Whenever my busy thoughts were out of control, the soothing comfort of your presence calmed me down and overwhelmed me with delight. - Psalm 94:19 (TPT)
In the multitude of my (anxious) thoughts within me, Your comforts cheer and delight my soul! (AMPC)
When I am filled with cares, Your comfort brings me joy. (HCSB)
When I was upset and beside myself, you calmed me down and cheered me up. (MSG)
Lord, when doubts fill my mind, when my heart is in turmoil, quiet me and give me renewed hope and cheer. (TLB)
When worries threaten to overwhelm me, your soothing touch makes me happy (NET)
When anxiety overtakes me and worries are many, Your comfort lightens my soul (VOICE)
The Lord answered her, "Martha, my beloved Martha. Why are you upset and troubled, pulled away by all these many distractions? Are they really that important? Mary has discovered the one thing most important by choosing to sit at my feet. She is undistracted, and I won't take this privilege from her. (Luke 10:41-42 TPT)
Intermissions for Hope - a ministry of encouragement
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Monday, November 19, 2018
Have a good day!
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© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
What ALL has to happen before you call it a good day?
Do you have a punch list?
Do you wait until the end of the day to review and then decide?
Or do you start off assuming today will be a good one?
When you achieve / attain your good day, and then something disagreeable happens, is the day now ruined?
Is there a number in your head of how many good things need to happen?
And how many bad things it takes to spoil it all?
When you lay your head down at night, do you count your many blessings of the day, or more prone to dwell on some "major" (or minor) mishap?
Is your good day designation list short - or long?
Can you think of a just few things to fulfill the "need"?
Will they be enough?
Or is there always one more?
Do you readjust your list once its attained - for yet another thing?
What will make today good for you?
And will you choose to not let anything take away your joy?
But later I will see you, and you will be so happy that no one will be able to change the way you feel. (CEV)
... but I will see you again, and your hearts will be filled with gladness, the kind of gladness that no one can take away from you. (GNT)
When I see you again, you'll be full of joy, and it will be a joy no one can rob from you. You'll no longer be so full of questions. (MSG)
What is the key phrase I see in these verses?
I will see you again, and then ...
Joy follows Jesus around.
Want to displace the sadness over dissatisfaction?
Getting with Jesus stops all the questions - and leaves a joy that nothing and no one can steal away.
So go see Jesus. And have a good day!
Friday, November 16, 2018
God's hand in the present age
... for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. (Matthew 6:8)
I had to have been crazy. Why would anyone go thrift store shopping on a rainy day? But out we went, my niece and I, looking for "treasures" and enjoying each others company.
Often times there is nothing much worth buying. But this day I found six skeins of yarn. For $2.50! A real bargain. I hesitated though. It was navy blue. Extremely difficult to work with. Dark colors just are. The wrapper was gone from all of them so I didn't know for sure the weight or how much was really there. And the yarn felt stiff as if kind of old. Maybe not such a bargain after all. Still, the price taunted me and I decided it would be worth the risk.
Once home, I rifled through all my old patterns I had saved for who knows how long. Without knowing the yardage, how would I know if I had enough? I finally decided on something. A pattern I'd never done it before. And being unsure about the yarn, it would be a crap shoot as to what size it would end up being. Closing my eyes. Taking a chance.
Well, the pattern was fairly easy and progress was quick. Looked like something useable would come out of it after all.
I was three-quarters of the way through when someone posted on social media that hospice was in need of lap robes. Hmmm. I wonder what size a lap robe needs to be?
You guessed it. My little "spontaneous" project turned out to be the exact measurement for a lap robe that would accommodate someone in a wheelchair.
Was all this coincidence?
Or was all this God's hand? Aligning circumstances to meet someone's need before the individual even asked?
What do you believe happened?
I had to have been crazy. Why would anyone go thrift store shopping on a rainy day? But out we went, my niece and I, looking for "treasures" and enjoying each others company.
Often times there is nothing much worth buying. But this day I found six skeins of yarn. For $2.50! A real bargain. I hesitated though. It was navy blue. Extremely difficult to work with. Dark colors just are. The wrapper was gone from all of them so I didn't know for sure the weight or how much was really there. And the yarn felt stiff as if kind of old. Maybe not such a bargain after all. Still, the price taunted me and I decided it would be worth the risk.
