Monday, November 11, 2013

ENOUGH... an acceptable place to stop

Remember that old comedy TV show where a guy is obsessed with tools and more power? Never satisfied with the standard tool – no, he had to keep adding on and making it somehow bigger and better and more powerful – to an extreme. Okay, to be fair, I can use an example of women as well. She sees a blouse she likes… needs slacks to go with it. Which leads to needing earrings, necklace or scarf… and hair, makeup and nails done. Which leads to a night out on the town!

I see the same type of thing happen at potlucks and parties. We fill our plates over full, then go back for seconds. And go back for a sampling of some of the desserts. Our stomachs aching the rest of the day from too, too much.

Our culture demands us to reach for more. Whatever you currently have is not enough. What exactly is enough? Enough is choosing contentment. More is the place just past enough.

I’ve been trying to watch what I eat lately. Choosing contentment with healthy food choices. Part of the trick in my success is planning what I will eat for a meal in advance and then choosing to believe that it will be sufficient; I will be satisfied at that point, I don’t need more beyond that point of contentment. What I have on my plate – is enough.

Now, let’s take this train of thought a step farther. How many of you think you’re “plate” is too full? So many commitments. So many responsibilities. So, so much to think and plan and do and take care of and deal with. Overextending in numerous areas of your life. Tacking on more and more even when you have a full plate before you?

Choose contentment and peace and be satisfied. Enough is enough. Enough is an acceptable place to stop. An appropriate, acceptable place to stop.

This post is finished. I’ve said enough. I am satisfied.

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