Friday, June 19, 2015

I'm sticking with God!

By standing firm, you will gain life. (Luke 21:19)

There sure are a lot of zigs and zags in life. Yings and yangs. Twists and turns. There's always something - and something else as well. In contrast. Opposite.

While the evening news brings me images too painful to bear; at work I find two-year-old boys playing ring around the rosies and laughing hysterically when they "all fall down".

Dark, grey skies start the day instead of a morning sunrise; yet my kitty climbs in my lap, kneads my belly, and purrs contentment into both of us.

A pile of dirty dishes, a bigger pile of laundry; thank God for the provision that started these "messes".

Long, hard days at work; followed by time off, weekends and vacations. Hope for easy-going days to look forward to.

Challenges and trials of life - draining; and times of rest and repose with the Lord in prayer - refueling. Hearing from His Word. Renewing our remembering of promises of hope for today and tomorrow.

You can focus on the doom and gloom that creeps into every day. But I'm sticking with God. The God of all hope. The God Who can turn anything into something useful up ahead. With God, there's always a bright spot in the future. Eternity, of course. But also a few months from now ... and later today. And in the next breath you take. Stand firm in the Lord. Stomp your foot. Chin up. I'm sticking with God! As for me, I'm living in hope.