Monday, January 28, 2013

ow... ow... OW!!

Before you start kindergarten, you have to have immunizations; i.e. SHOTS! It makes perfect sense to us because we want all our children safe from suffering some horrible disease.

But for the small four-year-old, all they really know is that their beloved parent is holding them down so that some stranger can physically hurt them with a most painful needle. Mom? Dad? Eyes filled with tears and sometimes screams. Horror. Anger. Disbelief. How could this be happening? And why is my usually caring, protecting parent allowing this?

A child getting immunization shots will not be comforted by a lengthy explanation of its future benefits. Full understanding of a suffering will not bring comfort. Loving arms wrapped around you bring comfort. A gentle rocking back and forth. A hand brushing hair away from your face. A kiss on the forehead. Comfort.

Do you feel like you’re being held down in place and like your loving Father is the One holding you down to make you go through the pain? Are you suffering through a change in diet because the doctor says you have diabetes? Are you unable to drive your car anymore? Are you in the midst of incredible sadness? Or unending stress? Eyes filled with tears and sometimes screams. Horror. Anger. Disbelief. How could this be happening? And why is my usually caring, protecting Parent allowing this? Do you look up to heaven and say, “Father God, I don’t understand?

It is hard to accept that there is a good reason for suffering if I personally can’t think of one…

Yet, God, my maker, knows better about my life than I do.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” – Is. 55:8-9

Like my mom with me in the doctor’s office those many years ago, God’s thoughts and ways are greater than mine. He can see farther than I can.

Knowing the character of God can bring comfort in these trying / crying times.

He is ever-present.

He is all-knowing.

He is faithful.

He is all-wise.

He knows what He’s doing.

He can be trusted.

He will see you through.

He will capture each tear in a bottle.

Nothing is beyond His reach, His capacity, His authority.

Trusting in these thoughts can calm you: feel like a warm hug, a gentle rocking. A kiss on the forehead.

So, like the familiar phrase found on one of those Pass-It-On cards:

Don’t tell God how big your problems are,
Tell your problems how big your God is!


  • God is forever faithful. He will see you through.
  • Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding…
  • May the Lord be your comfort today.








Thursday, January 24, 2013

Comment helps

I've had a couple people mention they were unable to post a comment. So, I will click onto the "no comments" spot and  give it a try but typing this up...

then pressing the "select a profile" button        I guess is the next step...

okay, from the dropdown list, I see google so I'll click on that (do you have a google account or one of those other choices?)

...then I'll click publish...

okay, that publish button took me to the sign in screen for my google account.

So I signed in and then it brought me back to this and said I got published.

Hope this helps. I do love hearing from you!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Being transformed

If you’ve read my bio, you see that I am a knitter of mittens. I taught myself how to knit and have enjoyed several seasons of just knitting mittens – of every color. But since I’ve moved (and quit full-time work), I joined a knitting group – who encouraged me to try something else… so I started a sweater. I actually had two sweater projects going at the same time!

Well, the other night, with my knitting group, I discovered a huge mistake in one of the sweaters. Yep. Huge. As in. “I really need to pull the whole thing apart and start over” (I had 8-10 inches of a back done). So, let’s just say I learned a very important lesson about checking your gauge before you start a project…

But what I really want to address is this: several years ago, if this had happened – I would have been so embarrassed by the mistake. I would not have pulled it all apart in order to start over. I would have thrown the whole thing away and vowed to never, ever try knitting anything ever again! I was shy. Insecure. Self-conscious. Easily embarrassed. And I would have quit the knitting group.

But I am still growing up. I am still being transformed by God. I am still learning, maturing. I have time to start the project over. It’s a summer weight yarn. I have time. And I have learned from my mistake. It’s okay to make mistakes and learn from them. And I thank God I’m not the person I used to be. This is one example of many mistakes I have made over the years – where I have grown – and learned – and continued forward in living life.

As this new year begins, can you say the same? Are you being transformed? Are you a better person than you were a year ago, five years ago, ten?
(For you, M.B.!)

  • We are all a work in progress. Celebrate your achievements!
  • I am proud of you and your accomplishments!
  • I love and support you – every step of the way.






Monday, January 21, 2013

We CAN do this!

Limitations. Who likes ‘em? I hate having to tell myself NO. NO MORE.

I’m not old, but I am getting older. You too? And with age, comes some limitations. And like so many others, I don’t want to stop what I was previously enjoying – even if it’s for my good – it’s still hard to say to myself “no more”.

It could be a diet change. A food allergy. Changing a lifestyle of sitting around for more activity… and vice versa – changing a lifestyle of activity into something more seemingly sedate. I even know of smokers who enjoy smoking – but know they need to give it up. Someone with a broken limb – although not a forever change – can mean an extended time of not doing what you want. And there are others who are forever changed due to the effects of cancer, cancer treatments, surgeries, some chronic illness … who have no choice but to accept the new “me”.

