Monday, April 29, 2013

My friends

I recently had a chance to catch up with some friends.

 Now some friends we have – we see quite often. Whether it’s sharing a coffee break or chatting on the phone or after work every day, after church on Sunday morning every week, after whatever. We laugh and chit chat and share the ordinary and mundane as well as current personal, local and national event topics. These friends are part of my daily life. Good friends. Dear friends.

There are also friends that I only get to see once a month.  In some situations, it’s because there are miles of travel between us, but we still make an effort to stay connected. We meet as a bible study group or a knitting group or make plans to attend the same event. Whatever the reason, it is so good to see them and hear about their lives while we’ve been apart. Good friends. Dear friends.

I have other friends… that I have met through our participation in a spiritual renewal weekend. These friends… well, we have a magical, mysterious, miraculous bond that can not be defined. Many of these friends, I only see once or twice a year. And when we do finally see each other, faces light up and hugs are warm and true. Feelings run deep. Smiles. Laughter. Hugs. Sharing joys and concerns. Promises of prayer and support. And I wonder – how do these friendships survive the test of time and still remain so rich and meaningful and such a treasure – each and every one?

And one friend. We hugged each other tight. But just couldn’t find the words… we just stood there – and something passed between us… a God –  empowered moment of understanding. More hugs. (Love ya, bro)

Every single one of you out there – my friends – are a gift of God to my life. Whether we connect daily, weekly, or twice a year … I feel so blessed. I am so full of gratitude sitting here thinking of all of you. My life has been lifted up by your presence.

Thank you with all my heart.

·        Can’t tell you enough what it means to have you in my life

·        You mean more to me than you’ll ever know

·        Happy thoughts just seem to follow thoughts of you







Thursday, April 25, 2013

God? Are you there?

 Several years ago, I got up in front of a roomful of people for my very first public speaking engagement. You know – with a podium and a microphone and everything! Yes, shy – introverted me.  And I was scared to death. I think my list of “what-if’s” was longer than the actually speech itself. I worked and worked and practiced and prayed over that speech for a long time. I told myself a thousand times that I trusted in God to come and rescue me from all my fears. But I still felt shaky and nervous. I even had a friend pray over me right before I stepped out to the podium. But I still had knees knocking, hands shaking, eyes popping, and heart pounding anxiety – even after all this prayer…

“God? God, I thought You promised to help me in times of trial? Why am I still so afraid? Don’t I trust You enough?”

Well, I made it through my presentation. Some wise person told me to write on my notes things like: smile, pause, look up and out, etc. And I think I unconsciously followed through on all my notes. I made it through and people said I did just fine. I went up and made my presentation despite the fact that even I couldn’t sense God’s presence in the “what-if” moments beforehand . My head and my heart still believed in Him.

How about you? Do you have a “what-if” event coming up? It doesn’t have to be public speaking. Is there some worrisome thing unfolding, perhaps with a loved one, and you fear the outcome? And you’re not feeling 100 percent peace – even though you pray – the anxious thoughts keep niggling…

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will direct your paths.
-         Pr. 3:5
Your path led through the sea,
Your way through the mighty waters,
though Your footprints were not seen.
-         Ps. 77:19

It is true. I’m living testimony.

  • God can be trusted to see you through, no matter what it feels like
  • Me and God are sitting here thinking about you
  • Every moment of your life, of your loved one's life, is in God's hands

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Faithful Reminder

My pastor/husband made a good point in his sermon last Sunday. He was explaining about how he keeps track of our finances on a spreadsheet – and mentioned how we spent less money this year than the year before. But that wasn’t the good news. The good news was looking at all those columns and rows of numbers and realizing that God had indeed provided – by the thousands of dollars worth. Food. Water. House. Clothes. Car payments for sure. Also inexpected car repairs. Unexpected medical expenses. And there were vacations and entertainment and gifts. Everything… everything we needed – somehow got paid for. Did we worry about any of those things during the year? You bet. We all wonder, some people, week to week – where will the money come from? Yet here we are, into another year – still eating and drinking and maintaining a life.

All we have needed, God’s hand has provided. Great is His faithfulness. Just look back over your old check register or bank statements or day planner - how much of what you worried about has been taken care of and in the past. Thank God!

·        God is forever faithful in taking care of you

·        God cares about every detail of your life

·        God has not broken one promise; God will not fail




Friday, April 19, 2013

Power of the mind

I finally started getting back into the routine of visiting the local gym every morning. After numerous starts and stops (I’m blaming the long-lasting gray winter days) – I’m getting back making healthy choices. (Okay… getting on the scale the other day was real motivation as well!)

Yesterday (day three), I only lasted 30 minutes. Good grief! It wasn’t that long ago when I was doing an hour on the elliptical. It seemed like forever and only 20 minutes had passed. My left knee was hurting so I had to slow down. My stomach started to ache. I was getting bored.

