He said before, “This is the time and place to rest,
to give rest to the weary.
This is the place to lay down your burden.”
But they won’t listen. (Isaiah 28:12)
Feel that pause? After all the hub-bub of the Christmas holiday, yes, I am ready to wind down. Ready for the period of "nothingness" that comes between the two holidays of Christmas and New Years. There seems to be a resting period. Plans get put on hold. Everyone seems to be waiting. Fresh starts begin - later. But for now ... we rest. We have this span of time where we don't have to start just yet.
So take this pause. Just breathe for awhile. What could be done - has been done. You did the best you could at the time. A new year lies ahead, but we don't have to get it all planned out right this minute. A lot of life just comes at us and we live it out. Many a-time I have planned my days only to have something else come up - sometimes a friend needed a listening ear, last minute help over at the church, sometimes it was for spontaneous fun.
We need times of rest. We are called by God to rest. We need time when we aren't in motion. Time to just sit and soak in the moment. Not evaluating. Not planning. Not anything. How often have you treated yourself to such luxury? You need downtimes. On a regular basis. It's not lazy. See it as reviving. See it as an important part of life's cycle.
Take it.
Intermissions for Hope - a ministry of encouragement
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Something for everyone
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© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
I have many wonderful memories of my mom - especially Christmas ones. My mom mothered 8 children! They all got married in time. They all had children. So Christmas Day at home was always a houseful! Tables end to end from the dining room into the living room. Plenty of home cooked food and a place for all to sit down together and eat. But one thing that stands out in my mind is her desire that everyone should have a gift to unwrap - no matter how simple or small the gift - something for everyone. Now with such a large family, that added up to quite a bit! How my mom made it happen on such a limited income ... well, some might call it Christmas magic.
But I see it as the love of God - coming down. And just like sending His Son to save the whole world (something for everyone) at the Table, around the Tree ...
Its true, Christmas isn't about the presents. As I watched my mom year after year, I learned its about love, compassion, concern, care, thoughtfulness, and acceptance of one another.
One and all.
Inclusion. Long before it became a buzz word. Long before it needed to be said.
From Mom.
From God.
They so loved the whole world...
Friday, December 15, 2017
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© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
Like many of you, we have our Christmas tree up now. And like some of you, the husband puts up the lights. We use both the white ones and the colored ones. The white ones are able to do a slow fade, similar to the theater lighting you may have in your car. Some of them simply fade to darkness, then after a few moments, they are brilliant and bright again, while other ones take their turn at fading. My husband likes that - he calls it "movement". The lights stay plugged in, but there is movement in the amount of light shining.
As I sit and watch these lights come and go, I am reminded that it is a lot like life. There are times when I feel connected to God and living life aright. Loving and giving and helping. Then there are days when I have to deal with bad news or stress. And my light seems to fade out and I'm not very strong at all. I'm not my best some days.
But when I stay connected with God, I can know that there are brighter times ahead. That means praying and praising when I don't feel like it. It means reading the Bible and digging around until a passage of scripture clicks and gives me an anchor to hold on to. It means embracing that certain hope: brighter days are coming.
Unplugged? Letting go of my connection with God, and I'm like a string of lights that aren't plugged in. The light goes out. Every glimmer of hope - goes out.
Maybe everything isn't merry and bright for you right now. Even though it is the Christmas season. Stay connected. What little energy you have, use for seeking God. Your light will grow bright again. It will. Life is movement.
Are you plugged in?
Monday, December 11, 2017
Today, I will choose ...
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© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
Choices! Choices! We are confronted every day with decisions to make. And which choice is the BEST choice? Gift shopping and choosing which present will be the best gift for that certain someone. What to serve at the next holiday gathering. What would people really love? As a perpetual dieter, do I indulge, indulge, INDULGE with every temptation that comes along this season - or choose to grasp for good health while still enjoying a little treat now and again? Do I choose to participate and attend every seasonal event, collapsing in exhaustion at the end of every day? Or choose to relish a few activities, saving some time to reflect on the season, a flickering flame, a gentle snowfall, the Christmas lights... the manger?
So often in the past, Christmas eve has come upon me and I wondered how it got here so quickly. All month long I had plans to settle somewhere quiet on a regular basis to reflect and ponder the true meaning of Christmas, but somehow (because of my choices), the opportunities slipped past me. And Christmas came. Christmas - almost over.
