Friday, May 31, 2013

The One Tuning Fork

My pastor-husband preached a couple weeks ago about harmony or unity or one of those community type words. The example he gave still sticks in my mind.

If one tuning fork, one, tuned ten different pianos in a room, all the pianos would also be tuned to one another – because they are all in tune with the one fork. Can you picture it?

So, doesn’t it stand to reason that if each church member, individually, was focused solely on Christ and walking with Christ and being with Christ – that the whole group would also be in step with one another…

Maybe we’ve been “attacking the problem” of division in the church (or anywhere) from the wrong direction. Instead of trying to change everybody, let’s all agree to work on our own relationship with the One. Let’s all take one step closer to the Lord.

I Corinthians 1:9-10 starts off with:

“Heavenly Father, You have called us into fellowship with Your Son Jesus…” (that would be the One)

Then what follows is:

“therefore, help us…. that we may be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgements.”

My human mind says it sounds kinda hopeless / impossible. But these are God’s Words, preserved and still standing all this time.

So what about you? Will you draw closer to the Lord today? And encourage others to do the same? If we all chose to do this, would it change our neighborhood, our churches, our world?

·        Come near to God and He will come near to you. – James 4:8

·        Seek first His kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well – Matt. 6:33

·        For nothing is impossible with God. – Luke 1:37

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

There is POWER

 If you’ve known me any length of time, or if you’ve been following my blogs for awhile, you know that I describe myself as the shy, introverted type. Meeting strangers? – way out of my comfort zone. Writing a note sounds so much safer than a face-to-face encounter with someone I don’t know very well. My husband is energized by large groups of people. I become drained – even when I know and love them all. It takes energy from within me to meet and greet people and make sure everyone is doing okay. It is in my heart to do this. But there’s also a niggling fear that I will blurt out something stupid or overlook someone. So… how do I move what’s truly in my heart past the walls of fear to expressing God’s kind of love and attention? Well, first, in the morning, before I know how the day will turn out, I ask God to fill me to overflowing with His very Self. After that, I’m not sure how it happens. But I give testimony today that it does happen. God’s Spirit power. Because yesterday I helped serve hundreds of people at a chicken BBQ at church. Somehow, I moved here and there through the crowd, checking on people and was able to help from early morning to mid-afternoon. Somehow, I think I was more gracious and kind than I would have been had I relied on my own sense of self, abilities, strength. Somehow? Indeed, by the very presence of God and His indwelling Spirit.

Is there something challenging you, or someone you love, this day? Pray to be filled. Then believing – go.

·        But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth. – Acts 1:8 (AMP)

·        I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, if anyone steadfastly believes in Me, he will himself be able to do the things that I do… - John 14:12 (AMP)

·        And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever— - John 14:16

Friday, May 24, 2013

Somebody's Prayin'

Lord, great is Your measure of mercy and love towards us all. Thank You for Your power and love to lift us up and grant renewed peace and life. There is peace and rest in knowing You. Lord, You are watching over everything. You have power over everything. You are indeed, Almighty with thoughts and ways greater and better than ours. When we really grasp this, there is no fear or worry or anxiety. I’m praying Your hand upon all of us… trusting and believing in Your mercy with all that’s going on in everyone’s lives. Every name that pops into my head has a story and an ongoing situation to deal with. Some are real life burdening traumas. Some having to make one difficult decision after another. I pray times of rest in You for them all. May they seek solace by just coming before You. Call it prayer. Call it whatever but stop their world, their life and have them just sit with You for a time and recall Your promises and believe, believe, believe in your proven character – proven throughout the ages to be faithful and good. May they just close their eyes and simply breathe before you… as You wash anxious thoughts away and for a few moments rest and be separate from all the cares of the world. For my family and friends and acquaintances, near and far. Lord, in Your mercy, hear my prayer. Amen.

·        Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me (and you!)

·        O how He loves you and me!

·        Our God reigns! Our God reigns!




Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Determining value

One day…

I got up early and skimmed through the day’s one-page devotional, gulping down a cup of coffee before running off to a weight management class, then heading over to the gym, after stopping for gas. Then I met someone over at the church to help do an inventory in the kitchen. Back home to start a couple loads of laundry. Got that all washed, dried, and put away. Grabbed a bite of lunch while preparing the agenda for an afternoon meeting. Made copies. Led that meeting which morphed into a sub-committee meeting. Watered my flowers. Filled the birdfeeders. Ran to the store for some items necessary to prepare dinner. Swung by the post office. Wove in and out of traffic like a pro. Cooked dinner. Prepped and picked up for an evening discussion group held at our house. Updated calendar with more upcoming family events.

One day…

I layed around in bed an extra long time listening to the morning rain… and then lingered over a cup of coffee as I watched the sun rise from my side porch… and communed with God while I read from my bible. I rambled on leisurely to God as I journaled my thoughts and dreams. I did a little sketching and a lot of smiling. I wrote out a few notes to some dear friends I miss very much and haven’t seen in forever. I strolled down to the post office, praying for my neighbors along the way. And appreciating His beauty in the flowers and the river and the kids riding their bikes. I enjoyed a bowl of cantaloupe – fresh and clean and juicy. I listened to my favorite music and sipped a splash of wine while I prepared dinner. I hugged and kissed my husband big when he came home. We chatted casually, unhurriedly. We snuggled together on the couch while the day came to its close…

In a world where value is measured by activity and production and to-do lists, let us not be confused. While all these things are good… don’t be mistaken or misled – there is value in contemplative, appreciative, slower pace days. So I say, slow down... and enjoy your summer.
  • You are important to me
  • I enjoy spending time with you
  • Get a cool drink, put your feet up, and be at peace for awhile


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

It's not what you think

You just never really know when God is going to use you. Oh, you think you know what you have planned for the day, and you think you know how it will probably turn out. You make changes and other choices… based on… what? Feelings. How often have you said, “I should go, but I really don’t feel like it.” Tired? Yeah, probably. Lots of us are tired… But stop and think what kinds of things really refresh and revive us. I’ll tell you right now – it’s not the paperback book and bag of chips I’m always joking about. It’s getting out among other living things – people, friends, and nature.

So, I planned my Monday like we all do. I had a small group lunch to attend in Grand Rapids. And I also had an evening meeting in that area. So I planned on doing some window shopping and finding a nice place to have coffee and read while I passed the time in between. Now, there were only going to be three of us at the lunch – so I could have convinced myself it was too far of a drive. And I could have lived without wandering stores and coffee shops. I mean, it does sound a little – well, sorry, but not worth the effort. Have you ever felt like that? But God had other plans. "Love neighbor as yourself" plans. And He said, “Go!”

Lunch time turned out to be a mission trip of support and love and encouragement for my two dear friends. Both of them really needed to talk. Both of them really needed to be heard. We all need a safe time and place to spew out poisonous thoughts – that in itself has healing power. Sometimes, I don’t know what to say. I don’t know exactly how to bring comfort. But I know the One Who can. And so we pray…

The rest of my afternoon? Well, let me tell you, I thought I’d really be struggling to fill in the time until that evening meeting. But how wonderful and delightful to not hurry through some familiar stores – I looked over every plant and flower, wandered up and down aisles, and sat in a sunny corner with iced coffee and a book and watched traffic and people. Ordered a delicious salad for supper and enjoyed a leisurely meal by myself.  Oh my, what a surprise blessing to my life! It sure looked mundane first thing in the morning. But it turned out to be peaceful, joyful, and purposeful.

If your day starts out looking routine, ordinary… well, don’t you give up hope. God can surprise you too – with peace, joy, and purpose. Watch for it!

·        What a difference you’ve made in my life

·        I’m glad you’re here

·        Your day could turn a corner any minute now! Watch for it!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Grace ? Me?