But after a healthy breakfast, I went out again this morning. (Half the battle is just getting to the gym, don’t ya know?) So, back on the elliptical machine I got, and the time passed. I watched the three TV’s posted up front, each on a different network carrying the Boston area events as they unfolded. Well, let me tell you – this distraction kept me on that workout path – for easily an hour. Wow. The power of the mind! The power of distraction! We need to tap into that power – of what we are thinking about. (P.S. I feel physically good after that workout! I’m back on track)

We need to realize that our negative thoughts, thoughts, can drag us down. And thinking about other things, can have a power all their own.  Not that I support focusing on bad news – but if we can give more thought to anything else than what we are struggling with, we can get through some rough patches in our life journey. So, whether it’s using a TV program or whether it’s daydreaming about something you’d love to do or see – tap into the power in your mind!

  • Dream some happy dreams – in detail!
  • Believe that you can do it!
  • Celebrate every little victory. You are awesome!


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Take this longtime burden, Lord

 I’ve been thinking a lot lately about strained relationships. It could be a friend or co-worker. Or it could be someone “closer” – like a relative. Whether it’s a parent, sibling or child… there’s tension, stress, strain, distance, coolness… dysfunction. Our expectations of what the relationship should look like, feel like, act like seems far off and unattainable. We wrestle time and time again with what should be.

We live in a broken, sin-torn world.

Jesus said, “In this world, you will have trouble…” – John 16:32

“There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…” – Rom. 3:23

We all have been traumatized in one way or another by the sin of such a world. The only view we really know of the situation is our own. Do we really think we know what the other person has had to go through in this life? What personal, emotional struggles they’ve been having to deal with day after day, - and most likely, struggling to keep secret…

We will all be much better at loving when we get to heaven. For now, maybe we should be most concerned about God’s love and acceptance, approval and praise - than of other humans, even family members. (John 5:44) Sometimes relationships can indeed be mended. Praise God. But there is also a reality that some relationships just may not – this side of heaven. Our cold, distant, separate ways are a result of a broken world. It’s sad but it’s true. Not all relationships are beautiful, warm, nurturing, closely connected, committed. Not even family. We can’t fix everything. Sometimes we need to let go, say goodbye to it, and let God.  And then be ready when He does. Be merciful and forgiving to everyone, giving all the benefit of the doubt, assume we don’t know the whole story, and be at peace – loving and serving God and whatever people God brings into our daily life.
Do you know someone in this situation? Encourage them today - that they don't need to be a doormat. There is such a thing as healthy boundaries. They don't need to fix it all. Being Christian doesn't mean getting everything all perfectly right all the time. It's a lot of falling down and getting back up. And trusting that God is up to something beyond our understanding. Be still and wait upon the Lord. Some things just aren't up to you...

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. – Romans 12:17

·        Peace be with you…

·        Wishing you health and happiness

·        Go with God
(open for discussion / comments)

Monday, April 15, 2013

Surely not I, Lord

 I’m going to make myself a little vulnerable here.  And maybe somebody else as well. Because something happened Sunday morning.  And no matter how scary, risky it can sometimes be – to share a God moment – they should be shared. Because we all need to see God alive and well and working in our present day lives.

I walked into church Sunday morning. After a five-day sabbatical retreat, where God indeed spoke some encouragement to me. So, I’m at church – early – and someone mentions to me that an unfamiliar face was sitting in the sanctuary – off to the left. (I guess they tell me these things because I’m the pastor’s wife and I should be aware). Now, those of you who know me, know that I am way too shy and introvert to actually walk up to a stranger and start talking. But I bravely walked down the center aisle – and turned to the right to start a conversation with the choir director’s wife. (safe!) But I was still drawn to the “stranger”. Ugh. My feelings say don’t do it … way out of my comfort zone… but somewhere in my heart I know talking to this “stranger” is the right thing to do. Somehow, and I truly mean somehow – I walk over and sit down and talk to this woman. I have no idea how to start a conversation, or carry on a conversation with a stranger… my feelings are worried about ME. But the Jesus in my heart is worried about HER. And Jesus won out. I sat and talked with her. I helped her through the bulletin. I helped her find the hymns, the scriptures, the Apostles Creed. And handed her a tissue when she silently cried. And I was blessed when I heard her whisper, “Yes!’ and “Oh, wow!” as the pastor explained a gospel lesson I had heard many times. I heard the miracle in the scripture story through new ears. Fresh insight and appreciation.  Now I admit, there were moments (before the service started) when I tried to ease myself away – but something held me there. And by the grace of God, the right thing to do – happened. And obedience paid off in blessing for the both of us. Praise God for His “something-somehow” power.

·        God is at work doing amazing things all the time

·        Miracles happen every day. God has one for you!

·        Each one of us are living testimonies of God’s goodness


Friday, April 5, 2013

Perfection... or NOTHING?