Not this year. This year I'm going to sit and remember the miraculous account of Jesus' birth. I'm going to ponder Mary and Joseph and how they must have felt. I'm going to stand with the shepherds as the legions of angels came and be as overwhelmed as they must have been. And watch the night sky for the star that led the kings.
This year, as the time draws near, I will take time to ponder - the birth of the King.
Friday, December 8, 2017
Peace... let it begin!
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© 2017 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
And he will
be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of
Peace. (Isaiah 9:6)
Many of us are familiar with that song.
Longing for peace on earth. Realizing it may have to begin with ourselves. To
hold our tongue, to forgive - even when the situation surely merits it. How
hard it can be for us! How do we even begin to create a more peaceful
atmosphere? Well ...
In the beginning was the Word, and the
Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1)
There He is. From the very beginning.
Our Prince of Peace. So it only stands to reason that our source for having
peace, and spreading peace, will come from the Prince Himself. (I am the
vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear
much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. - John 15:5)
So, are you seeking peace this
Christmas season? For you. Family. Friends. I know where you can start. Grab a
coffee or a cocoa and sit a few minutes at the Prince's feet. Sit and sip and
ask for enlightenment on how to bring His peace into the world around you. Give
Him those few moments of time it takes to enjoy that one cup. And see if He
doesn't just fill you up with nudges of peaceful thoughts, words, and deeds!
Yes. Let there be peace on earth. And
let it begin with ... Me.
Friday, December 1, 2017
Joy, joy, joy - down in my heart
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© 2014 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. (Isaiah 60:1)
Picture the bride as she links arms with her daddy, ready to head down the aisle. The trembling smile. The shaking bouquet. The shared long look. Eyes sparkling. Toes tapping. All in anticipation of something that has long been dreamed, imagined, and hoped for. The long-awaited time is at hand ...
Picture the little children racing down the stairs on Christmas morn. Dancing. Hopping. Hands clapping. Eyes twinkling. Squeals of joy! Shaking with delight as to what is to come! All in anticipation of something that has long been dreamed, imagined and hoped for. The long-awaited time is at hand ...
Picture yourself breathing in and relishing the true meaning of Christmas. Body and soul practically vibrate with joyous excitement. Every sense on high alert. See the candlelight. Hear the bells. Smell the fresh-cut evergreens. Taste the special holiday treats and the touch of a loved one near ...
Come. Journey down the aisle. Dance and hop and clap your hands! Take in every trigger of enjoyment. The long-awaited time is at hand! The joyous celebration begins! The birth of Christ!
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Recipe for success
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© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
I like to know what's next. My day. My week. Or a big event up ahead. Like cooking from a recipe, I like to have things prepared before diving in. I like to know just what to do. And I like to know what comes after that. Yes, it's a control issue. But when it works, I think it gives me a sense of peace. Well, sort of. Because I still find myself worrying that my anticipations might not be accurate. So I should probably think up a plan "B". Just in case.
But, the unexpected does happen. Suddenly, and without warning. Catching me off guard. Gulp! Unprepared! Thoughts race. Do I know what to do? Can I think clearly? Can I even breathe? Panic - setting in. What AM I going to do? I wasn't ready for this! I can't trust my own abilities on such short notice ...
So ...
I toss a prayer up to heaven. A wordless cry really. And God hears me. God is already present. Already guiding me. Helping me. Presiding over. Leading me straight through. Because God is good. He never slumbers nor sleeps. Always aware. Always ready.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own insight.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Trust in the Lord.
That's my plan for success.
Monday, November 27, 2017
No place like ...
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© 2016 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
Home. From vacation. Or school. Or work. Long day of shopping and running errands. And then home. To flannel pajama bottoms. Putting your feet up. Relaxing. Unwinding. Shaking off the burdens of the day. Not doing one more thing. What a joy to see my favorite chair, my kitties, and my favorite blanket waiting for me! The stresses of the day all but forgotten. Can't you just picture it? There's no place like ...
There are two directions I want to go with these thoughts. The first is that going to Jesus is kind of like going home. There is peace and rest in Jesus. You can come as you are with Jesus. You can let go of the stresses of the day with Jesus. Curl up in your favorite chair with Jesus. Can't you imagine it? There's no place like ...