So, my new doctor says I have to give up dairy products and wheat (they are giving me stomach aches and cramps)… man, is that hard to do! Lots of yummy things contain dairy and wheat. But if I want the pains to go away… I must do it – and do it for an extended period of time. So of course, my focus is on all that I can’t have.

It can become quite comical at our house, as far as cooking is concerned – with my stepson being vegetarian… a simple spaghetti dinner consists of: one pan of meatless sauce, one pan of ground beef, one pot of pasta noodles, another pot of brown rice. Seriously…

But I ran across some words of wisdom the other day… stop comparing yourself to those who seem to have more than you – and realize how much you have in comparison to those who have less. My doctor recommended making a list of all the things I can have. And maybe we should all get a small spiral notebook and start writing down all the things we do have, and all the things we can do. And reframe all the negatives into positives. Can’t get out and about on a snowy day? Thank God you don’t have to be out on the road with those crazies that don’t know how to drive in it! “Stuck” in your chair most of the day? Enjoy the snowfall and the birds and the squirrel activity from a nearby window. Enjoy a warm drink and a good book. Go ahead, it’s okay to sit back and enjoy. I know lots of people who wish they had the time to do that. Make a list of all you have and all you CAN enjoy. And refer to it often. Join me in being a new creation.

  • Wishing you blessings of wonder and delight this day!
  • Praying you will enjoy peace and joy today!
  • You are loved and cared about…





Thursday, January 17, 2013

Practice Practice Practice

Seems like my memory ain’t what it used to be… I can handle maybe ten things on my mind at one time. If you give me something more to remember – one of the ten already there … gets dropped. I would like to think I could keep everything at a high priority and get it all done – and done well. But the fact of the matter is - I must choose what is going to be a priority in my life.

Jesus didn’t have much time here on earth. He had to make the most of the time He had. He made choices like: solitary time with His Father, healing the sick, teaching disciples… We, also, don’t have as much time here on earth as we’d like to think. This is our one time in history. Are your hands already full? Do you not have any spare moments left? God doesn’t call us to ADD His will to our already full day-planners… but He is asking you to choose your priorities.

And what is God’s will for you? I think I’d be safe is saying to “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  We all are strengthened, encouraged, lifted up by a kind thought, word or deed. Let us evidence our good principles by good practices.

Formerly when you did not know God you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods. But now that you know God or rather are known by God, how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable principles? – Gal.4:8

We have received your power in the coming of the Holy Spirit, and we will be your witnesses.  - Acts 1:8

So, today and every day, show some love. Purposefully. Intentionally. Determinedly. Practice extending love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Gal. 5:22)

Yes… send a card. Or email. Or phone call. Or hug. Do you have the time?

  • Wishing you a wonderful, heart-warming day!
  • May knowing that you are dearly loved bring peace and grace to your day
  • You are important to me, my day, my life…





Monday, January 14, 2013

Birds of a feather...

Since my move over here, I joined a knitting group. It’s nice to spend time with people who enjoy the same things. And have experience in some of the many problems that “this knitting novice” can get into – because they have run into the same problems before; they have learned and grown from the same problem, and are able to help me through it as well. Whether it’s a dropped stitch (eek) or a difficult to understand part of a pattern, they share their knowledge, their experiences in the journey – and are able to not only commiserate with my frustration but can walk alongside me and help me see it through.

The same can be said of the weight awareness group I also joined. Although we don’t often have bragging rights to great weight loss, we are all there together keeping each other accountable and sharing in each other’s struggles. We travel this up-and-down road together. We are of value to one another in this journey.

And I guess that’s why it’s so important to share our stories. Whether it’s something as simple as knitting or of grander scale such as weight loss or job loss or loved one loss – when you share your experience it helps someone else be brave enough to face their circumstances. There’s nothing worse than thinking you are the only one – not only with this problem, but thinking you’re only one who can’t handle the problem.

We are all survivors of something… what have you survived? (or still surviving). Are you willing to smooth the pathway for another? If you can send a note of encouragement, then do so. If you can cook up a meal and drop it off, then do so. If you like to chat on the phone, then pick it up and call someone. If music touches your heart, bring the beautiful, healing qualities of music and song to one who could use some respite.

  • May the Lord bless and keep you and make His face to shine upon you…
  • The Lord promises strength and endurance. The Lord is faithful.
  • God loves us all the same. He has helped people before; He will help again. He can help you.

Monday, January 7, 2013

This year ... I'm gonna do it!

