Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Love Him, Need Him Everyday

“When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son. But the more they were called, the more they went away from me. They sacrificed to the Baals and they burned incense to images. It was I Who taught Ephraim to walk, taking them by the arms; but they did not realize it was I Who healed them. I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love. To them I was like one who lifts a little child to the cheek, and I bent down to feed them. – Hosea 11:1-4

On a beautiful, sunshiny day, I fear I don’t need God. Oh, I acknowledge Him as good and wonderful and masterful in the glorious sights I see on a summer day. I am certainly thankful for His blessing and His greatness I see and appreciate. But on a beautiful day, when things are running smoothly – do I need Him?

Put me in a challenging situation, or a boring, gray day … do I need God then? Well, sometimes, truth be told, I think there are some things I can handle myself. Don’t bother God with little disturbances. Save His almighty power for something really important. Gloomy days, stressful days, trying days – I should be able to figure this out for myself and “fix it”. Contemplating this scenario, I fear I don’t need God either.

So is it any wonder big, life-threatening changes come along. Because we are always and forever supposed to be relying on God. He is to be the Sustainer and Provider of our life. Our Strength and our Joy.  Instead of scrambling around trying everything you can think of to “fix” a problem, how about if you just simply choose God? How will you ever get to know God and be amazed by Him if you’re handling everyday things yourself? We were created to have an ongoing relationship with God. For better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. He promises to take care. He desires to be a part of everything that’s going on. He wants us to rely on Him, connect with Him, be at peace because of Him and Who He is. This is the life He has planned for us.

Monday, July 28, 2014

A "good" fight? For life

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. – Exodus 14:14

For the battle is not yours, but God’s. – 2 Chron. 20:15

I remember my son going off to war. I really struggled to understand the “why”? What was this Iraq war all about? It went on for years. The same with the on-going fighting over the Holy Land. So many wars over the history of time, with seemingly good reasons in the beginning, but we tend to lose focus after time – and then it can seem so senseless compared to the price of lives lost.

Then I zeroed in and turned my focus to my own life and the hurtful, cold-shoulder fights between other people that have carried on for years. And I have a hard time remembering the reason how it all got started. I don’t remember the intensity of the feelings that brought the battle on and fed it to this point. Years later, a relationship still not healed. Seems senseless - life lost.

I see plenty of reminders on the social media to not let bitterness and anger rule over your life. To forgive and move on. I may not have any influence on the wars going on around the world. I may not be able to affect any change in some of my past relationships that “ended” poorly. But I can forgive. And I can give to God. I can stand on His word that it is His battle. It is God that works in people’s hearts.

When my son was “way over there”, in harm’s way, I had to trust in God. I had to believe God would protect and provide. I chose to trust in God. I chose to pray every day and believe in His almighty power. Being angry at the war situation would not help me or him. I would just be angry and upset every day. I guess the same can be applied to today, watching the evening news. I pray for our world. I trust in the Lord. I believe it when He says the battle is His. And I pray over the pain inflicted by me and to me. I will  believe God works in people’s hearts. I forgive all things and walk with Him. Because the reasons for the fight, any fight,  just don’t matter as much as the life lost in being upset and unforgiving. The bible says, “Choose life!”  (Deut. 30:19)

Friday, July 25, 2014

All Grown Up?

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. – Psalm 51:10

Seems like God has His work cut out for Him – renewing a right spirit within me. There are times when I think I’m doing a pretty good job of being Christian. I’m being nice, being helpful, going to church on Sunday morning. Sometimes I think I’m good enough … right where I should be. I mean I know I’m not perfect, so where I am is good enough, right? I don’t need to learn more, or try more, or change more. I am what I am.

It sure sounds easier and more comfortable to think no more work has to be done. I mean, we’ve been having to grow and change all our lives. There was the school years, and landing a decent job years, then marriage and a house and babies and … and some of us are just tired of the challenges and changes.

Somewhere, we have lost the excitement and anticipation of learning and growing. Remember the lightbulb of understanding going off when you discovered something new at school? Or challenging yourself with something new at work and meeting that challenge and succeeding in what seemed impossible? Everything from reading new and different resources to going to new places and seeing new things on vacations, oh my yes! As your eyes were opened, your mind also found new ways to enjoy life, embrace life, praise this life.

