Monday, June 29, 2015

Which way do I go?

And when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left, your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." (Isaiah 30:21)

We sure enjoyed our vacation time away. Woods and streams, fresh air and no agenda. Just whiling the days away in pure and simple pleasure. We love walking along paths like you see here. How many of us think of retirement when we go on a vacation like this? Wanting to do it every day. And why do we wait so long to take a vacation like this? How refreshed we feel after a break from the norm!

Two thoughts come to mind as I think about this. One, I remember watching the path for animal scat. And holes and roots to trip on. And mud. All important stuff. But I also had to look up once in a while, to watch for trees marked in blue indicating I was still on the right path. And looking up to enjoy all the beauty around me, completely surrounded by nature and nature sounds like the babbling brook and the birds calling out and the leaves rustling in the breeze. Such beauty ... all around me. But I had to keep my mind in balance - focusing on the road before me, the beauty of God all around me and keeping sight of the "blue trail" markings - keeping me safe and on track. I didn't want to go too long focused on one without the other. Too much focus on the road could lead me off track of the intended trail. I had to keep referring back to the blue markings, the guidelines, on the path. I couldn't stay focused on possible dangers on the road without sacrificing the sight of God's creation.

And two. You know where I'm going with this. The road of life is full of puddles, roots and yes, scat. But there is still God's beauty all around too. And how important it is for us to look up and seek direction, to insure we are on the right path.  How important it is that we don't wait too long before we stop and get our bearings. Are we still on the right path? Looking up and seeking God is vital for a good walk. Vacations may come only once a year. And Sabbaths once a week. But don't wait too long to reconnect with God, our Creator. He is in our midst - all around. Any time. Any place. Look up. Continue on your life walk. Be refreshed by His constant presence.

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