Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Take this longtime burden, Lord

 I’ve been thinking a lot lately about strained relationships. It could be a friend or co-worker. Or it could be someone “closer” – like a relative. Whether it’s a parent, sibling or child… there’s tension, stress, strain, distance, coolness… dysfunction. Our expectations of what the relationship should look like, feel like, act like seems far off and unattainable. We wrestle time and time again with what should be.

We live in a broken, sin-torn world.

Jesus said, “In this world, you will have trouble…” – John 16:32

“There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…” – Rom. 3:23

We all have been traumatized in one way or another by the sin of such a world. The only view we really know of the situation is our own. Do we really think we know what the other person has had to go through in this life? What personal, emotional struggles they’ve been having to deal with day after day, - and most likely, struggling to keep secret…

We will all be much better at loving when we get to heaven. For now, maybe we should be most concerned about God’s love and acceptance, approval and praise - than of other humans, even family members. (John 5:44) Sometimes relationships can indeed be mended. Praise God. But there is also a reality that some relationships just may not – this side of heaven. Our cold, distant, separate ways are a result of a broken world. It’s sad but it’s true. Not all relationships are beautiful, warm, nurturing, closely connected, committed. Not even family. We can’t fix everything. Sometimes we need to let go, say goodbye to it, and let God.  And then be ready when He does. Be merciful and forgiving to everyone, giving all the benefit of the doubt, assume we don’t know the whole story, and be at peace – loving and serving God and whatever people God brings into our daily life.
Do you know someone in this situation? Encourage them today - that they don't need to be a doormat. There is such a thing as healthy boundaries. They don't need to fix it all. Being Christian doesn't mean getting everything all perfectly right all the time. It's a lot of falling down and getting back up. And trusting that God is up to something beyond our understanding. Be still and wait upon the Lord. Some things just aren't up to you...

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. – Romans 12:17

·        Peace be with you…

·        Wishing you health and happiness

·        Go with God
(open for discussion / comments)

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