Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Work in progress

Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at His work to this very day, and I too am working.” (John 5:17)

Seems like every day I can “find” something to worry about. There are roadblocks to success. Obstacles to smooth completions of a task. Challenges along the way. Most are bumps in the road. Some things just aren’t a straight shot and you need to recalculate. You need to go to the Plan B. Or it may just take time.

But eventually things do get smoothed out.  Problems do get resolved. Prayer is answered. And then we “close the door” to that worry.

I stumbled across some old prayer journal pages of mine. Revisited several prayer requests I had of the Lord. And do you know what? They were all old news. Done. Over with. Resolved. Gone from my memory. I had shut the door. God stepped in time and time again. Yesterday’s concerns were no more.

Even today, this morning, I looked back at yesterday’s requests and I see movement. He is at work to this very day. God’s hand and heart are still at work in your life today.

Don’t believe me? Open the door to your prayer past. Take a look back and glory in all He has done. And resolve to have confidence in Him for this day as well.

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