Lord, please keep working on me. Every morning create a clean heart in me and renew a right spirit that I might truly live life to the fullest. Let me not be settled, satisfied, content to think I’ve seen and heard and learned enough already. Keep challenging me to explore and wonder, look and see, consider all possibilities. And to seek You in all these things. Amen.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Remember the times you get it right

To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see. – Hebrews 11:1

Faith. I’ve read about it in the bible plenty of times. It’s about knowing you are safe and secure in God’s attentive hand despite what the circumstances currently look like. When you can’t see the outcome. It’s knowing God is big and caring and watching out for you. Do not be afraid. And there are plenty of testimonies by bible characters who lived this out – this going ahead with God not knowing exactly how it was all going to turn out. You’ve got to admire these characters. Real people, they were.

Yesterday I got lost and was late for an appointment. I couldn’t see the outcome. And I was afraid. Upset. Fearful.  I couldn’t find my way and didn’t know what to do. Afterwards, after I finally got on the right road and made my appointment, albeit a little late, I kinda beat myself up. Why didn’t I pray right away? Why didn’t I settle down and think about God right away? Why did I just sink into panic mode and stare at my circumstances? Where was the faith I profess on the days when everything is going right?

This morning I found myself in Hebrews 11 – where there is testimony after testimony of people living in faith. And I found a piece of paper where I had written, years ago, a list of my own times of faith.

  • ·        In faith, I watched my one and only son leave for Iraq and lived daily in the hope of God’s hand ever holding him in protection and care
  • ·        In faith, I overcame fear of public speaking and actually led prayer in front of the church on a Sunday morning, and later on even made some 20 minute presentations.
  • ·        In faith, I quit my nice, clean office job for third shift factory work because I was so sure that God called me to that (shortly after that, my mom was diagnosed with cancer and I was able to help care of her during the day because I was working nights)
  • ·        In faith, I have launched a community events program at church in an effort to draw neighbors and friends together

The list could go on and on. And it inspired me. Sometimes, when push comes to shove, I do have faith. Great faith. I’ll bet you do too.

I challenge you to put together a list of times when you’ve had to cling to Jesus and came out on the other side. Keep this list handy. Or like me, in your bible tucked in there by Hebrews 11. And go in the faith God gives.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Rest ... anywhere

“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” – Mark 6:31

We are back from our week’s retreat to Tennessee. Every morning I got up early (yes, early, even on vacation) and sat out on this big porch with my cup of hot tea, my bible, and a tablet. The mornings dawned sunny and bright most days, and sometimes there was a gentle rain falling. I would read my bible and be drawn into this special time with our God. Amazing songs would pop into my head about the beauty and the wonders of God’s created world. I felt transported. The air was fresh and clean. The view was lush and green and undisturbed. I would read and journal my meandering thoughts. It is a precious thing to sit with God unhurried. Nothing else I had to do. Nothing I had to hurry up and get started. I lingered with God. We were there – in the silence. No agenda. No priorities. As thoughts came up, we considered them together. I sensed His words of assurance. His guidance about things I think about. Thoughts about how He likes things handled – which filled me not with guilt, but with possibility. It was a beautiful thing. I didn’t want it to end – my beginning the day like that.

So I resolve to find that beauty in my own little piece of the world. My yard. There is a place to sit. There is greenery and blue skies and puffy white clouds. I have my bible and my tablet. There is nothing to stop me from spending time with Him.

Whether it’s morning or evening, I wonder if you’ll find a spot you find wonderful and take book and tablet in hand. And see where God takes you. He calls us all to rest. What are you allowing to get in the way of this precious gift?

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Love the one you're with

For where two or three gather in My Name, there am I with them. – Matthew 18:20

Ever go to a meeting, Sunday morning church, a bible study or “a something” and only a handful of people show up? And of the handful, only two read the material and are ready for discussion? If you’re the one who has done all the prep work to lead the group, that can sure be disappointing. You feel like cancelling … you feel like cutting it short … you feel like, “Why bother?”

I was taking another afternoon walk all alone today. I was thinking about all the people I miss being with. Either distance or work schedules keep us apart. I’m trudging through town and down the road, trying to enjoy the beautiful summer day. But like the group leader, I’m kinda bummed. There should be more people here enjoying this.

But I keep walking and listening to my MP3 player and it’s rocking out and I stepping right along to the music. Then suddenly, a very peaceful, gentle, almost whispery song begins. It’s about how beautiful Jesus is. It’s a favorite of mine and it touches my soul. And I realize that in bemoaning all who aren’t here, I’m overlooking the One Who is.

