Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hand in Hand with the Spirit

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers
will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth
for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
God is spirit,
and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”
– John 4: 23-24

Worship in spirit. Beyond your human ways.  A turning to the Lord. Whether you know what to say or not. There is a spiritual side to you that you are not in touch with. It isn’t as obvious as your physical self. But it is there. Responds in loving ways before you even think of it. Prays without you realizing it. Creates thoughts of hope without you even trying. There is a Spirit within you that expresses to God in “spirit words” what the human can only groan. This Spirit articulates that emotional high of praise or extreme low of pain with an unimaginable depth of understanding. Peace that passes understanding is a piece of it. Standing in awe of a miracle is a piece of it. Being deeply moved by music or a view is a piece of it. A piece of worshiping in spirit. Going to God in prayer without anything to offer. Running out of human words but staying in that prayer posture anyway. Open. Available. Exclusive. Worship… in spirit. Being present before God even when it doesn’t look or feel like you are there.  An irresistible, don’t want to tear myself away presence. Because I need You, Lord, and here is the only place where it can be expressed at its fullest. Hand in hand with Your Spirit. Whatever prayer, whatever peace, whatever awe we experience, it moves between you and God through His Spirit. For God is Spirit. And so are you.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Praying Up and Settling Down

I was reading my bible the other morning and I stumbled across something. There was a passage about the Israelites moaning and groaning and crying (about their circumstance)… but it didn’t say they were praying or crying out to God. I had to read it a couple times before it sank in – they weren’t crying out to God. But God heard their cries and was concerned about them. (Ex. 2:23-25)

I have whined and worried and admittedly, didn’t ask God for intervention right away. There have been times when I have prayed to God, once and even twice. And then I thought I better have enough faith to not pick up that worry again. But something tells me there’s a difference between knowing God will and assuming He will.

There’s worry.  Time spent with thoughts regarding an uncomfortable circumstance.  

There’s prayer. Picture the waves on a shoreline – washing in, washing out. Washing in again. And I wonder if our prayer life should be more like that. Staying in tune with God consistently, regardless of the circumstance. Or like breathing. You can’t continually breathe in without breathing out. Waves don’t come in without going back out. Prayer – state of praying up to God, and a state of settling down. Praying up. Settling down because you know He hears and is concerned.Praying up again. Settling down again.

There’s faith. Doesn’t mean not thinking about it anymore. But turning your eyes upon Jesus consistently. Time spent with thoughts regarding God’s great character and faithfulness. A litany of phrases that you breathe in… and a settling of the heart and mind that comes with breathing out.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Your God hears and is concerned over you. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Still Love You

I had to take my two newly adopted kitty-cats to the vet this morning for their initial check-up. We hadn’t gotten regular carriers for them yet, but I figured for this trip we can re-use the cardboard carriers we got from the humane society.

Well, I will leave it to your imaginations all the trauma and drama of getting a cat into a box and closing the lid. By the third try, I was scratched and bleeding and my husband and I weren’t seeing eye to eye on the process either. Those cats were mad! Not happy with me and my tactics to get hold of them to put them in. Not happy being in a dark, closed-in, confined space.

But when they got to the vet’s and he opened the box, they popped out and let me pet and scratch and nuzzle them and they seemed just fine with me. They still loved me! They just didn’t like the situation.

Remind you of anybody? Have you ever gotten so mad at God? Then later realized it was really just the situation you hated. You still loved God.

Maybe we need to apply that to other relationships as well. When you’re ready to fire off some hurtful, smart remark… maybe you should just slow down and consider what you’re really upset about. Most likely, the other person isn’t trying to hurt you, it’s the situation you find yourself in that you don’t like. Calm yourself and believe in the passing of this circumstance to the time when everything will be okay again. And like my kitties, don’t hold a grudge.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Not Mundane at All

 A pretty drab, ordinary day. Threw some meat and vegetables into the crock pot. Mixed up some lemonade and put in the fridge. Cuddled with my two new kitties that we just adopted from the humane society. Washed and dried a load of clothes and got them put away. Did some knitting on a prayer shawl. Sent some cards out to shut-ins. Pretty boring stuff, huh? Well, there’s another way to look at the mundane and ordinary…

Threw some meat and vegetables into the crock pot (For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat). . Mixed up some lemonade and put in the fridge (I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink). Cuddled with my two new kitties that we just adopted from the humane society (I was a stranger and you invited me in). Washed and dried a load of clothes and got them put away (I needed clothes and you clothed me). Did some knitting on a prayer shawl (I was sick and you looked after me). Sent some cards out to shut-ins (I was in prison and you came to visit me).

