Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Will you come and follow Me?

Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. – Philippians 2:1-2

This recent media frenzy over “ice bucket challenge” for ALS certainly has caused a lot of attention. Somewhere, somehow, someone got stirred deep within their heart about this disease and got so caught up and passionate about it that they had to do something. And something they did!

There are numerous causes out there. We can feel compassion towards each one as we are made aware of the pain and suffering they each cause. But we don’t have the time, energy or resources to be passionate about all of them. No, I think God places in each one of our hearts a certain passion. It is a nagging thing that just won’t let go. Whether it’s unfair treatment of vets or senior citizens, or a debilitating childhood disease, there will be certain things that make our heart really ache.

I am currently working on writing a “speech” on Laity in the Church – for an upcoming spiritual retreat. And I am reminded that God may be working in the same way in our churches. Are there certain aspects of the church life that you are passionate about? Things that you see should be done in the utmost way? Do you think, talk, dwell and imagine how it should or could be? Don’t ignore God’s calling. He may be making your heart break over something that is also important to Him. Laity is not somebody else in the church. Laity is you. And you were meant to be with God in the on-going nurturing of the church’s health and well-being. God’s kingdom plan includes you. Yes, you! An avid golfer eats, drinks, sleeps, dreams, talks, writes, reads – GOLF. I’ll bet if you thought about it, there is something about church life that could consume you into action as well. Like the golfer or the creator of “ice bucket challenge” … you could be a conduit to God’s great passion for something in your church. Wouldn’t it be exciting to birth something new? God can do that. He just needs open hands ready to carry the work He already has in mind. What does God love that He wants you to love just as passionately? Do you feel the nudge ... and will you follow Him?

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Power of Five

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, - Hebrews 10:24

I like ordinary days. Days where there are things planned to do, but not too many things. Nothing stressful in view. Time for want-tos. I had a day like that today. Didn’t really expect anything. But God is full of surprises.

I received a lovely little note from a friend today. A real snail mail note. It contained five sentences. Yes, five. Full of love and encouragement and it touched my heart in such a deep way. A little note? Five sentences? Yes. It lifted my ho-hum spirit into a whole new, exciting, glad-to-be-alive kind of feeling. I moved from content to happy. I read it over a couple of times and it brought warm, fuzzy feelings about this friend to mind. And I wanted to reach out and touch her with love right back!

Don’t underestimate the power of your words. Even a few words. Who doesn’t need a little encouragement and love – ever! Any day is a good day to pen a line to someone in your sphere of influence. I would love to suggest to you all to keep a pack of notecards handy. There is a serious power at work there. Power to uplift. She turned my day from ordinary to extraordinary with a minute or two of thoughtful writing.

I love this friend. I know when her husband died, a piece of her died with him. But I am so grateful to God that there remains a part of her still loving and living in my life. Can you think of five sentences of kindness? Can you be that friend to someone today? (Yes, you can!) Living as a Christian in this world is hard.  Let us spur one another on …

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Say No to Separation

Wedding Day 2009

For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 8:38-39

The devotion I was reading this morning talked about oneness with Christ. I really started wondering about that. What is oneness, really? Oneness with Christ. At first, I was thinking it was about being aware of His presence every moment. But there are plenty of times I can’t sense His promised presence, I just have to believe it. Sharing all of life with Him?  I’m not sure I’m very good at that either. There are times in my humanness when I just react and don’t slow down long enough to consider His ways. What about agreeing on everything? I’m supposed to be one with my husband now that we are married. But we certainly don’t agree on everything! Yet we stay together, and we keep communicating. We still share laughter and tears. And it is safe to do so with him. We love and we trust and we feel safe with each other. It’s a sense beyond being physically present all the time. So I guess in that way, we are one. A deep, continual feeling, as in, “Please, Lord, don’t ever separate us.”

Maybe being one with Christ is just about seeking Him on a daily, regular basis no matter what is going on. Feeling safe to share anything. Trusting and believing in His character. Goodness. Kindness. Faithfulness. Feeling safe enough to be open and honest. In good times or bad times and regular ol’ average times. And your desire to have Him in your life and let nothing separate you. Not people or circumstances. Nothing.