It made me think of all the times I’ve had to lead a meeting or a group discussion, or have been at a worship service where the attendance was low. I should have given my all to the one(s) there. The ones showing interest. The two or three gathered with me and not focus on the ones missing out.

I’ve learned a new lesson. To love the ones you’re with. Give my all. Whether it’s a meeting, a bible study … or just a walk with You, Jesus.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Church - Why I Go

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teachings and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. – Acts 2:42
All the believers were together … :44

I like to think of myself as middle-aged. I’m not hip, young, cool. Not progressive. But heading toward that time in life when some are settling in to a new norm that has less energy than it once did and are of an age where they have done a lot of what they had intended. I’m talking about church involvement here. The older generation has “served” its time in Sunday School and outreach programs … all the “do-do-doings” in the church. Many still have a heart for it – just running out of energy. But you can find them coming regularly, praying for people, worrying, wondering, caring about folks. And desiring to connect with the living God. The young people, the younger generation, well, …where are they? I’ve heard they have their reasons. You’ve heard them too.

But I’m going to stand up for the church, despite all its hypocrisy and people problems.

I wasn’t raised in the church but I’ve liked going to Sunday morning worship for many years of my adult life. I like the fact that it feels different than any other place I go. I like that the music is different, sometimes heavenly, sometimes haunting. Their words ... their words, ring so true and are so comforting! I like the specialness of lighting candles up front, and ringing bells to start the service. I like having a confession prayer all printed out for me, because Lord knows, I don’t like praying a confession on my own! I like to just sit and hear someone tell me about God. I like praying for others and praying in unison (there is an unmatched beauty in its rhythm). And I like considering the money God has sent my way, and how I can support something for His cause by giving a portion back. I like to look around and see familiar faces and share a wave and a smile across the room. It all has a “separateness” from my other days and places. A place to rest from the world and its pressures. I like spending time with people who love God too. I like sharing in this different routine with them.  I think I need this separateness. I need to believe there is something else besides this world. I welcome a glimpse of God and His heaven when I gather with other believers.

I hear and understand why the younger generation is not wanting to go to church. I know churches are full of stumbling, fumbling humans trying to make sense of (and express) the nature of Christ. But they sometimes get it right too. There is a sense of belonging together and working together and loving and caring and laughing together. Maybe not so different from the real world after all. Except that as fellow believers, we can trust in a higher power to make things right. Time when we can join together and realize we don’t have to have all the answers or get it all right on our own. There is Someone to praise for the beauty of nature. There is Someone Who can hear our weakest cry. There is Someone Who performs miracle upon miracle. And there is a place where you can share all of that … church. Where the real focus should be all about loving God … and neighbor.

I sometimes struggle with finding the right words to express my prayer concerns. My singing along with others is much better than me singing alone – trust me on that one! And the beauty of stained glass windows, candles, huge crosses, banners … to turn my heart toward God.  Then there’s just a supernatural sensing / believing that God is there …

We were created to bring pleasure to God. And He is pleased and honored and delighted when we come together to worship Him. So come. And worship Him.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Believing Friends

When I pray I want to always thank You, God the Father of my Lord Jesus Christ,  for the friends You have given me who have a genuine faith in Christ Jesus and a love for Your people. This faith and love spring from the hope that is stored up in heaven. - Colossians  1:3-5

And it takes a lot of friends! Each one having a special gift. Some lift me up when I am down. Others spur me on and encourage me when I think I can't. More love me just the way I am. I have friends who bring me to my knees in laughter. Many more love Jesus like I do and love His people like He does - and it's a wonderful thing to share this common thread woven through our hearts.

Despite any and all differences, there is a common bond that holds us friends together - we love Jesus dearly. And want to please Him. Bring glory to His name. And although we can't do it perfectly, with the help of one another, we continue to try to be good and kind and helpful in His strength and in His love that dwells within each one of us. 

Our God is an awesome God. He blesses us with awesome friends. I am reminded of a song and I think the chorus goes something like this: we are one person; they are two alone; they are three together; they are four for each other. That really "sings" to me about being created individually but moving forward - together - with common purpose: that the world may know Christ and the power of His resurrection.

Thanking God this morning for: those I can go to any time; those I can talk to and hold nothing back; who do not laugh at my dreams and failures; those who warn me of dangers and potential mistakes. But most of all, for all those friends journeying on this Christian walk with me every day in every way. Thanks be to God!