"Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” (John 8:58)
There was a time when I had these photos of my grandma and my mom on my dresser. Grandma in a rocker. Mom in her rocker. Just plain, ordinary women of their day. Keeping house, raising babies. Making ends meet. I used to look at those photos and think, “I wonder if they ever thought that they were not worthy of God’s attention. Nothing special. Why would the Lord of all the earth care about a little, simple woman like me.” Perhaps I have the same thoughts myself. Is there any greatness in me and what I’m doing that warrants God’s favor?
27. Psalm 121. John 3:16. Romans 8:38 … and more.
same bible verses that comfort, strengthen, encourage me – those same words
were read by my mom, my grandma, my great-grandma, my aunt who is 101, and
future generations will also have these same words as their guiding light. And
the same Jesus too.
Jesus.Grandma’s Jesus.
My aunt’s Jesus.
Grandma’s mom’s Jesus.
My son’s Jesus.
My future grandchildren’s – Jesus.
One God. Now and forever (1 Timothy 6:16). And unchanging too (Hebrews 13:8). Truly a living Lord – loving, caring, helping us all from one generation to the next.
Love the memories. They mean so much!