Sunday, October 9, 2016

Don't let one bad apple ...

Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
    wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
 Let me hear joy and gladness;
    let the bones you have crushed rejoice.
 Hide your face from my sins
    and blot out all my iniquity. (Psalm 51:7-9)

When my son was very young, he would sometimes ask me, "Mom, am I more gooder than bad?" Out of the mouths of babes ... He was probably in trouble or feeling some guilt over a poor choice. But the message is clear and rings true for all us even today.

I can be having a perfectly wonderful, blessed day - until someone cuts me off on the road, or someone makes a despairing remark. Or it could be days of healthy eating and today a poor snack choice and I think I ruined my diet. Let one thing, great or small, happen - and I somehow allow it to define my whole day.

I have, in fact, started tracking / logging / writing down not only what is going right to me (being blessed) but what I am doing right to others (being a blessing). I am trying to change my focus. At days end, the list is long and I smile. I DID make a lot of good choices. Overall, I have to say I am a good person and my life is good.

It's important, so important, to not let one or two glitches define something as ruined. Whether its a diet, a craft project, the slip of an unkind word, or trying to collaborate on a group event - take a real look at all that is going right. Focus and support and turn your energies toward that.

I pray you will see it as "more gooder than bad".
And may God bless.

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