"Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)
I remember having a pin on my jacket that said "Praise the Lord anyway". It showed a picture of a cute little boy whose ice cream scoop fell off the cone and a puppy was eating it off the ground. The message is the same today. You hear it in Christian music lyrics and devotionals and Sunday morning sermons. No matter how miserable your circumstances seem to be, you are told to praise the Lord anyway.
I am reminded of some lyrics from and old hymn. It talks about trying to wait until you're all better before you come to the Lord. If you keep waiting until everything is just "so", you may never come at all. And I'm thinking that may be true of praising the Lord as well. Do we want to wait until everything is good and right and perfect before we praise Him? In a world that promises troubles (John 16:33), just how long do you think you will have to wait until it's an okay time to give thanks and praise? And how often do you think that opportunity will actually roll around? I guess when they say "Praise the Lord anyway" and "Praise Him in the storm" , they have a point. God has been at work bringing about good from every kind of circumstance since before creation. And He faithfully continues His work. Keep your eyes on the hope only our amazing, miraculous God can offer. He will bring about good - His mere presence brings that with a sense of security, protection, and peace as we trust in His everlasting love.
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