Once home, I rifled through all my old patterns I had saved for who knows how long. Without knowing the yardage, how would I know if I had enough? I finally decided on something. A pattern I'd never done it before. And being unsure about the yarn, it would be a crap shoot as to what size it would end up being. Closing my eyes. Taking a chance.
Well, the pattern was fairly easy and progress was quick. Looked like something useable would come out of it after all.
I was three-quarters of the way through when someone posted on social media that hospice was in need of lap robes. Hmmm. I wonder what size a lap robe needs to be?
You guessed it. My little "spontaneous" project turned out to be the exact measurement for a lap robe that would accommodate someone in a wheelchair.
Was all this coincidence?
- someone donated some old yarn
- we went shopping in the rain
- the yarn was at such a bargain price for the quantity
- an appealing pattern was saved months ago
- a post was made on social media
- the project came out just the right size
Or was all this God's hand? Aligning circumstances to meet someone's need before the individual even asked?
What do you believe happened?
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
What if He saw me ...?
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© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
One harried mother. One small boy in tow. Whip into a parking spot at the one-stop shopping store. Purse and list in hand. When there's a rap on the window.
Another harried woman:
"My car ran out of gas. I coasted into the parking lot. I can't get a hold of anyone. This is so embarrassing ... They charge $13 for a gas can ... Do you ... do you have any cash? I'm so embarrassed to be asking ..."
Through the still rolled up window, the mother thinks:
Oh, good. An acceptable "out".
She "yells" through the window:
"I don't have any cash. I'm so sorry I can't help you."
The woman nods and moves on.
But heading into the store with her purse and son - a nudge.
What if He saw me?
Well, that woman could be a crafty panhandler. It happens. But what if she really needs help? And He saw me - walk away?
The mother and son got into the check out lane. Purchased a $20 gas card. And headed back out into the parking lot. Didn't see her at first. Then spotted her a couple rows over. Talking with a man who was shaking his head. No. Sorry.
"Lady! Hey, lady!"
Mother and son run to her. Hand her the gas card and confirmation receipt. A quick hug before returning to the store for their groceries.
She didn't look back to see if the woman headed to the gas station. Peace settled over her as she thought:
None of my business. It's God's. My job is to love and help in the name of Jesus. To be obedient when the Lord nudges.
Because ...
What if He sees me - walking away?
On today's agenda? Love. And help when He nudges.
Monday, November 12, 2018
Beyond just reading it
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© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
Truly, God, with all my heart, thank You for every thing. Thank You for never leaving me; You never stop loving me, helping me, caring about me. Thank You for calling out my name. Yes, thank You. I'm thankful I can approach Your holy throne with confidence and acceptance. And am welcomed in great love.
Make known among the nations what He has done ... (pause)
I surely will, Lord God, as You lead and direct and guide my thoughts and words. May my testimony of You and Your greatness be heard, seen, felt in and through my thoughts, words and deeds. In my attitude, in my heart and mind and all that overflows from them, God. Be glorified. Be glorified.
Sing to Him. Sing praise to Him ... (pause)
Lord, You are above all and beyond all. Unfathomable greatness. Awesomeness, goodness beyond belief. Ultimate perfect love and acceptance, tenderness, compassionate too. Merciful. Great are You, Lord. Great in all You've done for me over the years. All the helps, all the rescues, all the joys. Your amazing grace through it all. Through unbelievable traumas. Through huge mistakes. Yet You do not harbor any anger or disappointment. You still send beautiful blessings into every day. Great is Your faithfulness. Great is Your unchanging, unfailing character of love and grace, Lord... unto me.
Tell of all His wonderful acts... (pause)
Thank You for seeing me through my rebellious times and desert times. Wandering off times, drifted away times both from long ago and even just yesterday. You love me still, care for me still - through the times I've been on fire for You, Lord and for the times I've run after worldly passions as well. You have loved me. Cared about me. Scooped me up after every fall, after... every... fall.
Glory in His holy name ... (pause)
Great are You, Lord. Great is Your love, Your profound love. All praise, honor, glory, thanks, blessing, reverence, awe due Your name. Worthy is the Lamb. Worthy is the Lamb. Worthy is the Lamb ... Amen.
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Tis' the season
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with singing. Know that the Lord is God. It is he that made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. (Psalm 100:1-3 NRSV)
Yep. It's already ramping up. Stores and advertisements and obligations heading for overload.