Why do we make Jesus’ love commands so difficult and complicated? They're not. Take a look at your day and see where you’ve obeyed. You might just surprise yourself. Little things matter to God. Verse 40 follows up with: “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’  Your service doesn't necessarily need to be huge and across the other side of the world to be called obedience. You've been called to serve right where you are too. Your family. Your neighbors. Just day by day following...

I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,
I was a stranger and you invited me in,
36 I needed clothes and you clothed me,
I was sick and you looked after me,
I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
– Matt. 25:35-36

Monday, January 20, 2014

Utterly Wonderful

I have this vague memory of making cave-man furniture with modeling clay and toothpicks – under my mom’s gentle guidance…

As a small child, I probably started with a snake. Everybody starts rolling out a snake, right? Then I probably twisted the ends together to make a necklace. Not very imaginative, huh? But my mom was pretty creative and she could make something out of next to nothing! That ball of clay would be a coffee cup one minute, a cat the next, and cave-man furniture – one thing after another. It was fascinating, entertaining, teaching, amazing. And one thing was not better than the others. Each thing she made was utterly wonderful to me.

How about you? Are you like clay in God’s hands? Do you think He might want to do something new and wonderful with you? Is He coaxing you into a new change or a fresh start? Change does not always mean bad. Do you believe that God can shape and mold you from one wonderful thing to another wonderful thing and then to another? Some of us may think we’re not so wonderful to start with. That is a lie. God has had His hands on you since before day one. Maybe you’re afraid of change. Don’t let fears keep you from enjoying a most fascinating, entertaining, amazing time from God. Being molded and remolded doesn’t change your basic substance. 

I encourage you to be moldable, shapeable in the hands of God and believe each something He makes is amazing. Each one is a best; utterly wonderful. Whether a cup or a cat or some furniture, each one has a delightful aspect to it. Enjoy each phase God shapes you to – after all, you are being molded by the Master Creator Himself!

How you made me is amazing and wonderful.
 I praise you for that. What you have done is wonderful.
 I know that very well. – Ps. 139:4

Monday, January 13, 2014

“God, be GOD for me…”

Come, Lord Jesus… in all Your big, bold, underlined fullness.

I know I’m not supposed to dwell on the past, or my current circumstances, or to plead with You to change what I fear my future circumstances might turn out to be. No matter what – past, present, or future – I need You to be all that You’ve promised to be… Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. (Is. 9:6)

Circumstances certainly do come and go – for all of us. Things come to pass (Luke 2:6). And there are times that fully come (Gal. 4:4); at their appointed time (Gen. 18:14). For such a time as this (Esther 4:14).

In all these situations, God, be GOD for me. In all Your fullness.

Wonderful Counselor: help me to acknowledge Your wise presence in my life; that guidance and direction are closer than a whispered prayer;

Almighty God: bigger, better, wiser, stronger than my greatest joy or fear – God of order and reason;

Everlasting Father: with a love that has no beginning or end, no ifs, ands or buts… totally, fully, complete – always caring, parental, nurturing, pursuant love beyond human understanding;

Prince of Peace: a sigh, a release, a rest, security and protection in the present and the future. An absolute. The Peace is here, present. You just need to whisper His Name… “Jesus”… and you’ll sense… something… gentle and soothing… focus on it… it’s within your reach… the peace of the living Christ.

