Monday, September 26, 2016

Stirring up ... LOVE

But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us spreads and makes evident everywhere the sweet fragrance of the knowledge of Him. (2 Corinthians 2:14)

(The following is something that happened to me several years ago but has a timeless message. These are notes I had for a talk I once gave about transforming our environment.)

I remember one Christmas

I’m at the grocery store, 12 items or less lane

Cashier runs out of $1 bills

Asks man ahead of me to step aside

And she’ll have the rest of his change for him in a moment

Man becomes irate / complaining / demanding / belittling

Young cashier trying to maintain her composure

I’m praying for patience – not get caught up in his negativity

As I step back, to wait for the rest of my change

I see the other people

   Arms crossed

   Toes tapping

   Muttering under their breath

His dramatic behavior has influenced the others in line.

Finally, the $1 bills come.

I head out to my truck, patting myself on the back

Thank You, God, for patience

I didn’t add to the problem.

But as I put the key in the ignition,

the LORD said to me,

“Why didn’t you write on the ground with your finger?”

Why didn’t I….?

…the adulterous woman!

Do you remember the bible story of the adulterous woman?

Allow me to take you back –

to a different time / place

It is dry and dusty

There, a crowd very much like this one, has gathered.

And Jesus is giving a talk.

But a group of angry men break in

Pushing / shoving a scantily-clad woman to the front

in front of everyone.

A demanding voice is raised:

“Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery!

What should we do with her?

The trembling, embarrassed young woman lifts her head up

and looks at Jesus

Jesus looks… into her eyes…

and stoops down to write on the ground with His finger.

And all eyes turn from the woman to see what He is doing.

And now… get back in line at the grocery store.

Another crowd.

Another demanding voice.

Another trembling, embarrassed young woman.

But where is Jesus?

… the woman lifted her head up… and looked at me…

If I could go back…

the woman would look at me

And I… an ambassador of Christ… would look her in the eyes

-      And comment how thankful I was that the storm let up so I could finish my last minute shopping

-      To the elderly couple next in line:

“Isn’t it something that after all these years, you can still get a ponyride at this store - and for a penny?”

-      I would ask the children behind them:

“What is at the top of your Christmas list, little ones?”

and OH, how their faces would light up in the telling!

-      I would express my amazement at still being able to find my favorite Christmas candy – those big, soft, chewy mints with the tree on the side

-      And does anybody really eat those big chunks of ribbon candy?

And the time would have passed by quite differently.

It’s not enough to “just not get caught up" in the negative behavior unfolding.

You need to take hold of that moment.

That environment

So others may encounter

The loving, the compassionate presence of JESUS.

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