Saturday, May 23, 2015

With you the whole time

I lift up my eyes to the hills - where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. (Psalm 121:1-2)

"Lord, again, I want to be better for You than I have been. I pray  I will turn to You for strength and discipline in every hour of need. I pray I move past just acknowledging my weakness and throwing my hands up in the air. Because I belong to You, there is a power available to me if I but cry out for it. At my point of weakness, I need to acknowledge You, my Savior, in every circumstance as my help. At the fork of every temptation You are there to guide me in the way I should go - if I would listen, I'd have the power to get through the challenge. Listen. Trust. Obey. All key elements to a greater relationship with You and to the life You desire for me. Listen. Trust. And obey in this moment and then the next. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Where does my strength come from? Where does my intellect, discernment, and great ideas come from? The Maker of heaven and earth! Where does energy and passion and completion of the mundane? And perseverance, steadfastness as well as joy, delight, satisfaction. There is much that can be done today. Can I find joy in the journey, in the living of it? For a satisfied sense of accomplishment - will I seek the Lord? Will I realize the Lord's presence in the midst of it all? Will I offer up thanks and praise? Will I see it as jobs checked off my to-do list or will I really realize that I've been with the Lord the whole time? The Lord! Does that thought stir up some kind of anticipation for the day instead of dreading all I haven't gotten done? I look forward to seeking God in my weakness and to expectantly watch for His amazing power to guide me through. Apart from Me you can do nothing. But abide in Me and you can do much - you will bear much fruit (John 15:5) Thank You , God, for Your awesomeness right here and right now. I sat down thinking nothing is coming to mind to meditate about. But I stayed and you ended up writing a message to me. I stand in awe of You ..."

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