Friday, July 24, 2015


When she heard about Jesus ... (Mark 5:27)

I've heard and seen from several adults who have trouble staying focused this shout out of, "Squirrel!". Though they fully intend to stay focused, something else catches their eye and they are diverted. Now they are following / tracking that. The "other" completely forgotten. Oh, how that can be true of all of us - focusing on perhaps an uncomfortable life circumstance. We need respite from our troubles. We need a "Squirrel!" moment.

Why this train of thought came to me as I was reading Mark 5:21-43 I don't know. There is a woman who had been suffering for a long time. What can we say about the previous 12 years of her life? She suffered. It must have consumed her. Then it happens. In verse 27: When she heard about Jesus ...

Oh, the hope the name of Jesus brings! The possibilities are endless! Anything can happen. And does! The circumstances may or may not change, but either way, you are empowered by the Holy Spirit to change your outlook, your attitude toward it. Stiff upper lip. Determination. Drive to see a brighter side despite the challenge. Be freed from your suffering He tells her. Squirrel!

And again, in verse 36, Jesus ignores what's being said. Ignores all these outside voices; forces. "don't be afraid." He says. "just believe!" He says. He's telling the synagogue ruler, "Look at Me. Jesus! Immediately be consumed by Me and all that I AM."

This biblical account ends with: they were completely astonished."

Whether your circumstance changes as theirs did, or your focus / attitude / outlook changes, may you be freed in the power of Jesus' name.



  1. Awesome! Just what I needed for today.


  2. Awesome! Just what I needed for today.


  3. Thanks for reading my blog ... appreciate your comments too!