 Valentine’s day… more and more – it’s not solely about that one, certain  love of your life – not just for your “honey bunny” and not just for kids (although I believe we all have a “kid” part in our hearts)…

They’ll know we are Christians by our love. Don’t miss this opportunity to extend some love to someone. Who do you know – who needs to be reminded of your love for them and God’s love for them? Expressions of love are intentional. You can choose to love and decide to act on it.

Pop some cards into the mail, into a lunchbox, by the coffee pot, on a pillow, in the car, by a purse, on someone’s desk.

Best friends… your kids of any age… grandkids too. Shut-ins… grandparents… someone who’s recently been sick / going through a tough time… someone who’s recently helped you out…or done you a favor… college students… students you tutor / teach…babysitters... Sunday School teachers… small group leader… missionaries… single friends… divorced friends… widowed friends… don’t forget servicemembers…

The greatest gift is love. But you have to give it away to impact someone’s day/life. This year, I’m gonna do it. Won’t you join me?


  • I love having you as a friend / son / daughter / grandma…
  • Thoughts of you warm my heart!
  • What marvelous love the Father has extended to us! Just look at it – we’re called children of God! That’s who we really are. – 1 John 3:1 (MSG)


Friday, January 4, 2013

Dressing the part

 Never in all my life, would I have ever thought that I would someday participate in being in a skit or drama. I have always been way too shy! But life has its surprises and twists and turns… and a day came when I did start playing a role in a small five-minute skit for a Sunday morning message. And then another. And yes, then playing larger roles – much to my own surprise! From bag lady to Mary Magdalene – I have dressed up and played a role.

I have to admit, aside from the part of worrying if I can memorize all the lines, there is a fun, playful side to me that really enjoys dressing up and pretending to be somebody else… I put the costume on, and think about the words I’m going to be saying, and how that character might feel… and I am somehow braver than the shy Julie - when I was wearing Julie clothes.

I’ve read that is also a good way to change out of a bad habit – like for dieting – you get it in your head how a healthy, slimmer person acts and thinks – and you choose to behave like that. Act like a healthy person.  Healthy, “good weight” people don’t grab a king size candy bar at the checkout every time they go to the store. You put on that persona, and choose not to do it either.

And I’m just wondering if that can work in other areas of life. I am thinking specifically about the bible verse in Romans 13:12…. Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature…

Can I mentally “put on” / clothe myself with the good character of Jesus, and start acting that way? … no longer clothed in my Julie clothes, so to speak, to behave differently – knowing what Jesus calls us to do. (love my neighbor as myself)

I’m going to get “dressed UP” today. I’m going to try to think about the words Jesus might use and what He might feel… I’m going to try to hang up my Julie clothes.

  • You can do all things through Christ Who gives you strength. (Phil. 4:13)
  • You are strong for all things in the One Who constantly infuses strength in you.
  • Be positive, not about your circumstances, but about the One Who could ultimately bring meaning to them.



Thursday, January 3, 2013


Finally, the home modem has been repaired and I am back at it!

So… I was watching the news the other day, and I saw where Kate Middleton, since becoming a big part of the royal family, has resolved to focus on five specific charities on a regular basis. And I also saw a clip of a young girl who not only draws pictures and write letters to overseas soldiers, but also encourages other children to do the same – and she has sent literally thousands of letters out. Not only that, but she has received photos of servicemembers holding a letter or drawing… with the biggest of smiles on their faces. She too, has decided to steadily encourage and uplift a cause.

And that is how my “ministry” of notes and cards started. My heart was drawn to those in nursing homes / shut-ins and I resolved that they should receive some good old fashioned mail at least once a month. “Somebody is indeed thinking of you.” And I also have a heart for pastors… oh my, how they need prayer and encouragement! I send words of prayer out to the ones I know on a weekly basis.

During the Christmas season, we think about the wonderful good news brought to us by the angels. A Savior is born to us. But how many of us are really sharing that “to the ends of the earth”?

May I propose that if you are shy about sharing the good news story, that you consider resolving this year to support someone who does. Whether it be missionaries, or pastors, innercity / youth group programs, Christian based recovery programs…army chaplains…  and so many more… It’s easier than you think to get some addresses – check with your church office or the Red Cross or even the phone book…

I am shy. And I am doubly shy at sharing the good news with non-believers. But there are others who are out there… facing their fears, facing persecution, facing obstacles, in order to do it… and maybe some committed prayer would open doors for them. And maybe a note sent their way (whether weekly or monthly) would encourage and strengthen them. Just because they are willing, doesn’t mean it comes easy to them. Will you join the “team” and “cheerlead”? … it is still doing your part … working together as a team – to spread the good gospel news!

  • Remembering you in prayer, you have my steadfast support!
  • God has His good plans for you, in His good time.
  • Taking some quiet time to pray, and you came to mind.