I’ve told you all this so
that trusting Me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this
godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart!
I’ve conquered the world.” - John 16:33
this world you will have trouble …
a fact, Jack!
the minor problems you may be facing today, to the more challenging of days
gone by, there doesn’t seem to be an end to difficulties and troubles. I see so
many people posting on social media asking God to completely remove every
uncomfortable thing. But the Bible says, “in this world you will have trouble …”
He has warned us ahead of time. It will surely be this way …
So I guess we can’t escape it. Troubles are here to stay. Now what?
is when you trust in Jesus. You throw your whole self into Him. I like those
words – unshakable and assured. Take heart – now. Remind
yourself of all the amazing attributes of Jesus’ character and you can’t help
but feel safer whether your problems disappear or not. You have great Jesus all
the time. And Jesus sees us through. Troubles will come. And because of Jesus,
troubles will be endured. And you are promised in the verse above, trusting in
Him will result in a deep peace. Turn your eyes upon Jesus and be rest assured
that He will carry you through. He is declared victorious over all things. The
Bible tells us so.
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