Saturday, August 16, 2014


So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. – 1 Corinthians 10:31

Multi-tasking. I’m through with it. I no longer see the benefit. All I know is that while I’m doing one thing, I am distracted by thoughts of what else needs to be done. My mind drifts and instead being fully present and paying attention to what I am doing, I find myself doing a half-hearted job because of what I could be doing next. You don’t really do two things at once. There’s just short, two second spurts of focus from one to another and back again. Whether it’s work to be done around the house or outside or notes to write or calls to make, I find my mind wandering to other things while I’m doing them. Mopping the floors this morning. Is it really such a chore? Or do I make it so?  I like the smell of clean. I like how it looks and feels. And I like doing a good job. But with other thoughts vying for my attention, I tend to miss corners or walk over what I just did. Plus my anxiety increases as I think about all the jobs on my to-do list. You get the picture. One thing at a time is going to be my new motto. I’m going to do the best I can with what I’ve got at the moment and seek pleasure from it. Look for the blessing in it. And be grateful. No more racing and rushing around in my mind – tiring myself out with just weary thinking. Whether it’s cooking dinner with relish or drinking iced tea and working on a jigsaw puzzle...  don’t miss the blessings. There is a time for everything under heaven. There is time. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Let's Begin, Class!

“You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. – John 13:13

There are several references in the new testament calling Jesus “Rabbi”, which means Teacher. It wasn’t just the disciples calling him that. Many people called Him “Teacher”. And teach he did! Oh, the many lessons we “overhear” by reading the bible day by day.  Many times Jesus took his disciples off  somewhere and taught them things about life and love and God. Seems like He was always talking, explaining, answering questions and getting them to think. I can see how they would come to call Him Teacher.

How about you? How about now? Do you see Him as “Teacher”. More importantly, do you see yourself as “student”? Are you learning and growing from Him? Are you asking questions of Him?  Are you thinking?

I call Him my Savior. I call Him my Lord. Sustainer. Provider. Comforter. The list goes on and on about what He is to me. But Teacher?  Teachers usually give you homework – things hard to do that require perseverance. Sometimes teacher discipline if you don’t get it done on time. Teachers can make you face challenges and push you farther than you thought possible. They do what is necessary to help you learn new things and grow. Am I a student? Am I learning? Am I being pushed to learn and grow in various circumstance of my life – and calling the stress and strain of it - God’s anger, God’s punishment or God’s abandonment? When He’s just fulfilling His role as Teacher …

The next time you’re facing dire straits, ask yourself (ask God), “What am I to learn from this experience?” There may be opportunity here for you to draw closer and know more about our God. Are you ready to learn? Then let's begin, class!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

What in the world ...?

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. – Romans 12:2

Dear God, thank You that You work everything out for good. Thank You that our spiritual selves aren’t strapped to this world. What I think and feel about You – for sure, this world is not my home. Thank You for the option. Thank You for freedom and breath. Thank you for hope and renewed chances. Thank You that anything is possible with You. Thank You for never leaving me high and dry. Thank You for being the perfect supplier and equipper and that life is more than what this world is so focused on. Thank You I don’t need to compete and keep up with the Joneses here. What is really desirous is the beauty You bring into my life. Your abundant grace, mercy, love and joy that all the treasures of this world can not bring. For Your beautiful character and how it affects me. Your generosity in every way. What in the world satisfies like You? Wealth? Fame? Position? Superficial pleasures? No matter what (or how much) I seem to have that’s worldly, nothing is more comforting or more fulfilling that what I receive from You, Lord. You have a way of talking to me and communicating with me that settles me down and gives me hope, energy, peace and power. And it feels more complete and satisfying than what the world offers. It’s a rather unexplainable thing. Just as You are too big and awesome to capture into human words, this too can not be explained. It’s a spirit thing and we all have spirit. Praise You, Lord, that I am in this world, and not of it. I belong to You. Amen.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Check It Out

If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. - 2 Chronicles 7:14

I recently had a mammogram. I know, ugh, right? Nobody likes getting that done. No good solid reason for not getting it done. Just not a happy, comfortable thing. And we all like our happy, comfortable things so much more that we tend to avoid the uncomfortable as much as possible!

Then the doctor’s office called. Said they needed to have an ultrasound done. My first thought: They found something and it’s been in there over a year. Why did I skip last year? Stupid, ugly fear filled me. It could be something, or maybe not. But my greatest concern at the time was – stupid, foolish me – why didn’t I get it checked every year? (p.s. follow-up: it was just a cyst and they will keep on eye on it with an ultrasound every six months)

Which got me to thinking about other areas of my life. Were there other things I was having a blind eye to? Some things should be checked annually. Other things monthly. Like keeping an eye on my finances. Can you imagine the mess I’d be in if I didn’t check that but once a year? Still others weekly and daily. Like my spiritual walk with the Lord.

