Thursday, April 25, 2013

God? Are you there?

 Several years ago, I got up in front of a roomful of people for my very first public speaking engagement. You know – with a podium and a microphone and everything! Yes, shy – introverted me.  And I was scared to death. I think my list of “what-if’s” was longer than the actually speech itself. I worked and worked and practiced and prayed over that speech for a long time. I told myself a thousand times that I trusted in God to come and rescue me from all my fears. But I still felt shaky and nervous. I even had a friend pray over me right before I stepped out to the podium. But I still had knees knocking, hands shaking, eyes popping, and heart pounding anxiety – even after all this prayer…

“God? God, I thought You promised to help me in times of trial? Why am I still so afraid? Don’t I trust You enough?”

Well, I made it through my presentation. Some wise person told me to write on my notes things like: smile, pause, look up and out, etc. And I think I unconsciously followed through on all my notes. I made it through and people said I did just fine. I went up and made my presentation despite the fact that even I couldn’t sense God’s presence in the “what-if” moments beforehand . My head and my heart still believed in Him.

How about you? Do you have a “what-if” event coming up? It doesn’t have to be public speaking. Is there some worrisome thing unfolding, perhaps with a loved one, and you fear the outcome? And you’re not feeling 100 percent peace – even though you pray – the anxious thoughts keep niggling…

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will direct your paths.
-         Pr. 3:5
Your path led through the sea,
Your way through the mighty waters,
though Your footprints were not seen.
-         Ps. 77:19

It is true. I’m living testimony.

  • God can be trusted to see you through, no matter what it feels like
  • Me and God are sitting here thinking about you
  • Every moment of your life, of your loved one's life, is in God's hands

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