 I’ve been looking at the latest magazines. They are filled with beautiful landscaping photos. Pretty flowers. Fresh, little green plants wanting to be vegetables someday. All kinds of promising ideas whirl around in my mind. Wouldn’t it be nice if…? Wouldn’t it be pretty if…? I’m already imagining the sun on my back and the breeze on my face. Digging in the black dirt and patting the soil down around the green leaves of the seedlings. Birds singing in the trees.  Pretty garden gloves. All kinds of possibilities! It makes me smile just thinking about it! Bubbles of joy inside me…

But then I think: I don’t know anything about gardening. What if the plants I choose not good for this area? What if I forget to water them or water them too much? Maybe I’m too old to start something new. Or too lazy to weed as much as needed. And before you know it, the smile and bubbles of joy are gone. I shot them down before I even started.

So, the question is: is the true and only value in the end result? Or, is there something precious in starting – and just receiving pleasure for awhile in the beginning stages. Can I allow myself to dream, dream, dream of a beautiful garden? Cut out magazine pictures. Shop around the garden centers. “Play” with the idea for an afternoon. Is doing something that “non-productive” but pleasurable… okay? And what if I did actually start the garden, and enjoyed being outside and getting my hands dirty – still “playing” and “dreaming” – even if I don’t get to the point of harvesting and canning… has the time and effort been wasted because I didn’t complete the plan to perfection?

If I don’t do it “right” from beginning to end, do I have any business starting at all? Is there value in stretching ourselves even if we bellyflop?

I think there is. There is a sense of adventure. There is a precious “childlikeness” in playing and dreaming and planning and starting something new to us. And it’s refreshing compared to the “adult” reality mindset – you know the one. Where everything has to be “just so”. There can be a sense in achievement by just trying something new. And, as Les Brown has said:

        Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it, you will land among the stars.

I like that idea. Especially with spring fast approaching. It’s time for us to get out the live. Permission granted! Make some joy! Joy in our journey.

·        Beautiful days make me think of beautiful YOU!

·        May thoughts of spring energize you and lift your spirit.

·        Joy can be found in the simplest of things. May you find some joy today.


Monday, April 1, 2013

Lord, I have some questions


Lord, I pray for the many - especially on my growing prayer and concern list. I pray for words of hope, encouragement, good counsel, and strength that comes from You alone. All this devastating news all around us. It sure can be saddening to stop and care about it all.

Although our eyes do not see you, guide our faith into sensing You in the here and now. In the right here and right now. O Lord, transport us to a safe place where fear and pain don’t have the upper hand. Some just found out there is a cancer. Some are going through draining treatments and therapy. Broken bones. Broken hearts. Back pain. Leg pain. Shoulder pain. Joblessness. Heart problems. Eye problems. Emotional overeating. You say to live in the present. Where are you, God? Where are Your words of hope and comfort?

Maybe we all need to slow down. Maybe we all need to talk to God a little more. Why so many burdens - especially when we are praying? What if this is it? What if it’s gonna be this way for a long time? Where does the light for today come from? How do some persevere and overcome while others are challenged by problems and lie in misery day after day? What if our bodies are aging or damaged and there will always - from now on, in this life - be an infirmary? What if hope for complete recovery on this side of heaven is in vain? Who am I then? Will daily pain describe me? Do we have too high of expectations of what good life should look like? What is a successful life really – but to walk humbly with our God. What if we spent time every day in prayer emptying ourselves of every burden? What if we spent a few moments here and there trying not to pray anything but just ask God to send a message? What if we spent a few minutes here and there appreciating the beauty of creation and the goodness we do have? What if instead of creating a “good Christian should do” to-do list … we, as the occasion to help someone comes along, we help as God guides and supplies in that moment? What if this described a successful life? Could you live a life like that today despite your pain, your limitations, your health issues, your fears, your anger?

My prayer list of concerns is long and growing. Which tells me a lot of people are being made to slow down and reconsider what is really important.

The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul. (Ps. 23:1-2) My soul. My soul is what is important. My spirit.  He tends to the condition of the spirit inside us.

A lot of people are struggling through this world of the tangible. But there is another place to focus.

Lord, we believe you are here, present. Although our eyes do not see you, our faith senses you.

Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (Heb. 11:1)

Those of us who are older know we aren’t ever going to back that 20 year old body. Those who have suffered horrific battles through treatments may be some better than they were, but not “100%”.

What is going to define us now, now that our bodies are a little weaker, or finances a little smaller, or relationships have fallen apart and drifted? Do these losses in life take the grandstand and define us now or is there something more to us, more in us?

In this earthly journey, every body, everybody, is having ups and downs. But do not be discouraged and do not be afraid. Loosen up on such high expectations, especially if you’re not feeling well (physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, spiritually). Give yourself a break.  You don’t have to be happy-go-lucky every day. And you don’t have to be down in the mouth everyday. Do the best you can with every day as it comes. And lean into God every day. That, my friend, is successful living.

  • I have been praying for you.
  • I am with you all the way.
  • Believe in the goodness of God.