But are we rejoicing, being glad and singing over the birth of a savior? Our Savior?
Or are we already grumbling about the cost of gifts, the traffic, the crowds, the pressures, the rushing, the expectations, the weather, the cooking and cleaning - oh, my!
I'm afraid my thoughts were headed that way. I'm baking cookies today for the church bazaar. And my first thoughts were fear of caving in and ruining my diet and weight loss plans. And hurrying up to finish craft items. And worrying about travel plans during the Christmas rush. Certainly doesn't sound like "Joy to the World" to me. You?
When maybe I should be rejoicing that I CAN bake and decorate yummy baked goods and handmade items. I CAN offer them to those unable to - because of work schedules or physical limitations. And I CAN rejoice in the Lord. Any day! Every day!
I don't want to lose my joy in the Lord over these worldly pressures. Too often I have caught myself too late - sitting in the Christmas eve service wondering how it got here so soon.
I want to stand firm in the peace He offers. I want to live in love of Him. I want that love and joy and peace to overflow into others lives.
Tis' the season, to stand at the stable - and to BE stable - firm and sure - in the salvation we have in this Jesus ... the Christ ... our Lord.
Do this in remembrance of Me.
Thanks be to God!
Yep. It's already ramping up. Stores and advertisements and obligations heading for overload.
But are we rejoicing, being glad and singing over the birth of a savior? Our Savior?
Or are we already grumbling about the cost of gifts, the traffic, the crowds, the pressures, the rushing, the expectations, the weather, the cooking and cleaning - oh, my!
I'm afraid my thoughts were headed that way. I'm baking cookies today for the church bazaar. And my first thoughts were fear of caving in and ruining my diet and weight loss plans. And hurrying up to finish craft items. And worrying about travel plans during the Christmas rush. Certainly doesn't sound like "Joy to the World" to me. You?
When maybe I should be rejoicing that I CAN bake and decorate yummy baked goods and handmade items. I CAN offer them to those unable to - because of work schedules or physical limitations. And I CAN rejoice in the Lord. Any day! Every day!
I don't want to lose my joy in the Lord over these worldly pressures. Too often I have caught myself too late - sitting in the Christmas eve service wondering how it got here so soon.
I want to stand firm in the peace He offers. I want to live in love of Him. I want that love and joy and peace to overflow into others lives.
Tis' the season, to stand at the stable - and to BE stable - firm and sure - in the salvation we have in this Jesus ... the Christ ... our Lord.
Do this in remembrance of Me.
Thanks be to God!
Monday, October 29, 2018
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
So the other disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord!" But he said to them, "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe." (John 20:25)
I just returned from a spiritual renewal weekend. I go often. Among many of the other wonderful things experienced there - is morning worship. We all gather at the Lord's table to be fed - before we go to breakfast. It has been a very meaningful time for many. It is somehow more profound in this "camp like" setting.
Something often happens to me - some eye catching, soul catching thing, that moves me to a deeper understanding.
Like, one time, the pastor was pouring the juice into the cup ... and he must have poured too fast because it went in and then slooped right back up and out! Onto the cement floor. But when I was looking at it, it looked like it was happening in slow motion. I swear I could actually see each individual red drop falling - and exploding onto the floor. You know? As if a black light were shining on it.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
Blood. Red blood. His blood.
Time stood still...
This weekend, after we went up to be served communion, we were invited to stop by a table that held a big bowl of water. In the water were a bunch of those "jewel type" stones. Green representing Father God the Creator, blue representing the Holy Spirit, and red for Jesus the Savior. Dip your hand in, they said. Remember your baptism. And take a stone - in remembrance.
I took a stone. A red one. And went back to my seat. As I opened up my hand, the sunlight caught it just right. And I saw this. Do you see it too?
A human hand.
A blood red spot.
In remembrance of Me.
Slow down.
Look for a moment.
Touch. See. And believe.
"I have seen the Lord!"
I just returned from a spiritual renewal weekend. I go often. Among many of the other wonderful things experienced there - is morning worship. We all gather at the Lord's table to be fed - before we go to breakfast. It has been a very meaningful time for many. It is somehow more profound in this "camp like" setting.
Something often happens to me - some eye catching, soul catching thing, that moves me to a deeper understanding.
