Monday, April 15, 2013

Surely not I, Lord

 I’m going to make myself a little vulnerable here.  And maybe somebody else as well. Because something happened Sunday morning.  And no matter how scary, risky it can sometimes be – to share a God moment – they should be shared. Because we all need to see God alive and well and working in our present day lives.

I walked into church Sunday morning. After a five-day sabbatical retreat, where God indeed spoke some encouragement to me. So, I’m at church – early – and someone mentions to me that an unfamiliar face was sitting in the sanctuary – off to the left. (I guess they tell me these things because I’m the pastor’s wife and I should be aware). Now, those of you who know me, know that I am way too shy and introvert to actually walk up to a stranger and start talking. But I bravely walked down the center aisle – and turned to the right to start a conversation with the choir director’s wife. (safe!) But I was still drawn to the “stranger”. Ugh. My feelings say don’t do it … way out of my comfort zone… but somewhere in my heart I know talking to this “stranger” is the right thing to do. Somehow, and I truly mean somehow – I walk over and sit down and talk to this woman. I have no idea how to start a conversation, or carry on a conversation with a stranger… my feelings are worried about ME. But the Jesus in my heart is worried about HER. And Jesus won out. I sat and talked with her. I helped her through the bulletin. I helped her find the hymns, the scriptures, the Apostles Creed. And handed her a tissue when she silently cried. And I was blessed when I heard her whisper, “Yes!’ and “Oh, wow!” as the pastor explained a gospel lesson I had heard many times. I heard the miracle in the scripture story through new ears. Fresh insight and appreciation.  Now I admit, there were moments (before the service started) when I tried to ease myself away – but something held me there. And by the grace of God, the right thing to do – happened. And obedience paid off in blessing for the both of us. Praise God for His “something-somehow” power.

·        God is at work doing amazing things all the time

·        Miracles happen every day. God has one for you!

·        Each one of us are living testimonies of God’s goodness



  1. Very cool! I love God moments!

    1. I know you know me from "way back when" and it is amazing all the God moments from then until now... thanks for always being there !
