Friday, May 22, 2015

Complete Joy

The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom's voice. That joy is mine, and it is now complete. (John 3:29)

Life can be hard, especially when you're wanting to live the right, righteous life. Wanting to do right by God. The more I want to get it right, by day's end, I see the greater I struggled and the less success I actually had. I want to do it. I want to gift God with good behavior, good responses - good "doings". Isn't that from a heart that loves Him? Is it so wrong to want to bless Him the way I want? Does He not give me the desires of my heart? When are good "doings" from me - and when are they from God through me? Aren't all good doings - well, good? What is my real inner motive for the good deed? To please God or to please man? Will I be patting myself on the back for a job well done? Or will it be because I listened and heard His voice? And in complete joy, see and share that God is good. Is it enough for me to experience the glory of God? Can I truly surrender to the lifestyle of, "Look! The Bridegroom! A glimpse of the Bridegroom!" My whole attitude this morning is about to change. The excitement of catching a glimpse of Him; my eyes are darting around, my pulse quickening, a smile spreads across my face ... whether I remember my own bridegroom or look ahead to my son's upcoming nuptials (and him in his dress army uniform!) - oh, how my heart fills from the sight! Realizing what God does through you and that He does the "doing" through you can feel like that. God is great! What joy! What love! Complete.

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