Another thought I had with this, is NOT waiting to get back to your familiar physical home but turning your thoughts to Jesus at anytime. Whether you are caught up in heavy traffic at night on Friday at 5:00pm near Toronto (I certainly prayed then!), or in the midst of something at work or school, or the hustle and bustle of running errands - you can curl up into the arms of Jesus anytime and receive that peace that is like coming home.
I didn't stop my usual morning prayer time just because I was away from home. Because God was certainly there with me on vacation! What a comfort to sit with Him even while away.
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast. (Psalm 139:8-10)
Wherever YOU are, the Lord is with you. And there's no place like ...
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Savior and more
She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21)
I was thumbing through a children's bible, looking for a story to read in Sunday School. Here is what I came across:
Cain and Abel - Abel was killed
Noah - people of the world were killed
Joseph - brothers wanted him killed
Moses - Pharoah killed all the baby boys
The Red Sea - Egyptian armies killed
David - Goliath killed
Esther - Jews to be killed
and ultimately - Jesus - killed
You can imagine my dismay if I had to teach these stories one right after another! I used to think violent video games played a role in filling our children's head with such trauma. Or that news coverage of violence played a part. It never dawned on me that bible stories would be a contributing factor as well. (And hasn't it also been said that nursery rhymes of old have hints of trauma and terror? I think of the big bad wolf and Hansel and Gretel.)
But thankfully, God does not leave us hanging - then or now. As you continue to read to the end of each story, you will see God had a plan. God's goodness shines through. God always steps in. God still does. He still has plans and purpose. Old testament people probably didn't see or understand in the moment - much like us today. But the Lord is present and sovereign and good beyond our imagination. He has a plan still. And His ultimate plan of rescue? Jesus, the risen Lord. Savior, Redeemer and more.
My thoughts are still in a quandary about talking about killing - past, present, and future - with our young children. But as anyone who has every attended Sunday School knows, no matter what, the answer is always JESUS!
I was thumbing through a children's bible, looking for a story to read in Sunday School. Here is what I came across:
Cain and Abel - Abel was killed
Noah - people of the world were killed
Joseph - brothers wanted him killed
Moses - Pharoah killed all the baby boys
The Red Sea - Egyptian armies killed
David - Goliath killed
Esther - Jews to be killed
and ultimately - Jesus - killed
You can imagine my dismay if I had to teach these stories one right after another! I used to think violent video games played a role in filling our children's head with such trauma. Or that news coverage of violence played a part. It never dawned on me that bible stories would be a contributing factor as well. (And hasn't it also been said that nursery rhymes of old have hints of trauma and terror? I think of the big bad wolf and Hansel and Gretel.)
But thankfully, God does not leave us hanging - then or now. As you continue to read to the end of each story, you will see God had a plan. God's goodness shines through. God always steps in. God still does. He still has plans and purpose. Old testament people probably didn't see or understand in the moment - much like us today. But the Lord is present and sovereign and good beyond our imagination. He has a plan still. And His ultimate plan of rescue? Jesus, the risen Lord. Savior, Redeemer and more.
My thoughts are still in a quandary about talking about killing - past, present, and future - with our young children. But as anyone who has every attended Sunday School knows, no matter what, the answer is always JESUS!
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Passing the peace
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© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
I chose this wheelbarrow of pumpkins because, well, sometimes our quiet prayer time turns into a whole lot of burdens being unloaded - onto the "God Who hears".
That's what I was thinking this morning. After a while I started feeling guilty. Should I really spend all this time in "asking mode"? I tried to think. Praise. Check. Thanks. Check. Asking. Double check. Yielding. Well, yes.
One by one, little worries and concerns crept into my mind. And I would pray. I would pray until I felt some resolution (mostly the yielding part - where I surrender all hope to God). That yielding, that surrender led to a comforting restfulness of spirit. Because I know I can have certain hope in God. I don't know what He will do, but I know He's on it! He's handling it. He's caring about it.
I forced myself to sit a little longer, past when I thought I was "done". A couple little tiny bothers popped up. I prayed. And you know, I felt emptied of the days worries and problems - BUT FILLED WITH THE PEACE OF CHRIST. I came with a wheelbarrow full of problems and left with a wheelbarrow full of peace and joy in the Lord.
