Monday, November 4, 2013

Grasping Goodness

Ever have one of those days? Do you know what I’m talking about? By day’s end, your spirits are down and you wonder why you ever got out of bed. Was it something somebody said? Or you made a mistake… or forgot something… fill in the blank.

Did anything good happen on that day? Stop and think. Because many times, we can be guilty of charging a day as “bad”, when really only one bad thing happened (okay, maybe two) – and we have nursed that bad feeling all day. Do you go to bed listing all the stupid, crummy things that happened?

Well, stop it. With a whole day of the most beautiful, wonderful, amazing things happening all around you, don’t you let one harsh word, or one slip up – ruin the whole day to the point where you lose your focus on the beauty God brought into your day as well. Yes, there are people with challenging personalities at work and church and social clubs; in the stores and on the road. Don’t let them define the memory of your whole day. My, oh my! What a motley crew God has to work with! Shake your head in amazement at what He is able to do through us.  And now, imagine yourself enjoying what you have on your daily planner. Imagine yourself having the energy to do it. And all those niggling little worries taking precedence in your mind right now – will you or anyone else remember them 100 years from now?

Tonight, when you go to bed, list the things that went right – however small. Small things make a difference in life for you and for others. Small things count! Did someone say something negative about you? Well, shame on them! You take a minute right now and say two or three things good about yourself. Come on now, you can do it! You have several good qualities about you because we are all made in the image of God. You extended kindness to someone. You helped or prayed for someone. Good for you!

Have a good day! It’s within your grasp.


  1. Julie, Thank you for the gentle reminder . . . . .love to receive your blogs.....
    Smiles and Hugs for today and always. Loie

  2. Love God's truth! Keep shining the light. I love the dog picture!!

  3. I'm being proactive y'all.... went to get some groceries and threw a couple boxes of baking mix in the cart to give to the food pantry. Cost me about $5.00 (that I won't miss) and I know that no matter what happens to me the rest of the day - I did something nice :)
