His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor
His delight in the legs of the warrior; the Lord delights in those who fear
Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love (Psalm 147: 10-11).
Technology can be so
fascinating, can’t it? I mean, have you seen the latest news about this car that
can parallel park all by itself? What a wonderful thing for those of us who
struggle doing that! The car just takes over and backs itself into place. And
then I heard someone questioning our responsibility should the car cause an
accident. The “driver” wasn’t in control at the time so … how can I (and my
insurance) be held accountable? Yes, new questions and wonderings come with
this new concept of letting technology take control. Many of us are excited
about it.
Yet, when we are asked to
surrender control over to God, Who is bigger and better and wiser than man’s
technology, we often aren’t excited at all. In fact, we can get downright
disgruntled at having to give up control. “What? You want me to just sit here
and watch Someone else do the maneuvering?”
Reminds me of the joke: $100
looks so big in the offering plate and not near enough when in the mall!
As Christians, we are asked
to surrender it all to God. To trust in Him and Him alone. To remember and
believe in His faithful character to know what lies ahead and know how to best
handle whatever lies ahead. Kind of like letting the car maneuver into a
streetside parking spot. It’s a miracle! Let God take control and perform a
miracle for you!
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