Friday, November 8, 2013

From UGH to Ahhh...

I have a contemplative prayer book that I use on a regular basis. Topics vary from affirmation, thanksgiving, Christlikeness, intercession and such. Today’s was confession. UGH!

Seeing how the Lord got me up at 5:00 a.m. (!!!), I figured He had something in mind. Like some real digging in deep with this topic of confession. So I grabbed my journal and started writing. Sins, huh? Well, I named one or two… then I really started scribbling along. When I slowed down to look at what I was writing, I realized I had composed an in-depth listing of excuses. Lord, this is why I sin. He wasn’t buying it. And persuaded me to get back to looking at my sins.

I have not been loving to all kinds of neighbors as myself. And worrying about what others might think of me, especially if I make a mistake. Never arriving to a place of contentment regarding that.

To repent, I guess I need to choose right now, to not live that way anymore. Sounds like a huge undertaking that will never be perfected. Don’t know how to begin except to trust in God and to somehow grasp His love and acceptance of me. Me. God loves me, all of me. God loves me and it doesn’t really matter what all these other humans think. Some do love me and some just don’t. That’s the world for you… you need to stick with God as Your main focus and do and be what He desires of you. Don’t worry about an entire lifetime. Just do the next right thing. Love God and love the people in your sphere of influence. Let go of the weighty baggage of people-pleasing and puffing yourself up for your need of equality (or superiority). Return to the thoughts of being safe in God’s constant presence. Just as you are - today. I share a piece of my prayer time with you:

O Lord, help me to find peace in following You. I believe I am pleasing You in this very hour. With the Spirit’s help, little me can please You – again and again. I can please You by drawing strength from Your Spirit to feel safe and secure in any situation because I am trusting in You and I am completely filled and satisfied with Your love for me. Please, Lord, embed that into my heart and head. Help me to set down the burden of protecting and defending myself from real and imagined hurts. May I find that perfect rest in Thee, safe and secure in Your 100% love for me. May I breathe unrestrained now. May any arrows of shame or embarrassment not go deep into me. You are my Protector and Guide. Guide my thoughts away from that which is not centered on You. Help me to loosen all these fearful binds.Too many thoughts. Too many unsettling thoughts. Convince me, Lord, that I am precious in Your sight. Protect me from self destructive thoughts that make me feel less than I am. No matter what people think or say about me, no matter what I think or say about me, I am still and always a beloved child of God. And so are they. May God-pleasing be my sole quest and reason for being and living in this moment and the next. God honoring above all else.

I humbly share this because I believe I am not the only one carrying this kind of cross. This confessing and seeking morning time has indeed brought some anchoring peace into my day. Ahhhh… Read the prayer a second time from your own heart and surrender your heavy burdens today as well.

God loves you and so do I!

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