Monday, July 20, 2015

He's still there

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed. (Mark 1:35)

I've been a little unsettled lately. The simplest little things have bothered me. And I can't seem to work things out in my head. There's been a nagging, gnawing, upsetness just below the surface of my every day. I know I should "calm down". As a Christian woman, I know what I am supposed to do. But my normal routine has suddenly become foreign to me ...

You see, I've been sleeping in lately. And normally I am up before the dawn, with coffee and bible in hand. Journaling my prayers, releasing all my worries and cares. Taking the  time to be filled with God's love - to the point where I am able to extend love - because of His overflowing abundance of love to me. Anything that could cause upsetness seems to wash away in those early morning moments. But for over a week now, I have pushed them aside. Thinking I will get to it later in the day. And although I did call out to God from time to time throughout the day (in short, brief spurts), it was never quite the same, never quite as fulfilling, as that early morning time with Him that I experienced before.

Then today, I did get up early. And I read my bible. Drank my coffee. And immediately, immediately - a sense of calmess and peace filled me. The day that lies before me does not look overwhelming. I am not fearful or suspicious. I am fully secure in the knowledge that He is still with me.

Now I'm not here to tell all of you to get up early. That is His calling for me. It may be that He calls you in the evening, when the day is done. He wants you to reflect on all the circumstances He led you through. And to surrender all your cares over to Him so that you can get your proper rest.

Did you once have a regular time of meeting with the Lord? Have you drifted? Or maybe you have yet to establish a routine of prayer time and meditation on His Word ... May I encourage you now to make it a part of your day. Seek to know Him. Seek to receive Him. This Prince of Peace. He's still there.

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