Passing the peace. Many people do that at church or a gathering. A quick hug and a whispered "the peace of Christ be with you". Research showed me that it also means reconciliation between the two. Not holding anything against the other. Free to be at peace. When we trust in the Lord with our burdens, great and small, there is an exchange that also takes place. That there may be peace.
Trust in the Lord.
Take your every worry to Him.
Trade your sorrows ...
For the joy of the Lord.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7)
Monday, November 6, 2017
The best part of waking up ...
In the same way, he took the cup of wine after supper, saying, “This cup is the new agreement between God and you that has been established and set in motion by my blood. Do this in remembrance of me whenever you drink it.” (1 Corinthians 11:25 TLB)
There was no orange juice left yesterday morning. So I looked around and found some grape juice we must have purchased for use in home communion or something. I poured a glass of that instead. And as I lifted the glass to my mouth, a most profound sense of JESUS overwhelmed me. It must have been the smell of the grape juice (which is what we use in church on communion Sundays). I smelled it again and again - Jesus, Jesus, filling my whole being. I can't explain the power of that moment.
And how "surprising" that that same morning, we had holy communion at church. Without thinking, I lifted the cup and once again that smell captured my every thought with JESUS. Even more tangible than before! Jesus, precious Jesus! I can't stop saying His name! What a beautiful moment for me. One I want to experience again and again. I want to remember Him again and again.
In the morning when I rise, give me grape juice! Give me Jesus!
And how "surprising" that that same morning, we had holy communion at church. Without thinking, I lifted the cup and once again that smell captured my every thought with JESUS. Even more tangible than before! Jesus, precious Jesus! I can't stop saying His name! What a beautiful moment for me. One I want to experience again and again. I want to remember Him again and again.
In the morning when I rise, give me grape juice! Give me Jesus!
Monday, October 30, 2017
The Perfect Prayer
In the same way the Spirit [comes to us and] helps us in our weakness. We do not know what prayer to offer or how to offer it as we should, but the Spirit Himself [knows our need and at the right time] intercedes on our behalf with sighs and groanings too deep for words. (Romans 8:26 AMP)
Some of you may wonder about the irregularity of my posts. I certainly do. I see many a blogger out there writing something every day. How do they do it? Although I do like to wait and "feel" moved by the Spirit to share something, I am also guilty of wanting my post to be over the top inspirational - powerful - of greatest value. I mean, I don't want to waste your time. And I want you to come back! So every post needs to be extraordinary, right? Full of purpose. Every word packed with meaning. Every word chosen carefully. The perfect word. And my posts should be concise - not too short and not too long. Rules! Rules! Rules!
And I have to wonder if we sometimes approach our prayer time with the Lord in the same way. Not every day. But only when we have something really important and when our words are filled with, well - just the right words. We want our words to be powerful and meaningful. Especially when we are praying aloud. And we certainly don't want to waste God's time rambling either. Let's get it right, right? Because we want to be worthy in case we need to come back (to Him).
When the truth is - God just wants to hear from you about anything and everything. Spend time with you. Converse with you. No rules. Just come. Stay as long as you want. Or check in throughout the day. Whisper or shout. Groan if you can't find the words. Or just sit and smile with folded hands.
No rules when it comes to prayer.
Just come.
And make God's day!
Some of you may wonder about the irregularity of my posts. I certainly do. I see many a blogger out there writing something every day. How do they do it? Although I do like to wait and "feel" moved by the Spirit to share something, I am also guilty of wanting my post to be over the top inspirational - powerful - of greatest value. I mean, I don't want to waste your time. And I want you to come back! So every post needs to be extraordinary, right? Full of purpose. Every word packed with meaning. Every word chosen carefully. The perfect word. And my posts should be concise - not too short and not too long. Rules! Rules! Rules!
And I have to wonder if we sometimes approach our prayer time with the Lord in the same way. Not every day. But only when we have something really important and when our words are filled with, well - just the right words. We want our words to be powerful and meaningful. Especially when we are praying aloud. And we certainly don't want to waste God's time rambling either. Let's get it right, right? Because we want to be worthy in case we need to come back (to Him).
When the truth is - God just wants to hear from you about anything and everything. Spend time with you. Converse with you. No rules. Just come. Stay as long as you want. Or check in throughout the day. Whisper or shout. Groan if you can't find the words. Or just sit and smile with folded hands.
