Thursday, January 9, 2014


There sure are a lot of people coughing and hacking out there! Including my poor husband. He said it was hard to cough because he felt dry in his chest. The doctor said when you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Did you know that? So I put out a couple bowls of water on the heat registers… and do you know what? The water was gone in like a day! Surprised me! Didn’t realize our house was dry. So, I’ve been putting more and more water in as it disappears. I think we both are feeling better. Although I didn’t realize we felt bad before…

That’s kind of how Jesus, our Living Water, works in us. We can be dry and not even realize it. We can fill up once and not realize we went dry again. And the water in the bowl seems to get used up without us being able to see it happen - a mysterious way of being used for good without actually seeing the water turn to a vapor. Not a visible steaming boil. But definitely doing something because I can breathe better and my skin isn’t flaking and itching, and there’s no electricity in the air that crackles - making my hair stand on end.

So how are you feeling today? Really feeling? Dry? Itchy? Crackling with static? Do you even realize what you’re lacking? Living Water! Yes, my friend, maybe its time for you to pick up your Bible (again) and have a little tea time chat with Jesus (again). Time to feel better again. Know that He can work in you and through you, (notice I said HE CAN WORK…) without you even knowing its happening – like that mysterious vapor. But dry (being without Jesus) is just empty and dry. Don’t let yourself get dehydrated!

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