Monday, January 21, 2013

We CAN do this!

Limitations. Who likes ‘em? I hate having to tell myself NO. NO MORE.

I’m not old, but I am getting older. You too? And with age, comes some limitations. And like so many others, I don’t want to stop what I was previously enjoying – even if it’s for my good – it’s still hard to say to myself “no more”.

It could be a diet change. A food allergy. Changing a lifestyle of sitting around for more activity… and vice versa – changing a lifestyle of activity into something more seemingly sedate. I even know of smokers who enjoy smoking – but know they need to give it up. Someone with a broken limb – although not a forever change – can mean an extended time of not doing what you want. And there are others who are forever changed due to the effects of cancer, cancer treatments, surgeries, some chronic illness … who have no choice but to accept the new “me”.

So, my new doctor says I have to give up dairy products and wheat (they are giving me stomach aches and cramps)… man, is that hard to do! Lots of yummy things contain dairy and wheat. But if I want the pains to go away… I must do it – and do it for an extended period of time. So of course, my focus is on all that I can’t have.

It can become quite comical at our house, as far as cooking is concerned – with my stepson being vegetarian… a simple spaghetti dinner consists of: one pan of meatless sauce, one pan of ground beef, one pot of pasta noodles, another pot of brown rice. Seriously…

But I ran across some words of wisdom the other day… stop comparing yourself to those who seem to have more than you – and realize how much you have in comparison to those who have less. My doctor recommended making a list of all the things I can have. And maybe we should all get a small spiral notebook and start writing down all the things we do have, and all the things we can do. And reframe all the negatives into positives. Can’t get out and about on a snowy day? Thank God you don’t have to be out on the road with those crazies that don’t know how to drive in it! “Stuck” in your chair most of the day? Enjoy the snowfall and the birds and the squirrel activity from a nearby window. Enjoy a warm drink and a good book. Go ahead, it’s okay to sit back and enjoy. I know lots of people who wish they had the time to do that. Make a list of all you have and all you CAN enjoy. And refer to it often. Join me in being a new creation.

  • Wishing you blessings of wonder and delight this day!
  • Praying you will enjoy peace and joy today!
  • You are loved and cared about…





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