Like, one time, the pastor was pouring the juice into the cup ... and he must have poured too fast because it went in and then slooped right back up and out! Onto the cement floor. But when I was looking at it, it looked like it was happening in slow motion. I swear I could actually see each individual red drop falling - and exploding onto the floor. You know? As if a black light were shining on it.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
Blood. Red blood. His blood.
Time stood still...
This weekend, after we went up to be served communion, we were invited to stop by a table that held a big bowl of water. In the water were a bunch of those "jewel type" stones. Green representing Father God the Creator, blue representing the Holy Spirit, and red for Jesus the Savior. Dip your hand in, they said. Remember your baptism. And take a stone - in remembrance.
I took a stone. A red one. And went back to my seat. As I opened up my hand, the sunlight caught it just right. And I saw this. Do you see it too?
A human hand.
A blood red spot.
In remembrance of Me.
Slow down.
Look for a moment.
Touch. See. And believe.
"I have seen the Lord!"
Thursday, October 4, 2018
Loose ends
Jesus' name has healed this man - and you know how lame he was before. Faith in Jesus' name - faith given us from God - has caused this perfect healing. (Acts 3:16)
My knitting/crocheting friends are cringing right now at the sight of all those loose ends! Because while working with yarn can certainly be enjoyable, having to weave in all those loose ends that come with every color change - can be labor intensive. But it has to be done in order for the project to be completed. Finished. Then we can see the beauty that time and commitment brought forth.
Are you constantly looking at, focused on, the raggedy side of your life? Does looking at your imperfections cause you to hold back from serving and loving the Lord?
God may have knit me together in my mother's womb (Psalm 139:13), but it was Jesus Who has woven all the loose ends in.
All my mistakes.
All my errors in judgement.
All my bad attitudes.
All my sins.
All my wounds too.
He paid it all.
Smoothed it all over.
Because of Jesus, the beauty of my life has been completed.
"It is finished". (John 19:30)
Praise the Lord, my soul.
and forget not all his benefits -
who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion,
who satisfies your desires with good things (Psalm 103: 2-5)
If you can see yourself forgiven, acceptable, loveable, you can then see yourself as able.
The beauty Jesus has provided us, if we receive it, accept it, will make us more able to serve and to love.
Because of Jesus, you are beautiful. Right now. Today.
Go in peace and serve the Lord.
My knitting/crocheting friends are cringing right now at the sight of all those loose ends! Because while working with yarn can certainly be enjoyable, having to weave in all those loose ends that come with every color change - can be labor intensive. But it has to be done in order for the project to be completed. Finished. Then we can see the beauty that time and commitment brought forth.
Are you constantly looking at, focused on, the raggedy side of your life? Does looking at your imperfections cause you to hold back from serving and loving the Lord?
God may have knit me together in my mother's womb (Psalm 139:13), but it was Jesus Who has woven all the loose ends in.
All my mistakes.
All my errors in judgement.
All my bad attitudes.
All my sins.
All my wounds too.
He paid it all.
Smoothed it all over.
Because of Jesus, the beauty of my life has been completed.
"It is finished". (John 19:30)
Praise the Lord, my soul.
and forget not all his benefits -
who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion,
who satisfies your desires with good things (Psalm 103: 2-5)
If you can see yourself forgiven, acceptable, loveable, you can then see yourself as able.
The beauty Jesus has provided us, if we receive it, accept it, will make us more able to serve and to love.
Because of Jesus, you are beautiful. Right now. Today.
Go in peace and serve the Lord.
Monday, September 24, 2018
My Trustworthy Mechanic
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© 2018 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
I don't know anything about cars. So I am thankful when I can go to a trusted mechanic. Trusted because I've been there before. He has helped before. He can help me again. I've been to the same mechanic time after time. He knows me. He knows my car. And I know him. I can trust him because we communicate on a regular basis - oil changes, tire rotations, or something is just a-miss.
Sometimes I can't find the words for what is a-miss. I say, "It's a clunking, ping, ping, ping ..." And somehow he manages to figure it out and get me out on the road again.
Lord, there is so much in life I don't know or understand. Truly, I need You on a regular basis. You have helped before. Through regular ordinary things (like the oil change). And tougher, more confusing times as well (like the clunking, ping, ping, pings of life). You have helped when I couldn't find the words. I know I can watch and wait for You. It is You Who sets me straight and gets me out on the road again.
All wise, all powerful, almighty, trustworthy - God.
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Where is holy ground?
