Monday, December 14, 2015

The next big thing

… she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit … (Matthew 1:18)

How much do we really believe this passage? Makes me think not very much. It’s pretty “out there” if you know what I mean. The Bible is full of miraculous accounts of God’s doings. I am reminded that Jesus could not do much in His own hometown because of their unbelief (Mark 6:5-6). Am I like that? Do I feebly, weakly (and with some doubt) ask for some small healing when the God of everything is my loving Father? Doesn’t the Bible say He does not treat us as our sins deserve (Psalm 103:10)? And - what great love the Father has lavished on us (I John 3:1).

Can God still create whole universes? Can He still stop of the flow of the sea? Healings with just a touch? So many more … is it our unbelief, our doubt, or our unseeing eyes? Will He do these kinds of huge miracles again? What would the Bible say about God if it were written in today’s world, instead of “bible times”? Would we even notice His presence? Would the miracles be as grandiose? Do we have people bravely obeying the Lord and His angel messengers – as Joseph was faced with to do? Just how glorious would the Lord appear to others through our testimonies?

 … she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit … Do you really think people back then were better believers? Do you think God was somehow more powerful then than now? Was it somehow easier to believe in God’s miraculous ways?

God is unchanging. So, does God still do big things? Could it be that people of all generations are just like the people of bible times? Belief. Obedience. Despite some questioning thoughts.

Are we truly celebrating this miracle from a loving Father God? The Savior of the world is coming! Hallelujah He is coming! Hallelujah He is here!  I don’t want to feel guilty about disbelief or unseeing eyes. I want to be changed. Come, Holy Spirit, come … as in the days of old.

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