They’ll know we are Christians by our love. Don’t miss this
opportunity to extend some love to someone. Who do you know – who needs to be
reminded of your love for them and God’s
love for them? Expressions of love are intentional. You can choose to
love and decide to act on it.
Pop some cards into the mail, into a lunchbox, by the coffee
pot, on a pillow, in the car, by a purse, on someone’s desk.
Best friends… your kids of any age… grandkids too. Shut-ins…
grandparents… someone who’s recently been sick / going through a tough time…
someone who’s recently helped you out…or done you a favor… college students…
students you tutor / teach…babysitters... Sunday School teachers… small group leader…
missionaries… single friends… divorced friends… widowed friends… don’t forget
The greatest gift is love. But you have to give it away to
impact someone’s day/life. This year, I’m gonna do it. Won’t you join me?
- I love having you as a friend / son / daughter / grandma…
- Thoughts of you warm my heart!
- What marvelous love the Father has extended to us! Just look at it – we’re called children of God! That’s who we really are. – 1 John 3:1 (MSG)
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