We all know people who go to church twice a year – Christmas and Easter. Some people think nothing of skipping church week after week and making an occasional appearance. While others read their bible every day, pray every day, praise God every day. Now I’m not here in judgment of people’s personal faith walk and church attendance. I’m just wondering about how long we let things go unchecked and what are the possible consequences of that. Sinful habits, behaviors, attitudes, poor choices – growing, multiplying, without a closer look. Is there a warning bell going off in your life? Something isn’t quite right and it needs to be re-examined. Is it too late? Is it out of control? How long has it been in there? Has it been caught in time? Is there any hope?

Thanks be to God, there is always hope with Him. You are always welcome into His presence. It’s never too late, you’re never too far out of control for Him, however long you’ve had a problem, He is able. With God, there is always hope. Check in with Him now and see what I mean.


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Lord, I'm hungry!

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. - Hebrews 12:11

My cats are on a diet. I always thought cats nibbled throughout the day and I had to leave a bowl of food out all the time. Well, it didn’t take long before one of my cats started giving Garfield a run for his money. What to do? Well, I’ve started putting the food out and letting them eat for a few minutes, then picking it back up and leaving the bowl empty for a couple hours. (Hoping I can eventually stretch that out to a longer period of time at some point).

Well, they are on to my scheme after only a day. Before it gets close to the two hour mark, they start sitting and staring at me. They stare at the empty bowl and then me. They brush up against me and cry. Every time I get up, they run to the bowl or to the cabinet where I keep the food stored. On one level, it breaks my heart. I know they aren’t going hungry, but … their pitiful, little faces … their pitiful, little cries. I need to be strong! Because it is best for them. I need to help them be healthier. They need to learn some self-control.

This morning I started wondering if that is what God sometimes feels like. When He’s trying to help us be better, healthier, with more self-control about something. He’s not going to let us go without. But He sees our pitiful little faces … hears our cries … does it break His heart? Despite our crying, He stands firm on what He knows is best for us. He knows about timing and knows we have to learn to wait. Yes, God is good – all the time.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Oh Lord, hear my prayer!

God has surely listened and has heard my prayer. – Psalm 66:19

I have some friends who is at the end of the rope. Have tugged and choked and squeezed out all the faith they have. And still trying to trust in God despite the agony of the situation. Physical pain has a way of getting our full attention. They have prayed and prayed and prayed and tried to do everything they’ve been told to do. Still … the pain.

It’s hard to connect with people in this situation. It’s hard to know what to say. For we surely don’t have any good answers either. I mean, if the doctors don’t know –

But we have a Brother, Who knows the depth of such pain. Ongoing, strangling pain. And I’m not sure that His knowing His pain was for a good cause helped Him – in the midst of the actual minute after agonizing minute of hanging by nails on a cross. We know He suffered. Unimaginable pain. We know people who have to do the same. Like Him, they have to bear it.

This is where prayer is so desperately needed. Because pain can clog your brain, causing you to focus not on what you know and believe. It’s the ultimate distraction. And can render a person helpless in praying to God for healing and comfort.

WE NEED TO PRAY. We need to be the ones to carry the burden to the Lord on their behalf. Please do it. Please pray for someone today. They have run out of words. They are becoming shaken and losing their grip. Your prayer does indeed stand in the gap for someone. God hears you. God listens. God cares.  

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Your Love is Amazing

While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. – Romans 5:8

I’m just going to come out and say it: I get tired of reading the bible. I know – it has remarkable stories of faith and life and living; words that encourage and strengthen; and every time you read it something new and enlightening seems to pop up.

I’ve read through the whole bible a few times now. And while I don’t have parts memorized, there are times when I am tempted to skim through a passage or two – they’ve grown so familiar. But there is a truth that always catches my eye, makes me stop in my tracks, causes my throat to tighten and my heart to skip a beat …

While we were still sinners …

Before I even knew God, He washed my sins away. When I think back to those years before I really committed to Him; living for my own self – gratification with no thought of Him … even those years I professed to be Christian and fell flat on my face with horribly bad choices. To this very day, there are times when I drift into disobedience. And yet, despite all this:

Christ died for us.

To think, there was a time when I was an enemy of God (Romans 5:10). In His great mercy … oh, my! Through the very life and blood of His Son, He brings perfect healing and restoration to a relationship I didn’t even know I needed. He loves me and saves me and gives new life to me – knowing all that I am. The complete story of me. And the same is true for you.

Sins have been washed away; forgiven. (Matthew 26:28)
Nothing can separate you from the love of God. (Romans 8:38-39)

All the stories in the bible, all the history, poems, songs, and letters – point to this undeniable truth, this profound, unimaginable gift! It both takes my breath away and gives me breath – to live in a right relationship with Him. Praise God! Again and again!