I’ve been trying to do some scripture memorization. I started with Matthew 6. I read it over and over and few times, then I try to write it down without looking. I don’t spend a lot of time on it. But I do try to be consistent and do it every morning.

It’s amazing what can happen.

Right now, one line is standing out more than the others. It goes like this:

“Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” – Matt. 6:4

Now, in this scripture passage, Jesus is talking about giving and praying, etc. But as my mind wanders and meditates on these words, I see them directing me towards the challenges I face in extending forgiveness to someone when I really want to even the score, and pay back. You know what I’m talking about. Someone did you wrong and you want to let them know how un-Christian they were to you. You are angry. You are hurt. And the more you think about it, the more you feel justified in making a mountain out of a molehill. Let go and let God? Really?

“Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” – Matt. 6:4

Forgive. Read a little bit of Romans chapter 12. It reminds us not to repay evil with evil. As much as possible, live in peace with everyone. God will deal with the other person and their sins and their spiritual growth.

When I don’t react like I want to… when I choose instead to handle it God’s way… it feels like I’m doing something good in secret. My heart is really set on pleasing God. And God promises to reward.

·        Through all our ups and downs, I still love you lots

·        The Lord bless you and keep you on your spiritual journey

·        His mercies are new every morning; great is His faithfulness






Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Contented Sigh

The grass is always greener… you know how the ol’ saying goes. Which means your grass can appear greener to someone else. But how can that be? I’m of sound mind and body. I believe I’m in touch with reality.  I can see and hear and touch… I believe I know what I’m talking about when I say somebody has it better than I do. Some have a greater sense of purpose than what I think I have right now. Some certainly have more money. Greater creature comforts. Better health and strength.  But I am really amazed at the people who have less – and appear to be happier. And again I ask: how can that be?

In this worldly world of ours, you strive and strive and still it’s not enough. Whether it’s power or possessions or whatever, there’s always more to be had. Where does it all end? When do you finally arrive at a place of sighing relief and contentment?

How about if we arrive today. How about we take a good look around the room we’re sitting in right now – and give thanks. How about we spend some time looking out the window and enjoying the spring-time weather we’ve waited so long for. Open your fridge and your cupboards and praise God for His overabundant generosity. Take a walk through your neighborhood holding the hand of someone you love (yes, a dog leash counts!) and really relish every moment. Snuggle down in your bed tonight and rest your head on a pillow. Sigh and smile sweetly knowing God is standing guard over you yet again.

·        God knows your needs before you even ask Him

·        When I count my blessings, I always think of you

·        God is your Supplier, Provider, Caretaker - today and every day


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Living a fruit-filled day

 I hope you were able to enjoy a beautiful warm spring day yesterday. It turned out to be a great one for me. Not only did I make it to the gym first thing in the morning, I made healthy food choices all day, and my husband and I spent some time in the afternoon working on outdoor projects together. We scraped bubbled up paint from the deck. We started clearing out a long – lost garden over by the garage. We sat under the pine tree and enjoyed a cooling breeze and icy drinks. Plus dinner out later on!

This morning when I was thanking God for all that blessed time, this thought ran through my mind:

LOVE – Lord, I love my husband

JOY – simply being outdoors and working together on a project

PEACE – sitting together under the pine tree enjoying the sight of what we got accomplished

PATIENCE – appreciation of what got done without having to have it all completed right away

KINDNESS – getting refills on our ice cold drinks

GOODNESS – working in the black soil, warm sunshine, cool breeze, good company

FAITHFULNESS – God’s presence; sticking to healthier lifestyle choices

GENTLENESS – considering my words... words of support and encouragement vs. any criticism – as we worked together

SELF CONTROL – did not consume my whole dinner but brought some home

Wow… I hadn’t considered before how my day could actually be filled with fruits of the Spirit. How about you? Or maybe you have a loved one near to your heart that could use this insight as well.

·        Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth

·        Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide

·        Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow

·        Blessings all mine with ten thousand beside.

              (Great is Thy faithfulness – Thomas Obadiah Chisholm)