Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Remember the times you get it right

To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see. – Hebrews 11:1

Faith. I’ve read about it in the bible plenty of times. It’s about knowing you are safe and secure in God’s attentive hand despite what the circumstances currently look like. When you can’t see the outcome. It’s knowing God is big and caring and watching out for you. Do not be afraid. And there are plenty of testimonies by bible characters who lived this out – this going ahead with God not knowing exactly how it was all going to turn out. You’ve got to admire these characters. Real people, they were.

Yesterday I got lost and was late for an appointment. I couldn’t see the outcome. And I was afraid. Upset. Fearful.  I couldn’t find my way and didn’t know what to do. Afterwards, after I finally got on the right road and made my appointment, albeit a little late, I kinda beat myself up. Why didn’t I pray right away? Why didn’t I settle down and think about God right away? Why did I just sink into panic mode and stare at my circumstances? Where was the faith I profess on the days when everything is going right?

This morning I found myself in Hebrews 11 – where there is testimony after testimony of people living in faith. And I found a piece of paper where I had written, years ago, a list of my own times of faith.

  • ·        In faith, I watched my one and only son leave for Iraq and lived daily in the hope of God’s hand ever holding him in protection and care
  • ·        In faith, I overcame fear of public speaking and actually led prayer in front of the church on a Sunday morning, and later on even made some 20 minute presentations.
  • ·        In faith, I quit my nice, clean office job for third shift factory work because I was so sure that God called me to that (shortly after that, my mom was diagnosed with cancer and I was able to help care of her during the day because I was working nights)
  • ·        In faith, I have launched a community events program at church in an effort to draw neighbors and friends together

The list could go on and on. And it inspired me. Sometimes, when push comes to shove, I do have faith. Great faith. I’ll bet you do too.

I challenge you to put together a list of times when you’ve had to cling to Jesus and came out on the other side. Keep this list handy. Or like me, in your bible tucked in there by Hebrews 11. And go in the faith God gives.

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