Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hand in Hand with the Spirit

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers
will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth
for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
God is spirit,
and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”
– John 4: 23-24

Worship in spirit. Beyond your human ways.  A turning to the Lord. Whether you know what to say or not. There is a spiritual side to you that you are not in touch with. It isn’t as obvious as your physical self. But it is there. Responds in loving ways before you even think of it. Prays without you realizing it. Creates thoughts of hope without you even trying. There is a Spirit within you that expresses to God in “spirit words” what the human can only groan. This Spirit articulates that emotional high of praise or extreme low of pain with an unimaginable depth of understanding. Peace that passes understanding is a piece of it. Standing in awe of a miracle is a piece of it. Being deeply moved by music or a view is a piece of it. A piece of worshiping in spirit. Going to God in prayer without anything to offer. Running out of human words but staying in that prayer posture anyway. Open. Available. Exclusive. Worship… in spirit. Being present before God even when it doesn’t look or feel like you are there.  An irresistible, don’t want to tear myself away presence. Because I need You, Lord, and here is the only place where it can be expressed at its fullest. Hand in hand with Your Spirit. Whatever prayer, whatever peace, whatever awe we experience, it moves between you and God through His Spirit. For God is Spirit. And so are you.

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