Sunday, September 11, 2016

Carry on

If you only look at us, you might well miss the brightness. We carry this precious Message around in the unadorned clay pots of our ordinary lives. (2 Corinthians 4:7 MSG)

I am trying to get back to drawing and designing note cards. For too long I have let doubts and fears of not being good enough hold me down. In my prayer times, the topic of drawing keeps coming up. So I must push through the obstacles of being somewhat imperfect …

… because you see, we are all imperfect. We all have flaws. But God still loves us, accepts us, even uses us! How many of us wait and wait for some sort of perfectionism of our selves before we allow God to use us? When it isn’t about the clay pot container at all, but about the Light of Love of Christ within!

So I created this fall quilt design. In black and white pencil form it looked pretty good. But as I started coloring it in, I noticed I had two pumpkins side by side. And then, when almost finished, I see three apples in a row too! How disappointing! Not balanced at all. Not perfect. After all that work … it belongs in the scrap pile.

But it’s going to be the message inside that will be more impactful. It’s going to be the Light and the Love of Jesus sent by the simple, “Taking a moment to think of you” that is the real treasure.

So I didn’t destroy this imperfect card design. May it be a lesson learned. Jars of clay are acceptable to God – we are accepted by God, just as we are. And can be used by God right where we are. By God’s grace, we are capable of carrying His message.

Don’t wait for yourself to be perfect or good enough. Send out that message of God’s love to someone today.

Be a carrier!


  1. Wowsers!!!! Just what I needed to hear today. All God wants is a willing heart, not a perfect One! Hugs.

  2. Wowsers!!!! Just what I needed to hear today. All God wants is a willing heart, not a perfect One! Hugs.

  3. In my imperfect mind, the card looks perfect. Great message!😂