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© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
I am busy preparing the Sunday School lesson for this week: Moses and the Burning Bush. A familiar passage to many. Moses watching over the sheep. Typical day. Sees a bush burning - but not burning up. God calls out "Don't come any closer. Take off your sandals. You are standing on holy ground." Then God tells Moses he will be the one to free the Israelites from slavery.
I wondered what to focus on - to present to my young students. Holy ground jumped to mind. But seems like such a challenging subject in this day and age.
Back in the day, the church sanctuary felt like a holy ground place. I mean, there was a real reverence to walking in. You were cleaned up, you were more quiet. You treated that space so differently - than any other space.
I suppose I can talk about how we act differently in different places or occasions. Outside on the playground we can be loud and boisterous. But when called back into school, there are reminders of "inside voice" and "sit still". And I suppose I can talk about how we pray: eyes closed, head bowed down. Certainly fighting to be free of distractions. A "take off your shoes" kind of attitude. We don't do that talking to regular people. But God is holy.
I've heard that "holy" means - set apart. But it goes beyond that. There is an "otherness" to holy. Dedicated to God. Belonging to God. Of God.
I think it goes beyond behavior, how we act in a certain place, to realizing Who is there and Who it all belongs to. We need to be reminded of the awesomeness of Almighty God. Yes, He calls us friend. But we can't forget - the reverence due His name. There is a spiritual realm that is holy and should be treated as well... differently.
In Christ we are holy beings too. We are set apart. We also belong to God. All that we are belongs to God.
So the truth is - wherever God is - is holy ground. In you and all around you. You can't escape holiness. You can only ignore it. Wherever, whenever, we acknowledge His awesome, magnificient almighty present - becomes holy, set apart, something other ground.
A walk through the woods?
Rocking a baby?
Just sitting and holding hands with a loved one?
The stars and the moon at night?
Slowly washing dishes and humming a favorite hymn?
God is everywhere.
So is holy ground.
How great, how great - is our God!
Saturday, September 8, 2018
Run, dog, run!
He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then He said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true." - Revelation 21:5
I love my dog.
We run in the yard.
Run, dog, run!
We chase the ball.
Play, dog, play!
We lie in the grass and watch the clouds go by.
We eat together.
We sleep together.
We are always together.
But one day my dog would not run.
One day my dog would not chase the ball.
One day my dog would not eat.
But he slept.
He slept and slept and whined like he was sad.
Sleep, dog, sleep.
My grandma says he might have to go to heaven to be all better again.
There my dog will run and play again.
Grandma is old so she knows about these things.
Heaven is not like being here.
I am happy for my dog.
I am sad for me.
I made a card for my dog.
I wrote I love you so much!
My dog is gone now.
Grandmas says my dog is in heaven.
There my dog will run and play again.
Grandma is old so she knows about these things.
I am happy for my dog.
I am sad for me.
I lie in the grass and watch the clouds go by.
Run, dog, run.
Play, dog, play.
I love my dog.
We run in the yard.
Run, dog, run!
We chase the ball.
Play, dog, play!
We lie in the grass and watch the clouds go by.
We eat together.
We sleep together.
We are always together.
But one day my dog would not run.
One day my dog would not chase the ball.
One day my dog would not eat.
But he slept.
He slept and slept and whined like he was sad.
Sleep, dog, sleep.
My grandma says he might have to go to heaven to be all better again.
There my dog will run and play again.
Grandma is old so she knows about these things.
Heaven is not like being here.
I am happy for my dog.
I am sad for me.
I made a card for my dog.
I wrote I love you so much!
My dog is gone now.
Grandmas says my dog is in heaven.
There my dog will run and play again.
Grandma is old so she knows about these things.
I am happy for my dog.
I am sad for me.
I lie in the grass and watch the clouds go by.
Run, dog, run.
Play, dog, play.
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Repeat as often as necessary
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© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
Today's post is meant to be read aloud, or at least a whisper ...
I can do all this through him who gives me strength. - NIV
I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me (I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency). - AMPC
I can endure all these things through the power of the one who gives me strength. - CEB
I can do all things through him who gives me power. - CJB
Christ gives me the strength to face anything. - CEV
I can do all things by means of the One strengthening me. - DLNT
Christ is the one who gives me the strength I need to do whatever I must do. - ERV
... for I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power. - TLB
Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. - MSG
I have strength for everything through him who empowers me. - NABRE
And I find that the strength of Christ's explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty. - TPT
Feel free to share this post. You wouldn't believe how many of your friends are really battling with something right now and need an encouraging word ... battles you know nothing about.