No rules when it comes to prayer.
Just come.
And make God's day!
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Looking up
Blessed be the Lord God Almighty. Great are You, Lord, in mercy and love; understanding and forgiveness; unending faithfulness and presence - supplying all my needs. Love and honor and praise to You, O Lord; awe and reverent I am before You. You are very great. Humbly I seek Your forgiveness and Your power to turn my offensive ways around. Forgive my selfishness, self-centeredness, pride, judgement, abusive thoughts, words, deeds. May I ask for nothing because of the true, solid faith I have in You. May I ask for everything because You hold the whole world in Your hands and heart. From the greatest to the smallest, You are there. With lifted hands, lifted face, lifted heart I praise You and glorify You, Almighty God. Lord of heaven and earth. Thanks and praise all the day long. You are holy. You are present. You are everything to me.
“they are before the throne of God
and serve him day and night in his temple;
and he who sits on the throne
will shelter them with his presence. (Revelation 7:15)
and serve him day and night in his temple;
and he who sits on the throne
will shelter them with his presence. (Revelation 7:15)
Blessed be the Lord God Almighty. Great are You, Lord, in mercy and love; understanding and forgiveness; unending faithfulness and presence - supplying all my needs. Love and honor and praise to You, O Lord; awe and reverent I am before You. You are very great. Humbly I seek Your forgiveness and Your power to turn my offensive ways around. Forgive my selfishness, self-centeredness, pride, judgement, abusive thoughts, words, deeds. May I ask for nothing because of the true, solid faith I have in You. May I ask for everything because You hold the whole world in Your hands and heart. From the greatest to the smallest, You are there. With lifted hands, lifted face, lifted heart I praise You and glorify You, Almighty God. Lord of heaven and earth. Thanks and praise all the day long. You are holy. You are present. You are everything to me.
Sunday, October 22, 2017
A heart of worship - the journey
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© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. (Psalm 51:10-12)
Going through the motions of another Sunday morning: showering, finding something decent to wear, grabbing breakfast, writing out tithe check ...
Double checking everything at the church prior to the service: is someone setting up coffee hour snacks, do they know how to make the coffee, is the Sunday School room readied with plenty of the supplies, greeting others cheerfully as they come in ...
Sit down in the pew. Running, scattered, busy thoughts about the day ...
Call to worship. (It's starting)
Opening Prayer. (Slow it down, Jules)
Create in me a pure heart, O God,
Opening hymn. (finding my voice of glorifying praises)
Choir Anthem. (finding my breath as I listen to the words)
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Prayer of Confession (ugh) and Assurance of Pardon. (ahhh)
Do not cast me from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit from me.
Scripture readings. (Familiar passages)
Restore to me the joy of your salvation
Sermon. (snippets of Yes! and Yes!)
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
Holy is the Lord God Almighty!
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Helping you, helping me
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© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
I had coffee with a friend yesterday. She was mentioning how she was sticking to her diet. Tell me more! Tell me more! I'm ready to try anything! Her telling of her commitment inspired me to give it another try.
Another friend was talking to me about going to the gym. I have a membership but have failed numerous times in getting over there. But her talking about going - somehow made me want to go.
Someone I know recently started a new hobby. The excitement and passion over it keeps her hands and mind busy so she isn't doing any unhealthy snacking. Maybe I should find a new hobby too?
When I had cancer last year, the thing that spurred me on the most was the fact the others survived. So I could too.
People meet regularly to talk about addictions or weight loss - their sharing of hits and misses spurs one another along.
You ask my son and he will tell you he joined the army because "Mom, if you can do it, I can do it."
Bible reading and prayer can fall under this category of topics too. That's why there are so many small groups - made up of real, regular, ordinary people - sharing in their doubts and fears and struggles to understand.
Let's not be afraid to talk about our struggles. We might just help someone else along the way. And gain some fresh insight for ourselves.
Let's get together ...
Friday, October 6, 2017
A time to plant
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© 2016 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
With all that's going on in the news lately, I am finding it hard to settle into some "God time". I've been waiting for some amazing message of inspiration and encouragement to write about in the midst of these hard times. I'm joining everyone in prayer for God to step in and do something. Why isn't He doing something? It's gonna take a miracle ...