   I will lead them along paths
    they had not known before.
I will guide them on roads they are not familiar with.
    I will turn the darkness into light as they travel.
    I will make the rough places smooth.
Those are the things I will do.
    I will not desert my people.
- Is. 42:16

Thursday, January 9, 2014


There sure are a lot of people coughing and hacking out there! Including my poor husband. He said it was hard to cough because he felt dry in his chest. The doctor said when you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Did you know that? So I put out a couple bowls of water on the heat registers… and do you know what? The water was gone in like a day! Surprised me! Didn’t realize our house was dry. So, I’ve been putting more and more water in as it disappears. I think we both are feeling better. Although I didn’t realize we felt bad before…

That’s kind of how Jesus, our Living Water, works in us. We can be dry and not even realize it. We can fill up once and not realize we went dry again. And the water in the bowl seems to get used up without us being able to see it happen - a mysterious way of being used for good without actually seeing the water turn to a vapor. Not a visible steaming boil. But definitely doing something because I can breathe better and my skin isn’t flaking and itching, and there’s no electricity in the air that crackles - making my hair stand on end.

So how are you feeling today? Really feeling? Dry? Itchy? Crackling with static? Do you even realize what you’re lacking? Living Water! Yes, my friend, maybe its time for you to pick up your Bible (again) and have a little tea time chat with Jesus (again). Time to feel better again. Know that He can work in you and through you, (notice I said HE CAN WORK…) without you even knowing its happening – like that mysterious vapor. But dry (being without Jesus) is just empty and dry. Don’t let yourself get dehydrated!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Lighter and Brighter

Yesterday was bitter cold. Kind of dark and gray and snow blowing so hard across the windows I couldn’t see outside. Stayed inside. Air seemed dry and stale in the house so I put pots of water by the vents. Moved from rocker to sofa – kind of restless; sluggish. Ho hum. Already this winter I feel like I’ve been stuck inside too much. Cabin fever it’s called.

Today, it’s still bitter cold. But the sun is shining. Its rays coming through the window, brightening the yellow flowers I have in a vase. I see little birds on the feeder. I went to do a little shoveling. Bundled up, but it didn’t feel awful cold. In fact, it felt kind of good to get out and breathe in some fresh air. And my blood started flowing. I even saw some blue sky. The sun seemed to make everything lighter and brighter. The sun.

Can the Son do the same thing? Can He make things seem better even when it’s “bitterly cold” on the “outside”? With the Son, can you see things that were hidden from your sight before? Make things lighter and brighter? I’d like to think it was true.

There sure is a difference in my spirit today – from yesterday. The only thing that really changed was that the sun came. Instead of thinking about all the things you want changed, how about if we just invite the Son in… Come, Lord Jesus, come! You make all things new!

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!”
 Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”
– Rev. 21:5

Monday, January 6, 2014

All Together Now!

I need something. I can probably say that every day. Sometimes I need a hug, sometimes help carrying stuff in, sometimes encouragement or advice. But I bet not a day goes by that I don’t need something. Think about it, do you feel the same way? Whether something grand or small, if asked, at any given moment, I can probably think of something I could use. You too?

Yet from the moment we are born, through our family life and school life, we are challenged to understand that we have to take turns. Sometimes others come first. It’s a hard lesson to learn. Babies sure don’t understand it. Kindergarteners grab and push learning to share. But it’s more than just sharing. It’s putting others ahead of yourself. Realizing everyone has needs and yours aren’t meant to be met first and foremost all the time.

Ugh. I found that truth in the Bible (Phil. 2:3-4). It doesn’t mean think less of yourself but to think of yourself less often.

Taking turns is important. Stepping back so someone else can have a need met. Knowing that on a different day, your need will be met as well. Your turn will come around again. Postponing. It’s alright. It’ll be okay. You’ll be okay. It’s okay to wait. One definition of “wait” is to stop so somebody can catch up. Interesting.

So accept and give help as needed. Be concerned that no one fall behind in having needs met.  Let’s hold hands and stay together. 

 It’s better to have a partner than go it alone.
Share the work, share the wealth.
And if one falls down, the other helps...
Ecc. 4:9 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

God, I hate this...

The presents are all unwrapped by now. Did you get some wonderful things? Excited and feeling so grateful! And how about the not so wonderful gifts? Did you quickly plaster on a smile and mumble something about how unique or interesting is was?