Friday, August 31, 2018
What can I say ...?
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© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
· With every changing season, in every new chapter of life, God loves you and do so we!
· Know without a doubt that you are being prayed over ... over and under, behind and before and through ...
· Time to remind you how special you are!
· Thinking of you and wishing and hoping and praying and trusting and believing …
· Life can sure have its ups and downs … but God’s great love for you remains the same
· With everything that’s going on, just wanted you to know you’re in my thoughts today … same as always
· Thought of you this morning … and said a little prayer
· I’ve been thinking of you and thinking of you and thinking of you!
· You’re in my thoughts today … because I care
· May peace and joy be yours in the days ahead … as you trust in Him
· Thinking of you … is one of my favorite things to do!
· You’ve been on my mind … and in my heart and prayers
· Thinking of you and hoping things are going well for you today
· Just wanted to stay in touch and let you know you’re thought of warmly
· Nothing new to write about, nothing new to say … but I’ve been thinking of you and pray about your day
· Have a nice day … you deserve it!
· Hoping this little card will lift your spirits and brighten your day
· Taking some time to be still before the Lord … and to pray for you
· Watch and wait for the Lord your God. And know that I am watching and waiting with you
· Remembering times spent with you … brings warm fuzzy happiness to my day!
· Just me … thinking of you
· I am thinking of you today and hope you can gain strength from those that love and care about you
· Letting you know that you are loved and thought of today
· No matter where you go and no matter what you do I hope you know that I am here thinking of you
· I know that things will get better in time. Hang in there and know that I am here for you, dear friend
· Keeping in touch with you is so important to me. I am blessed to call you friend
· To my friend, sending a note to brighten your day, as you have brightened so many of mine
Right now I'm betting you're thinking of a dozen people who would be blessed by receiving a note from you right now ...
· I am thinking of you today and hope you can gain strength from those that love and care about you
· Letting you know that you are loved and thought of today
· No matter where you go and no matter what you do I hope you know that I am here thinking of you
· I know that things will get better in time. Hang in there and know that I am here for you, dear friend
· Keeping in touch with you is so important to me. I am blessed to call you friend
· To my friend, sending a note to brighten your day, as you have brightened so many of mine
Right now I'm betting you're thinking of a dozen people who would be blessed by receiving a note from you right now ...
Monday, August 27, 2018
What's for dinner?
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© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
I made chili the other day. After getting it all started, I realized I didn't have any tomato sauce in the house. But I forged ahead, not wanting to stop the process. I just wanted to get it done. Throw some dinner together. A chore to be done.
So I substituted.
And let's just say that catsup is not the same as tomato sauce. It sure looks the same. I mean, how far off could it be?
I've made some great chili in the past. Usually by following a recipe though. You know, the ones found in some famous, well-known chefs book.
But I tried to make chili quick and what as easiest for me. I expected the same results. I expected the same end result as when I followed the one "in-the-know".
Needless to say, the efforts I made hastily and on my own did not produce the desired outcome.
And it got me to wondering - if I ever serve the Lord in this same hurry and "get 'er done" manner. Serving because it has to be done. Making substitutions instead of consulting the guide book. Seeing it as a chore that has to be done. Not following Anyone's instructions (recipe) but my own.
And expecting the same results.
Are we not called to be obediently active and fruitful? Listening and then obeying. His calling, His plan for our lives.
So... what's for dinner?
Maybe we should check the "recipe book".
What is It calling for, exactly?
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Can You Hear Me ...now?
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (Matthew 28:20)
Every parent knows that newborn's cry in the middle of the night. You can be sound asleep, right? But somehow (probably through several nights of practice!) your ears are keenly aware and attuned to the sounds your little one makes.
The sound of someone's voice can sure warm your heart. I remember calling home from boot camp the first time. When I heard my mom's voice answer the phone, all I did was cry. But, throughout my navy days, we stayed in constant touch - calling each other weekly. And instead of tears, her voice brought warmth and love, encouragement, peace, security ... all kinds of good things. Even though we lived miles and miles apart. A regular dose of love on a regular basis. Talking - comfortably picking up right where we left off.