Asking God for a miracle sometimes makes me think I see Him as a candy machine. Gimme what I want. Or like going to that fast food place where I can get it "my way". A miracle is when I don't have to do anything, right? Just do it, God!
But I think the real miracle is when God takes whatever little bit we offer - and brings about an amazing result.
Somebody donates water.
Somebody donates blood.
Somebody goes to hug and listen.
And real lives of real people receive real help in their time of dire need.
Everywhere you look, along with the bad news, is good news of people pitching in. People helping. Every little thing is turning into a miracle. A God miracle. Got your own set of troubles? Worried over loved ones? Finances. Relationships. Health concerns. Feeling like God isn't making a miracle happen? Make an effort. Take a step forward in the right direction. Do your homework. Make the best choices you can. Do what you can. Above all, keep the faith. And watch for the miraculous hand of God. Because He is the One Who makes things grow.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Hey Siri
Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil. (Proverbs 4:26-27)
My husband got a new smartphone just before we left on vacation. He sure had a lot of fun calling out, "Hey, Siri" to get directions. But one day we were out in the beautiful countryside of Virginia and after following her directions to turn right here and turn left there, we lost signal. And she said, "Proceed to the route." "Recalculating." And "Make a U-turn. Make a U-turn. Make a U-turn." We were totally off track. On unfamiliar roads. The farther we went just felt more lost and more frustrating. Every direction we turned felt right .. and wrong. By some miracle we got back on a main road and was able to find our way. Boy, did that feel good!
God also spends a lot of persistent time with us, directing and redirecting. Do you sometimes feel like you're hitting a brick wall in your pursuits? One door after another closed? Do you find yourself lost with no signal? Is God recalculating your path every time you go off track with your own choices - leading you back? There is a path He wants you on. You veer off course. Time and time again He turns you back. What's the lesson? Listen to God. Is He closing doors? Are you feeling more lost and more frustrated? Does that sound like God's way? Are you trying to force your way through with your own plans? Is it time to not turn to the left or the right but to give careful thought? Follow the Lord's guidance step by step. The path the Lord has provided and has blessed.
My husband got a new smartphone just before we left on vacation. He sure had a lot of fun calling out, "Hey, Siri" to get directions. But one day we were out in the beautiful countryside of Virginia and after following her directions to turn right here and turn left there, we lost signal. And she said, "Proceed to the route." "Recalculating." And "Make a U-turn. Make a U-turn. Make a U-turn." We were totally off track. On unfamiliar roads. The farther we went just felt more lost and more frustrating. Every direction we turned felt right .. and wrong. By some miracle we got back on a main road and was able to find our way. Boy, did that feel good!
God also spends a lot of persistent time with us, directing and redirecting. Do you sometimes feel like you're hitting a brick wall in your pursuits? One door after another closed? Do you find yourself lost with no signal? Is God recalculating your path every time you go off track with your own choices - leading you back? There is a path He wants you on. You veer off course. Time and time again He turns you back. What's the lesson? Listen to God. Is He closing doors? Are you feeling more lost and more frustrated? Does that sound like God's way? Are you trying to force your way through with your own plans? Is it time to not turn to the left or the right but to give careful thought? Follow the Lord's guidance step by step. The path the Lord has provided and has blessed.
Monday, September 25, 2017
Wash Day
Soak me in your laundry and I’ll come out clean,
scrub me and I’ll have a snow-white life.
Tune me in to foot-tapping songs,
set these once-broken bones to dancing.
Don’t look too close for blemishes,
give me a clean bill of health.
God, make a fresh start in me,
shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life. (Psalm 51:7-8 MSG)
Yep. First thing on Monday mornings, I do the laundry. Well, first thing after my bible reading and prayer time. I try not to read just my favorite, most uplifting verses all the time. But sometimes, sometimes ... well,
this is how this morning's prayer time went:
Lord, seems like every time I read Your word I feel shame and guilt. I'm a sinner everyday and every morning I am reminded of that. Hard to regroup from the pile of sin I see in my nature and remembering Your gift of Jesus. Your cleansing power. I sense what a "wretched man" I am and forget the "but thanks be to God" part of that verse (Romans 7:23-25). Maybe its to keep me humble and not think too highly of myself. Although I often think I struggle with just thinking decently of myself. I'm good enough - only because of Jesus. Only because You put Your Spirit within me. And Your Spirit is indeed in me. Sin should grieve me. But the good news is that Jesus has washed it all away. Thank You, Jesus! It's not a permanent mark in God's eyes and because of Your Spirit, Lord, there is also some good being produced through me as well. And the day will come for me when sin will be no more. I'll join all in heaven singing praises before Your throne and love will abound. Your most gracious gift is Jesus and making this all happen. And granting us Your Spirit to accompany us on the way. So let Your love wash over me again this day. Create in me a clean heart, O Lord, a renew a right spirit within me. Grant me a willing spirit to sustain me (Psalm 51:10, 12).
