Friday, April 5, 2013

Perfection... or NOTHING?

 I’ve been looking at the latest magazines. They are filled with beautiful landscaping photos. Pretty flowers. Fresh, little green plants wanting to be vegetables someday. All kinds of promising ideas whirl around in my mind. Wouldn’t it be nice if…? Wouldn’t it be pretty if…? I’m already imagining the sun on my back and the breeze on my face. Digging in the black dirt and patting the soil down around the green leaves of the seedlings. Birds singing in the trees.  Pretty garden gloves. All kinds of possibilities! It makes me smile just thinking about it! Bubbles of joy inside me…

But then I think: I don’t know anything about gardening. What if the plants I choose not good for this area? What if I forget to water them or water them too much? Maybe I’m too old to start something new. Or too lazy to weed as much as needed. And before you know it, the smile and bubbles of joy are gone. I shot them down before I even started.

So, the question is: is the true and only value in the end result? Or, is there something precious in starting – and just receiving pleasure for awhile in the beginning stages. Can I allow myself to dream, dream, dream of a beautiful garden? Cut out magazine pictures. Shop around the garden centers. “Play” with the idea for an afternoon. Is doing something that “non-productive” but pleasurable… okay? And what if I did actually start the garden, and enjoyed being outside and getting my hands dirty – still “playing” and “dreaming” – even if I don’t get to the point of harvesting and canning… has the time and effort been wasted because I didn’t complete the plan to perfection?

If I don’t do it “right” from beginning to end, do I have any business starting at all? Is there value in stretching ourselves even if we bellyflop?

I think there is. There is a sense of adventure. There is a precious “childlikeness” in playing and dreaming and planning and starting something new to us. And it’s refreshing compared to the “adult” reality mindset – you know the one. Where everything has to be “just so”. There can be a sense in achievement by just trying something new. And, as Les Brown has said:

        Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it, you will land among the stars.

I like that idea. Especially with spring fast approaching. It’s time for us to get out the live. Permission granted! Make some joy! Joy in our journey.

·        Beautiful days make me think of beautiful YOU!

·        May thoughts of spring energize you and lift your spirit.

·        Joy can be found in the simplest of things. May you find some joy today.


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