Sadly, my mom has been gone about 15 years now. Sadly, I can't remember the sound of her voice. Oh, I have lots of good visual memories. And I can still picture her face when she laughed. And I suppose some of her most famous sayings come to mind from time to time (like, "Don't wish your life away") But I sure miss the constant connection we shared... (and its benefits to me).
And it brings to mind - when was the last time you connected with a loved One (Jesus)? Is it happening on a regular basis (bringing love, encouragement, peace and security) or has time been passing by and talking has become - uncomfortable, unsure...
Can you imagine Jesus' face smiling?
Can you recall some of His famous sayings?
Can you still hear His voice?
Are you missing the dear connection you once enjoyed?
... with that Someone you love?
Surely I am with you ...
Every parent knows that newborn's cry in the middle of the night. You can be sound asleep, right? But somehow (probably through several nights of practice!) your ears are keenly aware and attuned to the sounds your little one makes.
The sound of someone's voice can sure warm your heart. I remember calling home from boot camp the first time. When I heard my mom's voice answer the phone, all I did was cry. But, throughout my navy days, we stayed in constant touch - calling each other weekly. And instead of tears, her voice brought warmth and love, encouragement, peace, security ... all kinds of good things. Even though we lived miles and miles apart. A regular dose of love on a regular basis. Talking - comfortably picking up right where we left off.
Sadly, my mom has been gone about 15 years now. Sadly, I can't remember the sound of her voice. Oh, I have lots of good visual memories. And I can still picture her face when she laughed. And I suppose some of her most famous sayings come to mind from time to time (like, "Don't wish your life away") But I sure miss the constant connection we shared... (and its benefits to me).
And it brings to mind - when was the last time you connected with a loved One (Jesus)? Is it happening on a regular basis (bringing love, encouragement, peace and security) or has time been passing by and talking has become - uncomfortable, unsure...
Can you imagine Jesus' face smiling?
Can you recall some of His famous sayings?
Can you still hear His voice?
Are you missing the dear connection you once enjoyed?
... with that Someone you love?
Surely I am with you ...
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Behind the normal
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© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
They all looked so normal. Holding coffee cups, reading books. Someone on their phone. Others heads together chatting softly. Normal people stuff. Sure looked like regular people having a regular day. Right? Are you picturing a coffee shop perhaps?
The fact is, this is taking place in a hospital waiting room.Waiting for lab work to be done. Waiting for radiology. Which means all these normal, average looking people have some real issues they are contenting with.
It sure is hard to tell just by looks who is dealing with pain.Worries. Strife. Anxious over the possible outcomes. They sure looked okay - just by looking. But this scene could very easily be found in a coffee shop, grocery store line, worship center, at the bank, at work, any group gathering really.
It made me pause and think - so many of us, carrying burdens, yet carrying on with regular normal routines of daily life.
Looks don't tell the whole story. Stuff is going on the the life of the one with the smile. Stuff they are trying to grin-and-bear through. More people than you realize.
So let's be gentle. And kind. You don't need to know the whole background story. Just like we all have sinned, we all have trials and tribulations too.
Let us pray for the known - and the unknown - burdens of each other.
Let's just be a little more gracious and forgiving.
Let's draw everybody a little closer to God.
The God Who carries us through it all.
And you know that the Lord has taken care of us the whole time we've been in the desert, just as you might carry one of your children. (Deuteronomy 1:31 CEB)
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Pep Talk
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© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved. |
Shake off the yesterdays.
Believe in God.
Believe in new mercies for today.
Believe blessings can happen to you.
Yes, you.
Cast off fears, doubts, predictions that things in life today are going to be stressful.
Envision beauty.
Envision success.
Envision awesomeness.
From your Father God.
Envision God's plan for your life being fulfilled today.
Know without a doubt that you are loved.
Know without a doubt that you are okay right where you are today.
God is still loving you.
God is still using you.
Whatever you think you see, God sees a beautiful big picture that includes you.
God sees things in you growing, blossoming, maturing day by day.
Things like: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Yes. It's true.
You are loved and you belong as much as anyone else.
Says God.
You can succeed in life.
With God you will succeed in life.
Thanks be to God.
Who will never fail you.
Never let you go.
Never leave your side.
Yes. Beloved you.
As sure as the sunshine.
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Hungry, Thirsty, Lonely, oh my!
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'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? (Matthew 25:37-38)
'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you,
- "Cereal is on sale this week. Let's grab a couple extra boxes for the food pantry."