It sure is wonderful stepping out the shower in the morning.
It sure is wonderful to have fresh, clean clothes to wear.
And it sure is wonderful to grasp the truth that Jesus has washed my sins away!
It's wash day! What a wonderful feeling!
scrub me and I’ll have a snow-white life.
Tune me in to foot-tapping songs,
set these once-broken bones to dancing.
Don’t look too close for blemishes,
give me a clean bill of health.
God, make a fresh start in me,
shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life. (Psalm 51:7-8 MSG)
Yep. First thing on Monday mornings, I do the laundry. Well, first thing after my bible reading and prayer time. I try not to read just my favorite, most uplifting verses all the time. But sometimes, sometimes ... well,
this is how this morning's prayer time went:
Lord, seems like every time I read Your word I feel shame and guilt. I'm a sinner everyday and every morning I am reminded of that. Hard to regroup from the pile of sin I see in my nature and remembering Your gift of Jesus. Your cleansing power. I sense what a "wretched man" I am and forget the "but thanks be to God" part of that verse (Romans 7:23-25). Maybe its to keep me humble and not think too highly of myself. Although I often think I struggle with just thinking decently of myself. I'm good enough - only because of Jesus. Only because You put Your Spirit within me. And Your Spirit is indeed in me. Sin should grieve me. But the good news is that Jesus has washed it all away. Thank You, Jesus! It's not a permanent mark in God's eyes and because of Your Spirit, Lord, there is also some good being produced through me as well. And the day will come for me when sin will be no more. I'll join all in heaven singing praises before Your throne and love will abound. Your most gracious gift is Jesus and making this all happen. And granting us Your Spirit to accompany us on the way. So let Your love wash over me again this day. Create in me a clean heart, O Lord, a renew a right spirit within me. Grant me a willing spirit to sustain me (Psalm 51:10, 12).
It sure is wonderful stepping out the shower in the morning.
It sure is wonderful to have fresh, clean clothes to wear.
And it sure is wonderful to grasp the truth that Jesus has washed my sins away!
It's wash day! What a wonderful feeling!
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Experience Preferred
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© 2014 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
I'm older now. I've got some experiences under my belt. I see things on social media asking the question, "What would you tell your younger self?" Yes. I've been around. I know lots more stuff.
That's why I wouldn't want, say,a 16 year old telling me what choice to make in areas they are not familiar with at all. If I've seen it, lived through it, I'm going to know more ...
Our Lord has seen it all. Lived through it all. He's going to know more ... He knows everything there is to know. He has the most knowledge, the most experience, the most compassion, the most power ...my goodness! Why wouldn't you put all your trust in this Man?
Do you think your worries and concerns are something new to Him? Health, relationships, finances ... in this world there has always been troubles. In this world there still are troubles. No more tears are a promise of heaven. But the Lord is present here and now to carry us through. Just as He has been present in all of time for all generations. So trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). The Lord knows how to handle every situation in His way, and in His perfect timing. He sees. He is present. He knows. The Lord is "older", wiser, experienced.
And His experience is preferred.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Morning 7
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© 2017 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
Monday, September 18, 2017
Morning 6
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© 2017 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Morning Five
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© 2017 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Morning Four
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© 2017 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
Friday, September 15, 2017
Morning Three
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© 2017 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Morning Two
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© 2017 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Morning One
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© 2017 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Now more than ever
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© 2013 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
God is not
unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have
shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. (Hebrews
days, with all that is going on around us, in our families, our friends and
neighbors, and the world – more than ever – we need to choose, to be more
purposeful, to make a real effort:
sharing the good things in life. That good that is already present needs to be
shared and spread around for all to see. Actively look for that which brings
happiness to you and to others. Make it all the more obvious. Shine a spotlight
on all that is going right.
love. Be kind. Be hopeful in word in deed. Help. Tell others about your joys
and blessings. See the good. Smile. Laugh. Hug. Give. And tell.
wait for a more perfect time or a more, rested – available – time. Do it. Do it
now. Do it often. In this world we will have troubles, but let’s make every
effort to have the good outweigh what is so easy to despair about. Make it rain
with random acts of kindness. Bite your tongue. Turn the other cheek. Switch
the conversation over to something more uplifting. Don’t let the “weeds” of
life choke out what amazing love God has planted in your heart. Let us love.
