If one tuning fork, one,
tuned ten different pianos in a room, all the pianos would also be tuned to one
another – because they are all in tune with the one fork. Can you picture it?
So, doesn’t it stand to
reason that if each church member, individually, was focused solely on Christ
and walking with Christ and being with Christ – that the whole group would also
be in step with one another…
Maybe we’ve been “attacking
the problem” of division in the church (or anywhere) from the wrong direction.
Instead of trying to change everybody, let’s all agree to work on our
own relationship with the One. Let’s all take one step closer to the Lord.
I Corinthians 1:9-10 starts
off with:
“Heavenly Father, You have
called us into fellowship with Your Son Jesus…” (that would be the One)
Then what follows is:
“therefore, help us…. that we
may be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgements.”
My human mind says it sounds
kinda hopeless / impossible. But these are God’s Words, preserved and still
standing all this time.
So what about you? Will you
draw closer to the Lord today? And encourage others to do the same? If we all
chose to do this, would it change our neighborhood, our churches, our world?
Come near to God
and He will come near to you. – James 4:8
Seek first His
kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well
– Matt. 6:33
For nothing is
impossible with God. – Luke 1:37