- "I know going through a divorce come be really hard. Why don't you stop by on Wednesday for dinner?"
- "Let's go out for coffee at that new donut shop. My treat!"
- "Sorry to hear you are laid up for awhile. How about if I drop off some of my famous taco casserole?"
- "I'm so glad you stopped by. How about some of fresh lemonade?"
- "Let's hand out bottles of water during the car show tonight. It's going to be so hot out!"
- "Free coffee - while you wait!"
When did we see you a stranger and invite you in,
- "It's starting to rain. Let me give you a ride to the store."
- "You're new here? Come sit by me and I can explain things as we go along."
- "Playing euchre is so much fun! Are you free on Wednesday nights? Would you like to join us?
or needing clothes and clothe you?
- "Definitely time to clean out my closet! The thrift store will even pickup!"
- "So much yarn at the church. How about we make up some blankets and afghans and take them to the homeless shelter?"
- "I heard the store in that strip mall nearby is having a BOGO sale. Let's go together and we can both enjoy some savings."
Friday, July 27, 2018
All clean ... again!
Cleanse me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. (Psalm 51:7)
I love the look (and feel!) of clean nails after a shower. So fresh, smooth and natural. A healthy pink. Ready for the new day. Free of yesterday's grime. Freshened and renewed to do and to be.
On normal, more mundane days, they don't look too bad. But do some weeding or pick blueberries and eek! The stains can linger if you don't wash and scrub them right away.
Prayers of confession (gulp) can have the same effect. Getting rid of the dirt and grime of dark, guilty thoughts can actually feel like stepping out of your morning shower. Yes. Naming your sins, putting them out there for God to scrub away. Imagine the darkness - gone! Imagine your heart and mind being light and fresh and a healthy pink! As freshly showered hands.
That's what Jesus did for you.
Clean from head to toe.
Clean inside and out...
Is a reality.
Can be your reality - today.
Free of yesterday's grime.
Freshened and renewed to do and to be.
Am I going to have to take a shower again tomorrow morning?
Probably so.
And that's perfectly okay.
Its certainly an acceptable practice.
The same goes for confessing of sins.
Its okay to do every day.
Its okay to cleanse, purge, wash away, get rid of ...
every kind of filth.
Get spiritually showered every morning.
Receive the cleansing power of Christ.
Believe this truth: He takes away the sins of the world! (John 1:29)
So now, what are you waiting for? Get up, immerse yourself and have your sins washed away as you call on His name. (Acts 22:16 CJB)
Sprinkled with the blood of Christ, our hearts have been made free from a guilty conscience, and our bodies have been washed with pure water. So come near to God with a sincere heart, full of confidence because of our faith in Christ. (Hebrews 10:22 ERV)
I love the look (and feel!) of clean nails after a shower. So fresh, smooth and natural. A healthy pink. Ready for the new day. Free of yesterday's grime. Freshened and renewed to do and to be.
On normal, more mundane days, they don't look too bad. But do some weeding or pick blueberries and eek! The stains can linger if you don't wash and scrub them right away.
Prayers of confession (gulp) can have the same effect. Getting rid of the dirt and grime of dark, guilty thoughts can actually feel like stepping out of your morning shower. Yes. Naming your sins, putting them out there for God to scrub away. Imagine the darkness - gone! Imagine your heart and mind being light and fresh and a healthy pink! As freshly showered hands.
That's what Jesus did for you.
Clean from head to toe.
Clean inside and out...
Is a reality.
Can be your reality - today.
Free of yesterday's grime.
Freshened and renewed to do and to be.
Am I going to have to take a shower again tomorrow morning?
Probably so.
And that's perfectly okay.
Its certainly an acceptable practice.
The same goes for confessing of sins.
Its okay to do every day.
Its okay to cleanse, purge, wash away, get rid of ...
every kind of filth.
Get spiritually showered every morning.
Receive the cleansing power of Christ.
Believe this truth: He takes away the sins of the world! (John 1:29)
So now, what are you waiting for? Get up, immerse yourself and have your sins washed away as you call on His name. (Acts 22:16 CJB)
Sprinkled with the blood of Christ, our hearts have been made free from a guilty conscience, and our bodies have been washed with pure water. So come near to God with a sincere heart, full of confidence because of our faith in Christ. (Hebrews 10:22 ERV)
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