Often times I wake up in the morning and I start my prayer with, “Thank You, God, for everything.” I guess I’m thinking mostly of the pleasant, comfortable things that happened the day before. It’s hard to thank for a crummy day; hard to slow down and think there is some good outcome, blessing, or profit to bad times in life. Oh, yes! Very joyful in response to a nice gift. More forced when felt in a corner to give thanks if you do it at all. Yesterday was an amazing day.  I was able to help in some areas; I was able to hug and converse and contribute. I had time to be at peace; time to appreciate God. But what about when days aren’t so noteworthy or when one thing after another just goes wrong? When you’re glad to go to bed and put an end to this stupid day… Do we stop and think of any reasons or purpose? Or do we point fingers and blame others for ruining our day? Did we ask God if there was something He wanted us to learn from the experience? Is there something of value on the other side of the experience that He wanted to shed some light on? Do bad days (feelings) have value (divine) beyond what our senses can first perceive? More trusting, believing, faith in God time. Can we thank and praise Him in good and bad days because we acknowledge Him as Almighty, most loving, caring God? Trusting Him for a future good is one thing. But thanking Him for the rough road getting there? And I don’t mean looking for some silver lining. I’m talking. “God, I hate this but I’m sticking with You. I’m sticking with You. There’s no better, safer place to be than with You, Lord. Together we will get through it.”

Walk through the dark times with Jesus? Or seek your own light and wander aimlessly - alone?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Take a Walk Today

Last night, my husband and I walked through the snowy street of the village, side by side, holding hands. We didn’t really talk but I sensed a loving communication between us without the use of words. “I love you”, “You are mine”, and “I enjoy being with you like this”. For a moment the whole world faded away and it was just the warmth of his hand in mine and the crunch of the snow underfoot and life-giving breath back on my face because of a well-wrapped scarf. Somehow more intimate than just walking side by side.

Enoch walked with God… - Gen. 5:24

What does walking with God really mean? “With” means in the company of. “Walking” means moving forward but not in a hurried manner like running or racing. Steadily moving forward together.

If Enoch was described as this, (his life covered in just a couple of sentences in Gen. 5) and this was one of them, it must have been a major part of his lifestyle. Walking with God sounds more intimate, more touchable than having a believing faith for when you can’t sense His presence. And yet we are told that He never leaves us. But you must be continually attuned to His presence in order to be described as walking with God. You must acknowledge His ever-presence and converse / connect with Him on some level. He Who is right there ready to listen and lead. It must be a companionable walk, don’t you think? A comfortable walk being with Him day in and day out. Strolling side by side, conscious of His presence beyond your morning quiet time. And adoration. Would that be a part of the walk? Love and adoration – a step richer than companionable, comfortable – again, more intimate. Walking with God… I think I like the sound of that. Sounds kinda peaceful. Like on a quiet night street with snow gently swirling, hand in hand, and communicating without words.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

You are Free

You are free to eat from any tree in the garden, but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil… - Gen. 2:16-17

Knowledge, hence judgement, was supposed to have been reserved for God alone. Knowledge of good and evil. We were supposed to trust God regarding everything. God is a God of peace and order. He meant for us to have abundant life. Relying on Him and not our own knowledge, judgement, discernment. Total reliance. Total trust. Total belief. Imagine having a peace about every detail being taken care of. Imagine looking to God and being granted direction without the confusion of options. If God knows what is best (and you know He does) and He tells you what is best and He has the best plan for your life, do other choices really matter? Do we really need to experience the power of having all options before us and choosing what we think best from our limited knowledge of the potential outcome? Wouldn’t it be easier just to seek the Lord and listen for His voice? You want wisdom? Knowledge? Seek to know the Lord more and more. Read His Word so you know the kind of God He is. That’s the only wisdom you need. Know that He would never lead you down the wrong path. His desire for you has always been life and blessing. You don’t need to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God has everything you will ever need and He will supply. God does not want you distracted and burdened and confused with good and evil. He has taken that upon Himself. He alone wants to be the Judge and Discerner. He is a God of peace and order for you. God knows all… and with great love for you shows the way. It is safe to seek Him, hear Him, obey Him, trust Him. Don’t wear yourself out examining all options and possibilities and trying to discern. Too much information is overwhelming, isn’t it? And with God at your side, totally unnecessary. You have been set free. It is safe to trust in God… with everything. Your reward will be a garden of peace and security and order.