one certain point, you are recognizing His voice calling you to a better way.

We know the winds and the waves of the sea get stirred up but then Jesus speaks and they obey Him (Matthew 8:27). There are also several biblical accounts in the gospels of demons tormenting people’s bodies, then Jesus casts them out and they obey. And in Job’s life, Satan asks of God and again, limits are set.

Who can know the mind of God? Yet we do know His character is good and He uses everything for good.

Sin too, can only go so far. The calamities of this world may seem to be running rampant. But the Lord sees and knows all. There are limits and boundaries sin can not cross. Limits and boundaries we have no knowledge of. Yet God still rules in heaven and earth. Both the seen and the unseen.

The promise of no more sin forever is still the promise we can have certain hope for. It will come in the form of heaven for all who believe. You have to trust and believe – in the Lord God Almighty. Maker / Owner / Controller / Lover of heaven and earth. Stop trusting in your own knowledge. Stop doubting about God and believe.



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