Full tilt.
can you shine some love today? Make an effort. And let’s rock this world!
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Joy! What a treat!
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© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
Taste and see that the Lord
is good … (Psalm 34:8)
trying out a new knitting pattern. Parts of it are quite challenging at first
glance and I have my doubts whether I can even do it. Uncharted territory.
Sometimes I’d rather stick with what I know. When I first started knitting, all
I made was mittens. Safe. Comfortable. Familiar. Confident. Then the “dare” to
branch out. To know more than I know. And then to experience the greater
joy in that “more”.
I read through a section of the pattern. And read it through a second time.
Then read just the first phrase. Dissected it. Visualized it. And slowly
comprehended it. Before I knew it, I’m knitting it! Each step started making
sense. Each additional step added more joy and confidence in what I now knew.
same technique can be applied to bible reading. Yes, it’s comfortable to read
the same favorite, familiar passages over and over. But what joys are we missing?
It can look challenging at first glance. You may even doubt you can do it. But
are you ready, wanting, willing to know more than you know about God and
His love?
through a section.
through it a couple times.
the opening phrase.
and see …
continue on with the next phrase.
I have told you this so
that my joy may be in you and that your
joy may be complete. (John 15:11)
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Little bit o' faith
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© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
Is anything too hard for
the Lord? (Genesis 18:14)
man is healed by Jesus – and he doesn’t even know who Jesus is … (John 5:13)
man said, “But if you can do
anything – take pity on us and help us. (Mark 9:22)
has a baby in her old age … (Genesis 21)
calms a storm … (Matthew 8:26)
is raised from the dead … (John 11:43)
at these people! Ordinary like “you and me” people. Big faith. Little faith.
Didn’t even know about faith? Yet
God did a miracle in their lives. In order to leave a most profound story,
testimony, witness of the greatness, the power, the love of God. Will anything ever seem impossible ever again?
worry about your little, humble, fear-filled prayers. But glory, rejoice, and
be glad in the One Who hears and cares.
do you believe? How far? What is it you think God can’t do?
is possible for the one who believes. (Mark 9:23)
Friday, August 25, 2017
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© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
Whether it is favorable or unfavorable, we will obey the Lord
our God … (Jeremiah 42:6)
was curious. So I went back and looked at the first real post on my blog. It
was about sending and receiving cards in the mail and my mom calling it “good
mail”. (October 9, 2012)
sure have changed! The world and all its fast-paced technology …
I haven’t changed. The world hasn’t moved me from my Godly calling. Sending
know they are appreciated (because people stop and tell me so)
know they are treasured (because people tell me they save them)
know they are of God (because people tell me “it was the perfect verse” and “just
what I needed to hear that day”)
mail is becoming a thing of the past. There aren’t many who join me in sending
notes to others who need to hear a good word from the Lord – hold it in their
hands – press it to their heart…
I can’t stop following where the Lord leads me … whatever the world thinks of
the latest, quickest technology for communicating – I will keep sending out the
Word of God and His love to the ones I know need encouragement. In a card.
you battling with your God-calling and the world?
Whether it is favorable or unfavorable, we will obey the Lord
our God … (Jeremiah 42:6)
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Big things, little things
Now I have given up
everything else—I have found it to be the only way to really know Christ and to
experience the mighty power that brought him back to life again …
(Philippians 3:10 TLB)
God, You are so very big and I am so very small.
is just too much going on.
much for me.
about if You take on the big stuff?
from rude, crabby people to downright hate and violence.
about I take on the little things?
a card.
groceries for the food pantry when it’s 10 for 10 at the store.
someone merge without a worry.
a phone call or text that’s let’s someone know they mean a lot to me.
about I take on the simpler things?
You, God.
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